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Circumcised vs Uncircumcised


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1) From your own experiences, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?




2) From your own experience, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?


same questions as above...


3) Would you prefer to perform a handjob on a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis


dont care...


4) Would you prefer to perform fellatio on a circumcised penis or uncircumcised penis


doesnt matter...


5) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to give you an orgasm through sexual intercourse? (or if neither, asnwer "neither")


ive only been w an uncircumsised and that hasnt worked for me yet


6) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to prematurely ejaculate through sexual intercourse?


ive only been w an uncircumsised guy and he hasnt had a problem w premature ejaculation... doesnt happen (only like once or twice in 9 months)


7) Almost similar question: From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men do your prefer, or think are better sexual partners?


ive only been w an uncircumsised and he hasnt been great but that could be because im his 1st... im sure it will get better

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1) From your own experiences, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?


Circumcized. Uncircumized is disgusting. Like a banana you have to peel.


3) Would you prefer to perform a handjob on a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis




4) Would you prefer to perform fellatio on a circumcised penis or uncircumcised penis


Circumcized. Because a man with an uncircumsized penis has to be a lot more clean, and they don't always do that. Sick.


5) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to give you an orgasm through sexual intercourse? (or if neither, asnwer "neither")




6) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to prematurely ejaculate through sexual intercourse?


Depends on the man not the penis.


7) Almost similar question: From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men do your prefer, or think are better sexual partners?


I prefer them to be circumsized. But whether they're circumsized or not has nothing to do with how good they are.

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Ok I'm a guy, but I think it's logical that circumsized is better for women and no difference for men, here's the facts:



+ Usually cleaner. Not always, but usually. Uncircumsized DO require more cleaning, and the guy is not always going to do that extra cleaning.


+ More friction (more pleasureable for women). With an uncircumsized penis, the penis is actually sliding in and out of the foreskin. With a circumsized penis, the penis is sliding in and out of the vagina.


+ Less freakier looking. This is personal preference but I think the majority of women agree that circumsized is more natural-looking (ironic, isn't it?).


+ Less sensitive since a lot of nerve endings have been cut off with the foreskin. That means circumsized guys are less likely to be premature ejaculators. This is good for women. Of course, the loss of sensitivity is bad for guys though.


+ More comfortable for the guys. At least, I think. I'm circumsized myself. Sometimes, when it's cold, my penis will kind of shrivel up and "tuck away" into the skin just as if it were uncircumsized, and that is the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. Much more comfortable for the head to be able to "breath".


+ God won't kill you. Okay, this is probably BS. I'm not religious, but if it turns out that god really exists, and the bible is right about the uncircumsized men "not inheriting god's kingdom", then well this is definitely a plus.




+ More sensitive and more pleasureable for guys. Of course this is bad for women though since the uncircumsized guys probably ejaculate quicker due to the increased sensitivity.


+ Bigger and thicker because you have that extra skin that makes it slightly longer and thicker.


+ Bigger and thicker because there is a theory that circumcision impairs penis growth.

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I put my words in bold.

Another comment on the general post, continuing a practice in the name of tradition and conformity is totally bogus logic. If we followed that idea wholely we'd have not granted womens sufferage because 'we havent ever before so why start now'.

There's no concrete medical evidence that states that non-circumcision fosters bad penis health in males if the area is cleaned properly. Some people don't brush their teeth and get gum disease, but that doesnt mean we should remove their teeth.

And as far as looks go, if you look at an circumsized penis (in most cases) the head is dried out, there's a pink ring of scar tissue, and there's a region of exposed membranous tissue under the head. It only looks 'right' because you've been told and shown that a circumsized penis is normal. Of course, anything that isnt normal is concidered weird, especially where sexual subjects go. I understand we've been circumsizing our sons for ages and ages but that's not enough reason to keep modifying them in the future.

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Your post is like a poll, and you're taking opinions. Not facts.


I've never seen an uncircumcised penis in person (only pictures), and from my personal point of view, the looks of it alone is enough to make me not want to have sex w/ an uncircumcised man. Even if the sex will be really good, I'd rather not have it at all.


No offense to anyone, but he wants our opinions.


Right, but it's people clothing their opinions as facts that i'm responding to.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi im 17 years old and i have a uncircumcised penis. i dont know if i should cut if off or not. i would very much like too but i am afraid it will bring forth too much pain and agony.

I also get afraid whenever a girl gives me a blowjob/handjob because idk if she will freak out because i am uncut!


girls i need your help!!

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I am uncircumsized and never had a complaint from women, my wife has told me that she prefers uncircumsixed vx circumsized as she can feel the excess skin penetrate vs tight skin on a circumsized.


AS for a hand job or fellatio, again she says the movement of skin is very pleasureable and easier to work with. As for looks, it only "turtles" when it is really cold or coming from the water. Most of the time mine is not "hiding in it's shell" so to speak. Again, that all depends on the total length of your penis, and I have never had a problem in that department

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Hi im 17 years old and i have a uncircumcised penis. i dont know if i should cut if off or not. i would very much like too but i am afraid it will bring forth too much pain and agony.

I also get afraid whenever a girl gives me a blowjob/handjob because idk if she will freak out because i am uncut!


girls i need your help!!



Why do you want it cut? There are lots of men out there who are not cut. Girls are not going to judge you based on this. Please, don't even consider it.


Personally, I've been with both. But I've been with more cut than uncut. I think for that reason I am more comfortable with the look of cut.


However, I am pregnant and thinking about what I will do if it's a boy. My heart tells me not to go ahead with this cruel and unnecessary procedure. Does anyone have any opposing views?

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I'm uncircumsized since in my country predominantly catholic the cirsumsizion is associated with the jewish religion. As a matter of fact the Nazis checked for that while looking for jewish people among the native population.


It's really a love/hate relationship with my foreskin and I often wish it was removed when I was a baby but then I think about the cons and maybe it's good that it was left intact.


The cons of being uncircumsized are that:

- you need to be very clean to avoid infections

- you will scare any north american girl and you'll risk you penis being called a marsian in a hood

- you will draw unwanted stares from north american guys in communal showers


The pros of being uncircumsized are that:

- it's easy to achieve orgasm because you're penis is is always protected by the foreskin and as a result very sensitive. For that reason it's also easy to have sex many times with short breaks in between.


- the excess skin provides extra stimulation for the girl and they seem to like it

- you will freak out any north american girl


This also presents a dillema foe me since I'm considering having my son circumsized. He's almost 16 and bought into the idea, but I'm having second thoughts.

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  • 2 months later...

First, I'd like to start off by saying that it's all a matter of personal preference.


I am uncircumcised ... words can not describe how glad I am of being uncut, and this is how I came to this conclusion:


My girlfriend loves my uncut penis. When we sleep together in the nude, I like to rub it against her thighs, butt, and body. She says she loves the way it feels! So silky, smooth, soft. "It's cute," she says, and she kisses it all the time.


Apart from all of that though, even if she didn't like it, I would certainly not go out of my way and get circumcised. It is my body, and I would never do such a thing for any female.


I had no idea that the foreskin of my penis could give me such indescribable pleasure. I first felt it when my girlfriend and I were watching tv. She reached for my penis and started playing around with it, teasing me. Then, with her thumb and index finger, she reached for the very tip of my penis and started to squeeze my head and foreskin in a pulsing manner. All I could say was "Oh ... my ... god ... that ... feels sooo ... gooooooood." I couldn't believe what I was feeling I just couldn't. It's a great tickling sensation right around the tip of the foreskin. It's incredible.


Another day, she was performing oral on me. It was a regular oral session just like any other, except in this oral session, she did something different. Every few head thrusts, she would come up completely and suck the very tip of my foreskin. She sucks it, and while still holding on to it with her lips, stretches it, sucking it really hard, lets go of it, then continues with the blow job. It felt ... I don't even know how to describe it. I seriously had to ask her what she was doing. I remember myself saying "Omg, baby what are you doing? How are you doing that?"


And during oral, she also stops completely and just sticks the tip of her tongue inside of my foreskin and licks so gently. It's all amazing, a feeling words can't describe.


That is how I've come to my conclusion. I love it, wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, and I am so glad I was given the choice. I don't think it's anyone's right to choose whether their children should be circumcised.

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  • 2 months later...

1) From your own experiences, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?


Either is fine with me.


2) From your own experience, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?


3) Would you prefer to perform a handjob on a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis


4) Would you prefer to perform fellatio on a circumcised penis or un?

---circumcised penis, but i like un as well because they seem to be more sensitive!


5) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to give you an orgasm through sexual intercourse? (or if neither, asnwer "neither")

---both but the uncircumcised feels better though!!


6) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to prematurely ejaculate through sexual intercourse?

---I have never had premature but the uncircumcised partner ejaculates sooner than the circumcised.


7) Almost similar question: From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men do your prefer, or think are better sexual partners?

I like the uncircumcised but it could just be the man that matters.


---- I believe uncircumcised is more pleasureable because of the skin AND they seem to receive more pleasure because the skin covers their head and shaft so they are not as used to the friction whereas, the circum. are used to the friction.


Overall, I prefer uncircumcised!!!

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1) From your own experiences, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis? circimsicsed


2) From your own experience, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis? ...


3) Would you prefer to perform a handjob on a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis circumcised


4) Would you prefer to perform fellatio on a circumcised penis or uncircumcised penis circumcised


5) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to give you an orgasm through sexual intercourse? (or if neither, asnwer "neither")

i guess it doesnt really matter

6) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to prematurely ejaculate through sexual intercourse? i dont think it makes a differnce

7) Almost similar question: From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men do your prefer, or think are better sexual partners? since my boyfriends jewish and circumcised I'm gonna say circumcised so if your reading this I hope your ok I told everyone that your circumcised.

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1) From your own experiences, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?

imo, a cut penis doesnt look that different when hard, it just looks a little "tighter"


3) Would you prefer to perform a handjob on a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis

definitely a natural penis... definitely... cut penis have no give


4) Would you prefer to perform fellatio on a circumcised penis or uncircumcised penis

again, natural, circumcised penis have less to play with


5) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to give you an orgasm through sexual intercourse? (or if neither, asnwer "neither")



6) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to prematurely ejaculate through sexual intercourse?

from memory, the circumcised guys took AGES to cum... which isnt always a good thing.


7) Almost similar question: From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men do your prefer, or think are better sexual partners?

definatley natural... I like my men as natural as possible...

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  • 1 year later...

1) From your own experiences, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?


Uncircumcised. And after the guy is erect and the foreskin is pulled back, they look the same anyway.


2) From your own experience, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?




3) Would you prefer to perform a handjob on a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis


Uncircumcised. The foreskin is very useful for extra stimulation and I'd be worried about chafing an circumcised guy.

4) Would you prefer to perform fellatio on a circumcised penis or uncircumcised penis



5) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to give you an orgasm through sexual intercourse? (or if neither, asnwer "neither")


Uncircumcised. Whether you get an orgasm from intercourse has nothing to do with whether the guy has a foreskin or not IMO - how could it?? Once an uncircumcised guy starts intercourse, the foreskin gets pulled back anyway. But for what it's worth - the only circumcised guy I've ever slept with (I live in Europe) was rubbish in bed...he didn't bother with foreplay, found going down on a woman "distasteful" (but loved getting oral himself) and had to have sex in one very specific position to come. Oh, and he never once asked me if I'd had an orgasm - he didn't care about that little detail.

6) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to prematurely ejaculate through sexual intercourse?


None of the guys I've slept with have ever prematurely ejaculated. But the circumcised guy I slept with took forever to come due to the decreased sensation from being circumcised (the head of the penis becomes less sensitive over time) - which hurt after a bit.


7) Almost similar question: From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men do your prefer, or think are better sexual partners?


Nothing to do with foreskin - a partner can be selfish in bed with or without one.



Just adding to the thread.

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it's kinda funny the way you describe your pleasure! my bf is circumcized and he gets the best pleasure by oral or anything I do to him! you can never say how your pleasure is in compare with others. Maybe there are some pleasures circumsizes men can have that you cant!!!


its really funny how some men try to say well our uncircumsised penis is the best cause of some imaginary reasons! I think it is a personal preference and probably not that much difference in pleasure. I personnaly absolutly prefer the cut look, I hate the color difference uncut men have on their penis and the whole foreskin thing! and you can trust more that it is clean.

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1) From your own experiences, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?

I have only been with an uncircumcised penis but I have seen circumcised ones and I prefer uncircumcised cause...iunno like when i see the head, it's like a surprise, I know he is aroused not just hanging around.


2) From your own experience, do you prefer the visual look of a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?

Same answer for same question


3) Would you prefer to perform a handjob on a circumcised penis or an uncircumcised penis?

I am all for uncircumcised here it seems


4) Would you prefer to perform fellatio on a circumcised penis or uncircumcised penis?



5) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to give you an orgasm through sexual intercourse? (or if neither, asnwer "neither")



6) From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men have been more likely to prematurely ejaculate through sexual intercourse?

only been with one


7) Almost similar question: From your own experience, which out of uncircumcised men or circumcised men do your prefer, or think are better sexual partners?

It's not the penis that is so satisfying, it's how the man uses it but...uncircumcised.

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this might sound weird...but you know ghost..i don't give a ****. so, whenever i've watched porn, i like penetration. uncircumsized kills the whole thing for me. of course i'm focused on the woman, but i like the whole act. that just kills it for some reason.

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Maybe there are some pleasures circumsizes men can have that you cant!!!


...and what might they be? I know, none.


These Uncircumsized Vs. Circumsized debates are just pointless. They always lead to the same outcome where people try to weigh out the pros and cons of each and most of the time it's just based on ignornance. There no different from threads like Fake Boobs Vs. Real Boobs as it all just boils down to personal preference in the end and not the actual differences. Neither has the right to say one is better than the other because the differences between them aren't enough to justify it.


The main reason I see this brought up so much is mainly due to the way the act of circumcision is performed and not what it produces. It all stems from the fact that people who are circumsized are done at a very young age, too young to make a choice or even remember it happening. I personelly believe it is wrong as the one whos penis is about to be cut should be able to choose whether they want it or not and not what by religion/culture or any other person wants. If a Woman wants breast implants, she can choose to have them done. If a Man who is uncirmsized but wants to become circumsized, he can choose to have it done. If a Man wanted breasts (transvestite, etc), he can choose to have them done.

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All of my experience has been with circumcised until my current SO. I didn't think I would enjoy it as much, but the sensitivity that accompanies being natural is incredible. I've never enjoyed the simple act of penetration (more of a means to an end kind of thing usually), but with my SO, it has made me have an orgasm. I don't care either way about the visual appeal, and I like fellatio on both, although current SO seems to enjoy it more than the uncircumcised. Sex is definitely MUCH better than ever before, but I don't know if that has anything to do with him being natural. I think it's more along the lines that he's just fantastic.

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