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Circumcised vs Uncircumcised


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I was with my first uncircumcised guy recently. I felt really awkward giving him a handjob. I didn't know what to do! With circumcised penises I know exactly what I'm doing but I was really scared I would hurt the uncircumcised one!


I ended up having to use baby oil to give him a handjob, made it much more easier. Any tips for me cos I'm seeing him this week so I want to eb able to do it without the use of baby oil


OMFG. I'm such a gobsh_ite. I meant I was with my first circumcised guy! Got it mixed up. Was having a bit of a blonde moment!


Anyways, my problem is, I'm seeing him on Thursday and he's circumcised (cut) and I wanna be able to give him a decent handjob without having to worry about hurting him or whatever.


Tips please?

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  • 1 month later...

For the sake of the original thread...


From your own experiences, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?

Meh. Erect, they are usually very similar, but uncircumcised heads are a much nicer, smoother texture.


Would you prefer to perform a handjob on a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?

I have never performed a hand job to be honest! Uncircumcised ones are nifty though and I can imagine that though it would take a little more care, they'd be funner to give a hj.


Would you prefer to perform fellatio on a circumcised penis or uncircumcised penis?

All else equal - hygiene being most important - uncircumcised for sure. My current boyfriend is intact, unlike my previous boyfriend, and he seems to enjoy oral a lot more. Plus the foreskin is amusing to play with!


From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to give you an orgasm through sexual intercourse?

The one who came closest was my current boyfriend, but then again I feel so comfortable with him and he's better in bed overall. He also tends to thrust a little deeper, instead of a violent in-out motion.


From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to prematurely ejaculate through sexual intercourse?

My ex, who was circumcised. My boyfriend tends to last 15-20 minutes on average, and my ex...5 minutes? VERY small sample size, so this is definitely based on personal quirks.


From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men do your prefer, or think are better sexual partners?

Uncircumcised for sure, but I am very biased.

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Yeah I suppose you're right....and huh?


The actual thread has been regularly active since for ages anyway.


And that was a super-smooth come-on (was joking, but whatever). If you're really curious I can explain, but think about it for a minute and it should come to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) From your own experiences, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis? When erect, I believe the uncircumcised penis is the more visually appealing, it looks larger and more shapely than the erect circumcised penis.


2) From your own experience, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?


3) Would you prefer to perform a handjob on a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis? I would prefer the uncircumcised penis, the extra skin moving with your hand seems to be more enjoyable for the man and in turn you feel more successful.


4) Would you prefer to perform fellatio on a circumcised penis or uncircumcised penis? I have read horror stories about the uncircumcised penis and fellatio but my experience was actually more enjoyable than the circumcised, it was easier to move up and down with the skin.


5) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to give you an orgasm through sexual intercourse? (or if neither, asnwer "neither") Definitely uncircumcised. Its a whole different ball game if you ask me.


6) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to prematurely ejaculate through sexual intercourse? I'd have to say the sex I've had with circumcised men generally lasts longer, I believe this has to do with the sensitivity that comes with an uncircumcised penis.


7) Almost similar question: From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men do your prefer, or think are better sexual partners? I definitely prefer uncircumcised men over circumcised, the experience is way more pleasurable. I believe that it is possible to experience more positions with an uncircumcised man because you slide with the foreskin rather than just on the penis, you also need less lubrication as the foreskin provides this.

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All of the men I have slept with are circumsized. I have given oral sex and hand jobs to men who are uncircumsized. I prefer the look of the circumsized penis as well as giving oral sex and a hand job to one. I just found it cleaner. But that's just my personal opinion and experience.

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  • 2 months later...
All of the men I have slept with are circumsized. I have given oral sex and hand jobs to men who are uncircumsized. I prefer the look of the circumsized penis as well as giving oral sex and a hand job to one. I just found it cleaner. But that's just my personal opinion and experience.


meh i dont know who you're jerking off

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Wow my life is a lie right now...I always thought that circumsized meant it looked like a dinosaur * * * * . Turns out I was circumsized. Huh!


Whichever, I prefer it, it makes it look better in my opinion (no dino- * * * * ). And let's just say it hasn't hampered my size one bit lol.


IDK, it just seems so weird to me... i need time to figure my life out now lol

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  • 4 weeks later...

ok, im circumcised, and personally, when i decide to watch porn, mainly when im baked and bored, i can not watch a video with an uncircumcised penis. i dont care about the penis, but it scares me, sober or not.


here in the U.S. when a child is born the parents must inform the doctor to not circumcise the child. because, it really is healthier.


plus, a circumcised penis looks bigger than an uncircumcised penis, when at the same size.


as for female pleasure, im sure its the same. foreskin probably doesnt make a difference in her pleasure. now every girl i have been with prefers a circumcised penis. and i dont blame them. it just looks better.


but who cares? if i had an uncircumcised penis i wouldnt get it cut, unless i was drunk. but thats only for pain reasons, and id be terrified of them messing up. but i am happy with it gone.

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ok, im circumcised, and personally, when i decide to watch porn, mainly when im baked and bored, i can not watch a video with an uncircumcised penis. i dont care about the penis, but it scares me, sober or not.

The natural male form scares you?

here in the U.S. when a child is born the parents must inform the doctor to not circumcise the child. because, it really is healthier.

How so?

plus, a circumcised penis looks bigger than an uncircumcised penis, when at the same size.

When erect, I don't see how there's a difference.

as for female pleasure, im sure its the same. foreskin probably doesnt make a difference in her pleasure.

You would be mistaken. There is a gliding action that the foreskin provides that women who are really paying attention can detect. You don't think we accidentally evolved foreskins, do you?

now every girl i have been with prefers a circumcised penis. and i dont blame them. it just looks better.

And every girl I've been with has converted to loving foreskins, if she wasn't there already.

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I find it amusing how many of my fellow males popped into this thread to defend their johnson.



No surprise there, really. And no surprise that the biggest predictor of a man's circumcision status is his father's status. Intact men will overwhelmingly choose to leave their sons intact and cut men will overwhelmingly choose to have their sons cut (the latter is sometimes referred to as "adamant father syndrome").

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You would be mistaken. There is a gliding action that the foreskin provides that women who are really paying attention can detect. You don't think we accidentally evolved foreskins, do you?

From my anecodotal evidence, there isn't necessarily an increase an enjoyment for the female. Personal preference makes a huge difference. However, due to the increase in nerve endings, there is a significant increase for males (I'm not sure how much a difference there is unless there is a male who was uncircumcised and has had a circumcision later in life that would like to step to the front of the classroom).

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here in the U.S. when a child is born the parents must inform the doctor to not circumcise the child. because, it really is healthier.




plus, a circumcised penis looks bigger than an uncircumcised penis, when at the same size.



It's healthier? Why in that case are cosmetic circumcisions on newborns largely illegal in Europe? Are we Europeans really that backward in comparison to America's highly advanced health system that we would risk 50% of our population's health? And no, it isn't "more hygenic" either (before that argument crops up); if you are capable of washing, it is no less hygenic that an uncircumcized penis. On lazy, unkept people who cba washing, it'll be more unclean, but if they're too lazy to wash under their foreskin then they'll be unlikely to wash in other places which can't be pointlessly lopped off.


And no, it doesn't.

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My fiance had to get circumsized, at 10 years old, because the doctor refused to do it when he was born, using the ol' 'mutilation' line.


So for 10 years of his life, my man had to have his father peel his foreskin apart with tweezers so he could pee without it blocking and causing infection.


On his 10th birthday, the hospital finally let the 'un-necessary' operation go through, he was finally circumsized 10 years too late, and he spent almost a year healing in agony, having to be sedated every time he wanted to pee because the pain was too much to go 'naturally'.


He's the only one I've ever had, sexually.

The sex isn't bad. If your man has to use the excuse of circumcision to explain his bad performance, he'll not be any better with a foreskin.


He can feel everything I do to him. Rarely is there a night where we don't have sex, and it is always mind blowing, and I have never failed to orgasm, multiple times.

If that's bad sex through having a mutilated penis, give me a mutilated penis any day!


Our sons will be circumsized, we already have a doctor who will do it as soon after the birth as possible, and I won't regret it a bit.

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