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Self Employment:Greater Freedom: Freedom 60


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  • 2 weeks later...

The baby did get into a centre so her last day is June 30. 🙄😑 However, her big sisters rotate in part time two days a week for the summer. And I have the other little part time fellow . 

Time to change the contract and firm up FULL TIME ONLY. I understand people will tell me what they want to hear because they want to have a space for their child until whatever because people always put themselves first. I will be putting my daycare and income first and my family first. Now I am going to start requiring a deposit like most other Daycare’s and if you leave before a year is out you don’t get your deposit back it’s not refundable. Plus, there will be other changes coming to the contract.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So, the bad news I got while on holidays was that my little guy I have had for a year is going to a centre after this Friday. Thanks , Trudoop. So , I made the decision to rebuild my business by going exclusively before and after school childcare and I have a new client arriving the last week of August. I just need two more kiddos. School age kids don’t have a special rate sooooo better . Sad to see my sweet little guy go. 

It is time to be cut throat , it has become a real cutthroat industry. 

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And I wish the parents would have told me he was going and I might not have spent $3000 on holidays this summer. Parents have become only out for themselves. I am going to be as well. Now I require a deposit. The new client tried to argue that with me and pretty much anything I brought up but she had to relent because I wouldn’t back down. 

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Okay, I am probably going to blow a gasket today. In the past four weeks this family has driven me around the effin bend. Before I went on holidays, they sent me their holiday time. OK great no problem. While I’m on holidays they send me oh we got into a centre so so and so’s last day is June 28 . We start back to work last week and little guy arrives in underwear not a pull up that he left wearing pull-ups. OK find your training him but how about if you let me know he’s in underwear. Also, he’s an underwear with no change of clothes.🤯😡 Then  yesterday I see a post on her Facebook that they’re headed to another province today. Wth , nothing mentioned to me at all. So what we now we can’t say goodbye to the little guy??? That’s really considering his feelings isn’t it?? He’s  going to think we just abandoned him or something. Plus you better be paying me for the entire time or I’m sending it to collections because I’m done playing. And you can walk your behind to my house to get your income tax receipt. Pieholes. Good luck with a centre because they won’t put up with any of this crap. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so the government has driven so many of us out of business for the tiny people care. I have gone to exclusively before and after care which there is a great need for . I am almost full for Sept and until then I am on holidays again as of today. 

Thanks Justin. What the public doesn’t really know right now is that there’s not enough centres for the program that he rolled out not enough people to staff those centres so again, they are discussing increasing class-size, which they reduced a few years ago because they determined it wasn’t good care. So now they are preparing to increase the ratios again because they don’t have enough spaces and they don’t have enough ECE’s. 🙄🙄 good luck to all my Littles who went to Centre’s.

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8 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Why would parents choose a center when they could use a service such as yours?

Because the federal government has made it very financially attractive . They are on track now for $10 a day daycare for 2025. Daycare fees and license centres right now on average are in between $17.50 and $20.50 and slated to be $10 in 2025 for children under 5. The “ get women back to work plan.” Unfortunately he’s put thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of other women out of work because they lost their daycares . Just in the group I belong to alone 200 people have packed it up this month. what the public hasn’t realized yet if they won’t get the big break at tax time because you’re already getting subsidized daycare, there aren’t enough centres and there aren’t enough people to staff the centres and very high staff turnover do to burn out . What they’re also not telling people is that agencies you can’t license right now if you want to because licensing agencies are out of transfer money from the government and not taking on new providers and telling the providers they do have don’t fill your spaces.

Basically, it has all come down to dollars and cents. So what I have done is I have gone above the age range that they subsidize for and there’s a great need for a before and after care. And it leaves my days free to do what I want and essentially make the same money because I don’t have to buy as much food. 

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I always say you get what you pay for.  Sure, you can get cheap care but is that what you really want for your child?  To be lost in a crowd of children with inadequate supervision?

And I get that cost is a major factor for lots of parents and they may not have the option to pay more for better care.  But I feel that's one area you shouldn't go cheap on.

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8 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I always say you get what you pay for.  Sure, you can get cheap care but is that what you really want for your child?  To be lost in a crowd of children with inadequate supervision?

And I get that cost is a major factor for lots of parents and they may not have the option to pay more for better care.  But I feel that's one area you shouldn't go cheap on.

Bingo! Correct I can offer very quality care for a small group of children that is safe, healthy and nurturing. Plus, I can offer a great care for children with vastly different needs having a lot of experience with that. I charge $45 a day but they get a lot back income depending at tax time . 

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I also get a lot of families that asked me to visit their children long after they’ve been out of my care. I know I am a good provider. One of the families back up my old posting said their child still talks about me and he hasn’t been in my care in two years and he was two years old when I left and if I’m ever back there, could I please come and visit . I keep up with another daycare family, who moved to BC I was always invited to their child’s birthday and their family events they have kept me included in the birth of their new twins. Just two nights ago. Another mother messaged me with a message from her child that had done something spectacular and wanted to know if I was proud of him so I know I’m a good provider my kids and families don’t forget me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today is greet the kids and sign the contact for my remaining spots . I have my ducks in a row and everything ready. I don’t know why I am nervous but I hate this part every time . 5:30 is the time for them to come . I was perfecting my home until 1 AM last and re perfected it this morning . The place sparkles . I reworded and revamped my contract and hubby printed it out at work for me and the intake sheets are ready . I dressed in colours that suit me great and put on make up . I am ready no need for nerves . You will do great , L. 

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25 minutes ago, itsallgrand said:

Awww I have no doubt you'd be great with kids. You are super empathetic.


24 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I'm sure everything will go fine. 

Hahaha now I have to just get my emotions to believe that. She definitely said her and her ex husband want a day home not a centre and they just want me to meet the kids and sign everything. 

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