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Freshman Tips- Private School


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Hello, Again.


I've been a Freshman for a few months now.


It's been fine, mostly.


I think it would really help if someone could offer me advice?


I go to a small, private school- so I really need more specific advice, it's a completely different experience than public school. Thanks.

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Why did your parents transfer you? Are you unhappy about that? Why can't you join whatever groups, activities, clubs, etc that they offer? Don't they have a newsletter, website or activities posted anywhere?


Is it co-ed? How does it 'differ'? Why did you parents decide on a small faith-based high school? Were you in trouble? Do your siblings go to that school or public school? What about your friends?

I go to a small, private school- so I really need more specific advice, it's a completely different experience than public school.
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