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5 hours ago, Seraphim said:

You have that right. Absolutely kids are super cute and adorable, but not everyone is adorable all the time and quite often not all at the same time . One of my previous daycare moms said , “ God love you. I could never do it .” Now she has 3 . I had her first little from 12 months to four. She had a set of twins this year. They moved across the country to another province though so I get to watch everyone grow up on FB. 

My former kindergarten student has twins and we keep in touch on FB!

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  • 3 weeks later...

First morning was pretty good. Kids are down off the  Christmas high because Christmas break was pretty long . The youngest was crying because he thought he was finished with school ,forever .😂He is four what can I say. 

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Okay so the same tw$tapotimous dcm says to me at pickup oh tomorrow dad is dropping off earlier than I do and then Thursday and Friday he is dropping offf let me see…. I know you say you open at 6:30 wellllll he might be earlier but he will try to be close to 6:30 . I want to sleep in and I deserve it . Uh no twatapotomous I am NOT opening my door before 6:30. Get a life . 

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One time I had a repairman scheduled to come at 8:00 am. He calls me at 6:30 am asking if he can come now. I said no, we agreed on 8:00. He whined "but I'm already here!!!!" And I said, no, you cannot come in now. The wanker sat in his truck in front of my house for an hour and a half. Not my problem. 

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7 hours ago, boltnrun said:

One time I had a repairman scheduled to come at 8:00 am. He calls me at 6:30 am asking if he can come now. I said no, we agreed on 8:00. He whined "but I'm already here!!!!" And I said, no, you cannot come in now. The wanker sat in his truck in front of my house for an hour and a half. Not my problem. 

Right? They think nothing of inconveniencing other people. 

Well, I guess the kids will have to watch my husband eat breakfast and squirrel around and get ready for work and let my cats eat etc . Not my problem their my mom wants to sleep in and have dad get them up practically in the middle of the night . 

My family are people too and my husband deserves to get ready for work in his normal way. Not my problem she is being selfish. Sleep in on Sat lady. 

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I wonder if this same woman would think it's ok to say at the supermarket "hey I know this is buy one get one free only on the kale flavored vegan ice cream [not that there's anything wrong with it ;-)] but I really like the belgian double chocolate so -come on - just bend the rules for me I only wat to buy 6 cartons for my husband!"  There are people who wouldn't think twice about asking a small business owner to inconvenience themselves time wise or spend more time as a "free consult" but if it's a tangible item it's different.

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Just now, Batya33 said:

I wonder if this same woman would think it's ok to say at the supermarket "hey I know this is buy one get one free only on the kale flavored vegan ice cream [not that there's anything wrong with it] but I really like the belgian double chocolate so -come on - just bend the rules for me I only wat to buy 6 cartons for my husband!"  There are people who wouldn't think twice about asking a small business owner to inconvenience themselves time wise or spend more time as a "free consult" but if it's a tangible item it's different.

Right ? I am so not impressed right now . My morning sugars are up because I didn’t get enough sleep . My doctor said it is vital to get as close to 8 hours as I can. Well, and this is my own issue here, but her announcement sent my brain into , “ oh hell no you don’t. “Then it started to stew and I didn’t fall asleep until almost midnight . She just loves “ getting one up on me.” And she tries you use my contract against me , you know ? As her child said in the early days , “ my mom has a more important job than you . “ ( like what 6 year old comes up with that. So I know what she REALLY thinks of me ) “ But hey lady nothing is more important than raising the next citizens of the world. 

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It was a rough day. I knew it would be . One of the children has regulation issues. More prominent issues than the other kids and he is more impulsive. Not only was his schedule off but it was another child’s birthday today. He wants to be the STAR OF THE SHOW, ALL. THE. TIME. He has a really really hard time with not being the star of every show. 

This morning before we left he is punching his sibling in the stomach and private area. Quickly put an end to that. Then at the bus while I am talking to another parent he is shoving his sibling to the ground . 

When they came back after school and I was giving the birthday child his gift he grabbed it before the child could even see it . I said give it back now! Then he bites back I want chocolate cake not stupid white cake. I said the birthday boy wanted vanilla cake and it isn’t your birthday. 

When a parent showed up to pick up their kids he took the chance that I was distracted to continue to beat on his brother . He was twisting his arm backwards. And the little guy had started to scream. I turned and took his hand and said , “ what are you doing ?! What do you think you are doing !? No thank you! “ Then turned back to the leaving parent . 

When their parent arrived I told him he had a really hard time regulating today and was repeating beating on his brother. His parent was so embarrassed they were staring at the floor. 

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Had a shocking message from a parent this morning that made my heart drop. They had a call from the school saying their child didn’t get to school but I watched them get on the bus. Phew ! False alarm the bus was late . 😨😨😨😨😨😨

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