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Circumcised vs Uncircumcised


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this might sound weird...but you know ghost..i don't give a ****. so, whenever i've watched porn, i like penetration. uncircumsized kills the whole thing for me. of course i'm focused on the woman, but i like the whole act. that just kills it for some reason.


I don't understand your point. Maybe I'm watching different porn than you, but the head of the penis never really comes into play once the 'action' starts happening... Right? Why would whether or not the fellow is uncircumsized make a difference?


Are you yourself circumsized? Perhaps porn with that type of penis ruins the fantasy...


Personally, I'm uncricumsized and have not once had a day of doubt about it. It only really dawned on me in college that most men were different from myself... Never bothered to look at the other penises while in locker room. No girl I've ever been with, though presumably their experiences have been largely with the other 'brand,' has commented on my foreskin or lack thereof. Can't answer those other questions.


Of men I've known, only the ones who have been circumsized complain about a lack of sensitivity... As in, inability to orgasm on a regular basis.


I suppose I've been made fun of a little for having a foreskin... A friend would call me, I think... Armadillo * * * * ? Something like that. It's not a crippling prejudice. I'd just call him ugly and the topic would be settled.

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i don't think it matters at all a penis is a penis is a penis...


as long as it functions in all the right ways i don't care what it looks like...


I guess if you are happy with the guy and he has a penis that is all that matters about it for most women.


Granted it can stay up.

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I've seen both.


Doesn't make any difference to me as long as he has good hygiene.



Personally, I think natural (uncircumcised) looks more attractive (although there's hardly any difference when they're erect), but it doesn't matter, really.


A guy doesn't have much choice in the matter. The decision is usually made by parents or a doctor when he's an infant, so even if I had a preference, which I really don't, it wouldn't change my thinking about a guy.

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well i have a few more conditions than that but circumcised isn't one of them...


well I didnt want to get into specifics like:


-daily hygiene

-Nice owner

-mentally healthy

-outgoing and fun (owner not penis lol )


I am sure women have many standards as they should.

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Finally weighing in here ... I prefer circumcised. I don't really care much for foreskin. Yes, it is more sensitive, but sometimes *too* sensitive in my experience, and it requires more hygiene (not always present) than circumcised. It's a different experience, but it isn't much of a big deal, I think.

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I have blown, had sex with, and everything in between with both circumcised and uncircumcised. Really -- that is such a non-issue. Why would that matter if I liked the guy or just wanted to have sex with him? No one really thinks about these things, really..


I would not circumcise my son, if I had one-- not medically necessary and rooted in religion, so no thanks.

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Personally, I am 21, I am a male, and I am horribly self-conscious about being circumcised. My parents had it done when I was an infant. I don't blame them because they just wanted what was best, but still, I really wish I could have stopped them. Hopefully, in the end it will not matter to that special someone that I meet, but I won't wish it upon any future son that I may have. For now, it seems difficult for me to live the fact.

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im un cut and i live in california and im in high school and im always self concience about getting with a girl because ALL girls here think an un cut penis is disgusting. some dont care, but like did i get to make this decission as a baby??? NO! my parents chose not to have part of my penis cut off.thats the way i was born and thats the way im going to be. i just want girls out here to understand that.

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Patrick and crutch you guys need to get a grip. Just like everything else that someone may find wrong with you - if your "special someone" rejects for the sole reason that your penis isn't how they expected (whether its un/circumcised, small, big, long, whatever) then that person is NOT your "special someone" at all. Move along.

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Cut, uncut, no big deal. I have never noticed any difference in the action. Looks? Penises are all somewhat unattractive to me. It's what they can do for both of us that is their charm. Don't worry crutch, I grew up and live in L.A. and many girls here just do not care. I think not many younger women have ever seen an uncircumcised male because it used to be the norm. Now, my son is uncircumcised. Why cut off something that is supposed to be there? I will never understand that. If it's so dangerous for males to be uncut, why was it there in the first place? God made a mistake? I don't think so.

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to tell you the truth: i cant tell the difference!! i've been with both, but i always had to ask what they were... then again i've never had two naked men standing infront of me so i could compare, so maybe thats my problem

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  • 3 months later...

Circumcised vs Uncircumcised


Okay to preface my answers, I'd like to say until my current boyfriend, I've never slept with/hooked up with anyone who wasn't circumcised. My best friend always says uncircumcised penises look like "snakes in turtlenecks" so I may have had an unfounded bias against them without any personal experience to back it up. After having encountered one up close and personal, though, I have some well-founded penus.




1) Erect, there's really not a discernible difference in appearance. However, soft, (or softer) I'll admit, I think that the a circumsised is more appealling.


2) I think that an uncircumcised penis is more sensitive and so a handjob seems to yield a more enthusiastic response than a non-circumsised penis. I remember asking an old boyfriend (circumcised) to teach me how to give a good handjob and he smirked and said, "Use your mouth."


3) I was totally not aware of the whole keep-the-foreskin pushed back when giving head to an uncircumcised guy and before I learned that, I was doing a lot more work than I had to. Once I learned, I realized, I had to do about half as much work and that with foreskin back, uncircumcised guys (or at least mine) are a lot more sensitive, which means it's a lot more mellow. If you're doing it right, they come faster. If you aren't, it can take forever. Glad I learned that lesson.


5) Re: orgasm through sex-- I can't speak re: this one way or another. I use condoms, regardless, but there may be a discernible difference bareback.


6) Okay, again, I have a fairly small basis for comparision, but my guess would be premature ejaculation would be a more prevalent issue with the uncircumsed, if only because of the increased sensitivity.


7) I don't think that one can make a judgement call on quality of sexual relations solely based on this factor. There are a lot of other contributing factors besides a bit of foreskin that would determine whether a man is a good lover. I've had both.


Thanks for taking your time

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If cutting 'it' off is healthy, why doesn't anyone in europe (apart from Jews and a few other religions) do it?

Think about how many countries there are in europe. Now, those countries arn't backwards, so why do none of them cut 'it' off?

A lot of Europeans also don't bathe on a regular basis even though that's supposed to be healthy, should we stop bathing as well now?



There no different from threads like Fake Boobs Vs. Real Boobs as it all just boils down to personal preference in the end and not the actual differences.

Fake boobs sink and real boobs float. I'll keep my real ones so I don't drown should I ever have to depart a sinking vessel.

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A lot of Europeans also don't bathe on a regular basis even though that's supposed to be healthy, should we stop bathing as well now?


That's certainly not the case in England - perhaps in eastern europe, but still.


The fact is that if it wasn't meant to be there, you'd be born without one.


What would your opinion be on a country that routinely excises the clitoral hood? It would amount to the same thing.

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Like an appendix?





I don't care about the little hoodie, its the removing of the whole clit that is upsetting.


I was talking purely hypothetically - I don't think you'd find anyone with any sense of gender equality (or base morality) advocating clitoridectomies.


But are you saying you'd do that (removing the hood) to your daughter, if you had one?

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