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Self Employment:Greater Freedom: Freedom 60


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So you have to shut down again?

How are these poor little kids getting exposed? And why aren't their parents keeping them home when they're sick? I was strictly told to keep the kids home if they were sick and this was long before Covid.

People are acting like the pandemic is over. It's not! Covid didn't go away just because people got tired of it.

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23 minutes ago, boltnrun said:


So you have to shut down again?

How are these poor little kids getting exposed? And why aren't their parents keeping them home when they're sick? I was strictly told to keep the kids home if they were sick and this was long before Covid.

People are acting like the pandemic is over. It's not! Covid didn't go away just because people got tired of it.

No, I don’t have to close all the rest of us had it 6 weeks ago including the other families . They are getting it from other brothers and sisters at school and parents going to work. It is utterly rampant right now. 

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So, last night was slightly ridiculous. I get a message from a mom at 3 PM she needs to go to a hospital and can I keep her child, only one as one child has been picked up from school and is with the partner. Um, k. I have the one kiddo until 7:30 PM.  So the partner couldn’t have picked up this child as well???? Mom picks up looks a little worse for wear and explains nothing and leaves. This morning looks fine and drops off kids. 

Tomorrow school workers are on strike for goodness knows how long. I ask her if they are here all day for the strike…. Answer, well I dunno have to speak to my boss. 🤯🤯🤯🤯

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So, I guess people think I just fart out food and supplies for maybe you might attend??? Really people ??? I was running around Walmart at 9 PM to get stuff for your children and you can’t grace me with an answer ?? Mmmmmk, well maybe one morning I will sleep in and not answer my door. Won’t that be handy. Take your kids to school yourself or keep them with you at work. 

I am at about to sit on my rump and do screw all. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Soooooo, the same gal who couldn’t pay me before now can’t pay me on pay day because her husband has had his pay cheque garnisheed by his first wife for non payment of child support. 😒😒😒😒Please stop making children you can’t pay for . This is not my problem. I paid for my child and I am still paying for my child. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The grocery store where I shop had lines 12 people long to check out. They only had four cashiers come in. A restaurant I've been wanting to try had to close down for a week due to multiple Covid infections. Businesses are badly short staffed due to their employees traveling and gathering during the holidays and getting infected with Covid, RSV and the flu. 

It'll probably settle down in a few weeks. 

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3 hours ago, boltnrun said:

The grocery store where I shop had lines 12 people long to check out. They only had four cashiers come in. A restaurant I've been wanting to try had to close down for a week due to multiple Covid infections. Businesses are badly short staffed due to their employees traveling and gathering during the holidays and getting infected with Covid, RSV and the flu. 

It'll probably settle down in a few weeks. 

I hope so . He had a fever of 38.4 and was one giant snot bubble. His older brother goes to school and brings it home . 

My mom is recovering from Covid. She was really doing badly for a bit . 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now I have little guy’s cold. He was here long enough while sick to pass it onto my son and now I have it. We tested. Negative. Just your garden variety cold for sure . A minor annoyance. I took all the cold medicine to my mother’s though to help her. Now in this country you can’t get adult cold medication. Just rotating BS of what you can’t get . So we have to suck it up. 

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Just now, boltnrun said:

Is there a commissary or dispensary where military families can get supplies that are not sold to the general public?

We have a commissary what we call a CANEX. Everything is gone however because civilians are allowed to buy as well. 

However, CF members have their own pharmacy at the base medical centre , a centre only they are treated at and they get OTC meds and prescriptions there. 

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7 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

We have a commissary what we call a CANEX. Everything is gone however because civilians are allowed to buy as well. 

However, CF members have their own pharmacy at the base medical centre , a centre only they are treated at and they get OTC meds and prescriptions there. 

Gotcha. In the US there is a commissary that is not available to the non-military public. 

It's interesting to me to see how other countries do things. I've been in my USA bubble my whole life lol. 

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2 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Gotcha. In the US there is a commissary that is not available to the non-military public. 

It's interesting to me to see how other countries do things. I've been in my USA bubble my whole life lol. 

I have shopped at American Commissaries before as foreign military are allowed to shop, we can also stay on American base hotels like American service members. We did this on our trip to Florida. 

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