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What type of Vehicle Do Woman Find Most Attractive?!?


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Big trucks get a bad rap. Bear in mind, I haven't owned one. But it's pretty much the vehicular equivalent of an EDC. You get your ***holes with the obnoxious aftermarket exhaust systems and whatnot, but those guys come in every shape, size, and model. By and large, if you live in a community with its fair share of large trucks, you'll benefit from 'em at some point or another, whether they're saving you the U-Haul and moving your couch or mattress for you or pulling you out of a ditch.

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Big trucks get a bad rap. Bear in mind, I haven't owned one. But it's pretty much the vehicular equivalent of an EDC. You get your ***holes with the obnoxious aftermarket exhaust systems and whatnot, but those guys come in every shape, size, and model. By and large, if you live in a community with its fair share of large trucks, you'll benefit from 'em at some point or another, whether they're saving you the U-Haul and moving your couch or mattress for you or pulling you out of a ditch.


Absolutely. When I think truck, I think " would you mind doing x ? I'll feed and water ya'". I think they are fun to drive but it could get to be a pain in the arse having people think of you when they need a truck.


I like the feeling of big beastly vehicles, they are fun to drive. My first car was a beast of an old Cadillac - and I loved it, it was like a smooth riding tank! Lol.


But i can't justify to myself the gas for beasts now, so I've got a ' white chicky jeep ' . Love it too- good on gas, can fit people and lots of stuff, perfect for my lifestyle.

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Absolutely. When I think truck, I think " would you mind doing x ? I'll feed and water ya'". I think they are fun to drive but it could get to be a pain in the arse having people think of you when they need a truck.


I like the feeling of big beastly vehicles, they are fun to drive. My first car was a beast of an old Cadillac - and I loved it, it was like a smooth riding tank! Lol.


But i can't justify to myself the gas for beasts now, so I've got a ' white chicky jeep ' . Love it too- good on gas, can fit people and lots of stuff, perfect for my lifestyle.

Hahahaha my husband says, yes this is my truck and no you can’t borrow it. Haha . But seriously we have moved people. We have done dump runs for people . Our lawn care and snow blowing business we need the truck. Plus we live in a rural farming area. EVERYONE has truck.

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Last year I bought a Honda Accord Hybrid. I commute daily, so I need to have a gas efficient car. I was at place in my life that I thought I wanted something more status and at the time could have afforded it.


But I am way too practical for my own good at times. I would have kicked myself for buying an expensive car knowing I would drive it into the ground in the 3 to 4 years time.


I get over 50mpg. Couldn't be happier! :)

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If I could have anything, it’d be a convertible Mini...


I love convertibles, my very first car was a used 1995 sunshine yellow Geo Metro convertible with a black top, a two-seater. I loved that car it was so much fun!


Had a five-speed manual transmission that lasted me almost 100,000! Which was pretty good for a Geo. I paid $4,000 cash for it, myself!


It's funny cause while out and about, folks would stop and ask me what I was driving, that it was so cute, they wanted one! A Geo!


Go figure.

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I love convertibles, my very first car was a used 1995 sunshine yellow Geo Metro convertible with a black top, a two-seater. I loved that car it was so much fun!


Had a five-speed manual transmission that lasted me almost 100,000! Which was pretty good for a Geo. I paid $4,000 cash for it, myself!


It's funny cause while out and about, folks would stop and ask me what I was driving, that it was so cute, they wanted one! A Geo!


Go figure.


I rented a convertible when I was in Italy and it was wonderful. They are so much fun.

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So Ford Focus means either young or Hipster?


Where is the "I bought it cheaply because my parents were selling their car and gave me a good deal" option?? 😂😂😂


I honestly have no justification for my opinions about people and their cars. I am surprised by most of them, and can't possibly defend them 😂😂

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As for the big jacked up supped up fancy knobby tired trucks, from what I've heard from lots of women, when they see one, think the man has a small you know what. So guys you're basically screwed driving one. At the same time if you drive a little tiny ugly pickup or small girly SUV it looks pathetic and that you're a beta male. So yeah guys you're outta luck with the Pickups. Maybe a midsize PU you'd be okay.


To me driving a sports car, corvette, muscle car, mustang women usually don't think you have a small you know what. You're not overcompensating like a HUGE truck. A HUGE truck means you want to be HUGE physically.


So the best car a guy can drive is either a sports car, muscle car, maybe luxury car like BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, or a masculine looking SUV like a Tahoe or a 4 runner and some masculine looking jeeps.


Yes women WILL look at what you drive and any that says they don't are lying. If you as a man roll up in a ford focus, even if you are hot it will subtract a few attraction points. If you roll up in a girly looking rounded fender SUV it will cause your attraction to go down but it usually won't do down enough to where the chick will dump you. She'll just look the other way (if that makes sense).

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As for the big jacked up supped up fancy knobby tired trucks, from what I've heard from lots of women, when they see one, think the man has a small you know what. So guys you're basically screwed driving one. At the same time if you drive a little tiny ugly pickup or small girly SUV it looks pathetic and that you're a beta male. So yeah guys you're outta luck with the Pickups. Maybe a midsize PU you'd be okay.


To me driving a sports car, corvette, muscle car, mustang women usually don't think you have a small you know what. You're not overcompensating like a HUGE truck. A HUGE truck means you want to be HUGE physically.


So the best car a guy can drive is either a sports car, muscle car, maybe luxury car like BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, or a masculine looking SUV like a Tahoe or a 4 runner and some masculine looking jeeps.


Yes women WILL look at what you drive and any that says they don't are lying. If you as a man roll up in a ford focus, even if you are hot it will subtract a few attraction points. If you roll up in a girly looking rounded fender SUV it will cause your attraction to go down but it usually won't do down enough to where the chick will dump you. She'll just look the other way (if that makes sense).


See how much momentum this thread gained !! For all those that say they don't care are lying, because at some point and I don't know if its because of society or what we all judge - and through the years all car manufacturers have stigmas attached to them - now ive never heard the whole "Your compensating if you have a big truck" analogy honestly but I do agree with the whole "the guy wants to be perceived as either country or manly man" and nothing says that than a pickup -


Unfortunately there are just some cars/suvs that guys should just not drive and that will always be the case (for the look strictly) but if your one that doesn't care than that's cool but again society will always let you know with people who will judge you - and 9 x out of 10 an expensive car or some kind of vehicle that sparks an emotional response will always get the look from the ladies -


Id also like to point out remember when you were 16 and first drove a car - I had a beater buick looked good and had bench seats but everyone at that age was just impressed you had a car to drive - As you get older 21 -30 things start changing quickly in college for example if you had a BMW or Audi etc you had the better looking girl friends etc ...closer to 30 depending on if you had a family or not also same thing - and 30 + well the sky is the limit as long as your car matched your personality - and once the kids come well Minivan or 3rd row SUV unfortunately unless you have the funds to have a weekend car or something -


And Corvettes are mid life crisis cars or for people 50 + why

? Well the price for one and the insurance is the real factor most young cant afford it

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I wanted to tell you, I was behind, then along side, a Ford Raptor the other day. Didn't help my opinion that the guy driving looked like he hadn't showered though.


Dude.......no! Not gonna attract the ladies :tongue:


If you want to look manly in a truck, you need to jack it up,and put the big ass tires. That says country.

Then go mud bogging and don't wash it! Lol Seriously, yep it's fun to climb those tires to get in the bed of the truck .

I've outgrown doing that though.

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I wanted to tell you, I was behind, then along side, a Ford Raptor the other day. Didn't help my opinion that the guy driving looked like he hadn't showered though.

You don't like the scent of sweat, testosterone and pheromones? :p


If you are country, you are country. Dirt and dust are part and parcel, if you want to be original!!


Buon giorno!

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You don't like the scent of sweat, testosterone and pheromones? :p


If you are country, you are country. Dirt and dust are part and parcel, if you want to be original!!


Buon giorno!


Hola mi amigo! Que pasa? Bien? Buon giorno !! 😊 Mi piace pheromones! ❤️❤️❤️ Lol even have that pheromone love oil

There ya go.....I'm trilingual! Spanish, Italian, and English 👌😛

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My hubby and I go Jeeping through mountains along with Unimogs. I'm not a Jeep or Unimog fanatic, but my hubs is. My point, you don't need a truck to go on mountains.


I forgot to add in men who drive mini coopers = always want to stand out, and not easy going on a personal level. Work life may be different. This fits 3 men I know who I know, but do not know each other in the slightest.

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I wanted to tell you, I was behind, then along side, a Ford Raptor the other day. Didn't help my opinion that the guy driving looked like he hadn't showered though.


Dude.......no! Not gonna attract the ladies :tongue:



Hey, speak for yourself! LOL :D :D


I'm thinking he's just getting off work from his "very masculine" construction job, or back from an even more masculine wrestling match!!!


I used to love when my ex came home after a long day working outdoors!! His odor, the sweat, his biceps bulging out from working outdoors all day in the hot sun -- very sexy!! :p

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Hey, speak for yourself! LOL :D :D


I'm thinking he's just getting off work from his "very masculine" construction job, or back from an even more masculine wrestling match!!!


I used to love when my ex came home after a long day working outdoors!! His odor, the sweat, his biceps bulging out from working outdoors all day in the hot sun -- very sexy!! :p


One ex was a builder, work trucks. Cleaned up, in the Escalade he went. That's sexy. Staying sweaty and dirty, no.

And clean hands. No dirty fingernails. I'm all for a hard working man, but he has to clean up nice. I like class.

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One ex was a builder, work trucks. Cleaned up, in the Escalade he went. That's sexy. Staying sweaty and dirty, no.

And clean hands. No dirty fingernails. I'm all for a hard working man, but he has to clean up nice.


I like class.


Not sure how you define, but imo class comes from within; not the car, not the clothes or whether a man works a blue collar or white collar job or anything else superficial.


Not that it matters, but my ex was a VP at Charles Schwab for years pulling in in excess of $250K a year, but got tired of the day to day grind, started up his own contracting business, and when we broke up was making nearly the same (he actually owned two businesses).


And yeah while we were dating, he came home sweaty from working outdoors all day and I loved it! Course he cleaned up, but I still thought it was sexy when he came home a bit sweaty from working manual labor all day.


He also had tons of class, but that's a different thread!


I do respect your opinion though SG, always have and always will! :D

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Not sure how you define, but imo class comes from within; not the car, not the clothes or whether a man works a blue collar or white collar job or anything else superficial.


Not that it matters, but my ex was a VP at Charles Schwab for years pulling in in excess of $250K a year, but got tired of the day to day grind, started up his own contracting business, and when we broke up was making nearly the same (he actually owned two companies).


And yeah while we were dating, he came home sweaty from working outdoors all day and I loved it!


He also had tons of class, but that's a different thread!


I do respect your opinion though SG, always have and always will! :D


He is blue collar, but owns the two businesses. So he has the look of rugged sweaty hotness and then cleans up classy and smelling good! Has trucks and the fancy vehicle. Best of both wrapped up in one? Idk. I do like finer things, my eye is and has always been drawn to them. I don't define by the vehicle, drug dealers here pick up bmws like candy. They aren't classy. It's the way they dress, walk, their mannerisms that exude the class. You can put a three piece suit on a man (which I don't like btw) and still have a classless man if he arrogant and acts entitled. its not superficial, we are all attracted to what we are attracted to. Certain looks, dress, cars attract us. But ugly on the inside, makes everything else ugly.

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He is blue collar, but owns the two businesses. So he has the look of rugged sweaty hotness and then cleans up classy and smelling good! Has trucks and the fancy vehicle. Best of both wrapped up in one? Idk. I do like finer things, my eye is and has always been drawn to them.


I don't define by the vehicle, drug dealers here pick up bmws like candy. They aren't classy. It's the way they dress, walk, their mannerisms that exude the class. You can put a three piece suit on a man (which I don't like btw) and still have a classless man if he arrogant and acts entitled. its not superficial, we are all attracted to what we are attracted to. Certain looks, dress, cars attract us. But ugly on the inside, makes everything else ugly.


Wholeheartedly agree! Combined with a generous and humanitarian spirit is why I said my ex had/has tons of class.


Re my loving him coming home sweaty, no doubt the fact he may have been the best looking guy I ever dated, standing 6' 2" with a bod to die for helped too! :p


Anyway, I am glad you clarified, cause I don't like disagreeing with you, it ruins my idea of us being soul sisters or something! LOL

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Wholeheartedly agree! Combined with a generous and humanitarian spirit is why I said my ex had/has tons of class.


Re my loving him coming home sweaty, no doubt the fact he may have been the best looking guy I ever dated, standing 6' 2" with a bod to die for helped too! :p


Anyway, I am glad you clarified, cause I don't like disagreeing with you, it ruins my idea of us being soul sisters or something! LOL



No worries 😛We all have differing views of what turns our heads, and turns us on. If we didn't, there would be men out there getting no attention if we were all drawn to the same thing! Or they'd all be driving the one thing we're attracted to! 😎

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