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Self Employment:Greater Freedom: Freedom 60


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Today I felt a genuine peace and happiness that I haven’t felt in a long time as far as work goes. My best friend and work partner said it’s been along time since she seen me genuinely smile . From my heart and into my eyes . Even my husband said I am very very peaceful and happy. Just one more full-time client and everything will be perfect .

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Today I felt a genuine peace and happiness that I haven’t felt in a long time as far as work goes. My best friend and work partner said it’s been along time since she seen me genuinely smile . From my heart and into my eyes . Even my husband said I am very very peaceful and happy. Just one more full-time client and everything will be perfect .


That is excellent.

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Right? Work had been driving me around the bend for just over 2 years. I was MISERABLE and angry as hell by the end. All I talked about to anyone was how much I hated work and swore and cursed about it . Now I have the ability to talk about almost everything but that place. Now I realize how miserable and actually physically sick I was .

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Great! I felt that way when I left a toxic environment. I’ve met had my own business but I know it makes a huge difference working with reasonable people in a reasonable environment. So far your clients seem to be very reasonable and likely very grateful for your skills and facility.

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I, too, have left toxic environments, and it takes a toll on your health, both mental and physical.


I once left a toxic job to take a 50% pay cut, and it was worth losing every penny, just to be able to smile again.


A friend said, during one of my toxic job phases, that I wasn't the "same LHGirl" anymore. I naturally laugh and smile when I talk, and she noticed that I just didn't do that anymore. I realized I had to get out, get my smile back. I did, and it sounds like you are too. Good for you.

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I, too, have left toxic environments, and it takes a toll on your health, both mental and physical.


I once left a toxic job to take a 50% pay cut, and it was worth losing every penny, just to be able to smile again.


A friend said, during one of my toxic job phases, that I wasn't the "same LHGirl" anymore. I naturally laugh and smile when I talk, and she noticed that I just didn't do that anymore. I realized I had to get out, get my smile back. I did, and it sounds like you are too. Good for you.


Yeah, I was to the point of physical illness. I had to get out. I don’t even miss it. I thought I would but I don’t .

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Who wants daycare for their child and says tomorrow’s start date and they have never met you? What??.. is very happy to have a meeting tomorrow and when you asked them a time don’t answer you ??... Watch tomorrow morning she will answer me . This is what I mean by social ineptitude and rudeness. This is not how you conduct social interactions or business .


I am sorry but I was raised by a very professional business person with very concrete ideas of doing business . And if you can’t conduct a concrete plan or social interaction ......I dunno what to say.


Like I said daily mind boggled .

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Who wants daycare for their child and says tomorrow’s start date and they have never met you? What??.. is very happy to have a meeting tomorrow and when you asked them a time don’t answer you ??... Watch tomorrow morning she will answer me . This is what I mean by social ineptitude and rudeness. This is not how you conduct social interactions or business .


I am sorry but I was raised by a very professional business person with very concrete ideas of doing business . And if you can’t conduct a concrete plan or social interaction ......I dunno what to say.


Like I said daily mind boggled .


There's that other saying which is what makes service businesses challenging "the customer's always right" (and that follow up I see posted in businesses Rule 2 - if you think you are right see Rule No. 1 (customer is always right). You don't have to accept this client if you think this is a foreshadowing of challenges to come or you can decide that she is "right" in how she is dealing with it by virtue of being "the client"

and you want to have the extra child at your daycare despite the risk of the parent continuing to be flaky. This is the part of the business your former boss had to deal with and luckily so far you're almost full and have found clients you believe are behaving reasonably or better. Sounds good so far!

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There's that other saying which is what makes service businesses challenging "the customer's always right" (and that follow up I see posted in businesses Rule 2 - if you think you are right see Rule No. 1 (customer is always right). You don't have to accept this client if you think this is a foreshadowing of challenges to come or you can decide that she is "right" in how she is dealing with it by virtue of being "the client"

and you want to have the extra child at your daycare despite the risk of the parent continuing to be flaky. This is the part of the business your former boss had to deal with and luckily so far you're almost full and have found clients you believe are behaving reasonably or better. Sounds good so far!

Oh absolutely my boss had to deal this kind of entitlement. Me as well. They would book care and then show up without the child and just shrugged their shoulders . That astounds me. Why would somebody squander a business’ resources like that ? And literally not care. Yet they would have thought themselves ill used or mouthed off the centre had I shrugged my shoulders and not showed up .


I don’t always believe the customer is right . And if the customer is flaky they can go someplace else . That is part of the reason I left that crap behind .

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Oh absolutely my boss had to deal this kind of entitlement. Me as well. They would book care and then show up without the child and just shrugged their shoulders . That astounds me. Why would somebody squander a business’ resources like that ? And literally not care. Yet they would have thought themselves ill used or mouthed off the centre had I shrugged my shoulders and not showed up .


I don’t always believe the customer is right . And if the customer is flaky they can go someplace else . That is part of the reason I left that crap behind .


Oh I don’t believe it either and a lot of people just fake it till they make it. Rvaise jsving tje cistomer is worth putting up with the downside. It’s up to you. I know my limits with flakiness so I hear you - or you know what your potential client did - maybe flakiness isn’t the right word. I never used daycare but I try to be a good “client” when I send my child to Camp or after school activities. As a former teacher I’ve experienced the “other side”.

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Oh I don’t believe it either and a lot of people just fake it till they make it. Rvaise jsving tje cistomer is worth putting up with the downside. It’s up to you. I know my limits with flakiness so I hear you - or you know what your potential client did - maybe flakiness isn’t the right word. I never used daycare but I try to be a good “client” when I send my child to Camp or after school activities. As a former teacher I’ve experienced the “other side”.

You know what I mean then. 😃🤪


Jeebus, work is texting me now to come in an hour early I am working a shift for them because I don’t have my own kids today. Just got in the bath and will have to run.


Thanks for your continued support.

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Who wants daycare for their child and says tomorrow’s start date and they have never met you? What??.. is very happy to have a meeting tomorrow and when you asked them a time don’t answer you ??... Watch tomorrow morning she will answer me . This is what I mean by social ineptitude and rudeness. This is not how you conduct social interactions or business .


It may sound crazy, but sometimes the best option is turning down a potential client.

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I have a question, starting your business was it simpler than you thought?


I will say a lot of effort has gone into it. But , I am going into it with a lot of knowledge of the particular business as far as childcare and paperwork necessary and laws regarding childcare. I have a ton of experience . I have done probably about I would say 15 interviews . I have contacted about 40 people . It has been a bit of a numbers game . But if I’m full within a month of starting the process that is pretty miraculous because sometimes people have a rough start for the first year .


There were times I thought it was easy and times where I was pretty nerve-wracked but I am feeling pretty good right now. I’m pretty sure I have this client . Monday is the day I officially open . To be full on the day I officially open would be outstanding.


There have been people who didn’t believe I could do it and pretty much bet against me . Would be happy to prove them wrong .

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