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Self Employment:Greater Freedom: Freedom 60


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The before and after we have I think she’s looking for attention . I’m not sure what’s going on in her life but ...

Almost every single thing that comes out of her mouth is some kind of fairytale . Like a big sister she doesn’t have . ( I know this for sure because I worked with somebody who knows her parents ) A horse she doesn’t have or ride I know that for sure because her dad goes what the heck are you even talking about . ( to her) New kittens that her BOY cat has every week ( giggle) and various other fairytales . Unfortunately ,she also has her two-year-old sister who is repeating these fairytales . She also told her two-year-old sister to go and call J “ a rude poopy head .” Which the two-year-old did but fortunately I had already heard the five-year-old tell her to do it . To which I had to reply to her ( the 5 year old) I’m not deaf or stupid .


I had her this week all day with her little sister . She would tear up her food and throw it under her chair even food that she told me she would like . And then half an hour later tell me she needs a snack because she’s hungry ( um, sorry no I’m not a restaurant ) and when she would go to the bathroom throw the USED toilet paper on the floor . That really kind of grossed me out and I told her that behaviour is completely unacceptable and to stop doing it and she repeated it all week. Probably like most kids she’s just trying to push my buttons . She is probably trying to see how far she can push me before I snap .

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I am thinking a lot of it is her mom start to work full-time in October. She moved to a new house and a new school . She moved away from next-door to her grandparents . ( even though they are only half an hour away ) and one of her grandfathers died. So she’s looking for a little extra attention but just in the wrong way .

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Thanks. Re opening today. I bleached the entire playroom ,the kitchen and the bathroom. It is the only way to kill the stomach bug virus . One of the daycare parents has it now but probably got it at work. It is pretty rampant in this area right now. It hasn’t been cold enough to kill anything. People are dropping life flies from everything.

Glad you are feeling better!
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I could have used another day in bed believe me but people who need to get to work are relying on me to be open . I am still weak and my rib cage still hurts like heck . J is still well and will probably have to take the major workload for the next two days .

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What happens when you get sick? Does everyone go into a mad panic trying to find a babysitter? Just curious.


Glad you are feeling better.

Only 2 of my moms work. One has lots of family support and it is one person who stays home. I don’t often get things that are ragingly contagious though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
THIRD day in a row buses are cancelled. Seriously???!! Come on this is totally unprecedented !!!! Ugh! This is not easy to entertain people from 13 months to five !


Buses? By the way I felt really proud of myself lol -my friend put her 2 year old son on speaker yesterday to say "hi" - and we actually had a real conversation - about what he did at preschool, what snack he ate (pretzels), big or small pretzels (small) and how many bites (1, 2 or 3??) each one took to eat (1!). Next time he needs to ask me what I had for snack (we're around the same age Seraphim and snack in kindergarten back then was always graham crackers)

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Buses? By the way I felt really proud of myself lol -my friend put her 2 year old son on speaker yesterday to say "hi" - and we actually had a real conversation - about what he did at preschool, what snack he ate (pretzels), big or small pretzels (small) and how many bites (1, 2 or 3??) each one took to eat (1!). Next time he needs to ask me what I had for snack (we're around the same age Seraphim and snack in kindergarten back then was always graham crackers)

School buses. I have my before and after 3 days this week all day including my toddlers and infants. And all she wants to do is crafts with glitter and run all over my house.


Yesterday she asked to see the holes babies come out of. 🤦♀️😱. In talking with her mom I guess recently she discussed her mom’s C -section scar and assumed all babies were born this way. And we are not showing a C section scar. Not appropriate.

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School buses. I have my before and after 3 days this week all day including my toddlers and infants. And all she wants to do is crafts with glitter and run all over my house.


Yesterday she asked to see the holes babies come out of. 🤦♀️😱. In talking with her mom I guess recently she discussed her mom’s C -section scar and assumed all babies were born this way. And we are not showing a C section scar. Not appropriate.


Many years ago a relative told me that she taught preschool while pregnant. She was wearing a maternity smock type dress and one of the children impulsively lifted up her dress and said "this is where babies come out of!!"


Glitter...... sigh!

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Many years ago a relative told me that she taught preschool while pregnant. She was wearing a maternity smock type dress and one of the children impulsively lifted up her dress and said "this is where babies come out of!!"


Glitter...... sigh!

Glitter is the herpes of daycare.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You are so desperate for a sippy cup you need to text me on Sunday AM? Really?? Buy another one.


Sounds like it's just part of running your own business- I have very different boundaries about contacting a head of school or teacher but not everyone does! Part of running your own business is figuring out how to manage communication and expectations -maybe in her former daycare that would have been ok.

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