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Dilemma, Quandary, Catch-22...


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I'll make this as brief as possible.


I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for the last 6 years, though we've broken up twice, then gotten back together. Every time we've broken up, it's because of me feeling that the relationship is stagnant, and there is no spark. I leave, stay away for say 6 months, then drag myself back to her.


I am the kind of person who works hard, but likes going out/travel and having fun. She, on the other hand works hard, but wants to chill at home. I have not cheated on her, though I have been tempted.


Well, at the beginning of this year I told her that I felt our relationship was going nowhere, and it was time we moved on. She agreed with me, but we continued living together waiting for our lease to expire in April. In March we had a long talk, and decided to give it one last try. Next thing I know, we are pregnant!!! I was overjoyed.


Now I accidentally met someone who is the Woman of my dreams. Intellectual, hard working and very sensual. Unfortunately my Girlfiend is pregnant, and I want to do the right thing. I have not touched the "new" Woman, but I am really wishing I was with her.


What the hell should I do???

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Well to be honest...wow. I am glad you are smart enough to stick with your girlfriend who is carrying your child. I applaud you for that!


Okay...well...you guys have talked and obviously you both want to lead separate lives. I would say talk to your gf. U both decided to give it one least try...i think it is fair you give this a serious one last try. Not some half assed (sorry) attempted (not that i am saying you are). I would stick by your gf right now and see how it turns out. And for now...keep your "new" woman as a friend..strictly a friend.


You obviously like her and maybe she likes you...but the basis to a great relationship and/or marriage is a solid friendship.


I hope this helps!!!


Good Luck!

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We previously had agreed to go our separate ways, but in the course of the next 2-3 months we decided to give it one last shot. We got pregnant (1st time we made love in 3 months!!!), renewed the lease, and are pretty cool with each other.

The thing is that I still get that nagging feeling that there is more to a relationship than what we have. I was previously in a 7 year relationship, and it was the happiest time I ever had in my life. We got along great, we did fun things together. The relationship ended after we lost our Daughter and the mother just did not want to be in a relationship anymore. I then left for the States. So basically, I know what a really wonderful relationship feels like, and I miss that.

The "new" woman possesses all the qualities that would make me feel the same way. I have told her about my Girlfriend, and she said that she will not interfere in our relationship, especially when there may be a child involved. She is a religious person and very strict about doing the "right thing". I guess it's just lucky that she lives on the East Coast while I live on the West Coast, coz who knows what I may have done if she were around the corner...


One last thing: I have known my current Girlfriend ever since she was pretty young (I went to High School and College with her elder Brother). I know all her Family. I feel that my breaking up with her would really disappoint her family, and mine, as they believe we have a perfect relationship and are all awaiting the wedding announcement.


Like I said, I am damned if I do, Damned if I don't!!!

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