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Tomorrow with the kids I am doing a small discussion about our indigenous peoples and making dream catchers. The 21st of June is when we celebrate our indigenous peoples . I wish I could go to the historical indigenous village near me tomorrow but I have to work. 

I have second cousins who are Métis. They are half French ( Acadian)and half Mi’kmaq. One of the them was an indigenous play-write and activist who was killed walking a long the road right where I live now . She died about 5 years ago at 60. Her father was my mom’s first cousin. He died about 2 years ago. Her mom and grandfather were residential school survivors. 

Many Acadian people married Indigenous peoples and I have often wondered about my own ethnicity since my mother’s family has been in Canada 405 years. I could get genetic testing done for my own interest . 

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The one little guy who is done next week put up a fuss for dad today so dad says oh ok let’s take you home and I will buy you a toy . 🙄🙄🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🙄 Before that he had us stand at the door to wait to go for our walk for 15 minutes while said child clung to him like Velcro. 15 minutes of letting my AC escape out the door and the other kids stand there . Dad is a total sop for this kiddo and creating a monster. He already has really bad only child syndrome and I think he is going to have a VERY bumpy first year of school because he won’t be star of the universe. 

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  • 3 weeks later...



Can I ask you a question about starting school and generally a bit of advice to do with behaviour?


My son is 4 and has never ever been to nursery not a day in his life. He has never even slept out at Grandparents or been away from me more than I would say, 5 hours. And for that stretch of time he is always with my husband. 

It’s just a question regarding whether I should start him up at pre school in a few months or whether it would be okay to have him hang back and start at 5 next year? I am so so torn. I know he would have no problem being “released” into a new environment but I have reservations about the school and what they will be teaching him. Behaviour wise he is generally great and a sweet kid, extremely articulate I would also say, he has that compliment given to him all the time. He’s bright he knows what he should know at his age plus more. But, he is struggling to share, badly, with his sister. They fight quite a lot. He torments her, then she torments him back a few hours later. He has hardly socialised with any other kids from being about 3. We have now moved so much, I have hated putting it upon him, but I almost feel like with all the moving and unsettled-ness it might be too much to just get him into our new house next month and then a week or two later say there you go into school full time!


Something just feels wrong about it and badly timed! Then again, I know he doesn’t know it but he’s desperate for friends, especially other boys. Two sisters at home gets a bit much for him. I would love play dates but no one is hardly about, everyone working and their own kids in childcare or school leaves us kicking the bucket around so to speak for friends. 

The idea of homeschooling him comes up every week between me and my husband. I would love to do this but at the same time - I worry about his social. And maybe him not mixing will foster this way he has of easily dominating his sister sometimes well, in real life with other kids it wouldn’t be like that. Sometimes I think he needs that reality check? He always shared and played great with other kids apart from the very last play date I had a few months back with another boy he gets on with - he got impatient (they were playing with his big wooden railway set) the boy wasn’t “going fast enough” and he rammed his train off the track with his train. I was pretty mortified he is normally unbelievably gracious to other kids. I made him apologise but even more embarrassing he was kicking up a fuss and not wanting to apologise and was making excuses like well, he should have been quicker! I was embarrassed! I told him his friend was younger and didn’t have the experience like he did, and was our guest, and you should be kind and nice or he wont want to come play! 

Moving and what not, we haven’t had any other play dates since that last one two or three months back, apart from when we go to the park and beach mostly everyday, when there are children there they are following him like pied pipers and he’s making the games and leading everyone. This is why I don’t think he would have any problem at school. My friend who also is a nursery teacher once said to me when he was 2 - “I think he’s going to be really popular at school”. And, popularity at school isn’t everything at all. But not to jinx it but, he does have all the hallmarks of “the popular kid”. I don’t know. Maybe he would shrink and become shy and unsure of himself! At the moment he is very confident. Sometimes I wonder if that is because he hasn’t even experienced any negative social outcomes, so it is a false confidence! Although he was at a soft play a few months back and I asked him about four boys who came up to his area (similar age and some a few years older) and he said one of the boys tried to push him out the way and told him he didn’t like him. I said well that’s so mean what a poopie head (Y’know just to make him laugh) and he shrugged his shoulders and said “Well I would have pushed him out of the way next time I will Mammy but he was smaller than me” HA I thought, excellent! Merciful strength 🤣🕺 I think he came out of it unaffected. But still, I was there down in the seating area at the end of the day. Who knows.

Anyway, I’m sorry to go on! I have gone and asked your advice anyway! Argh! Haha! What I am trying to say is, do you think I will create a tyke who can’t socialise nicely and thinks he rules the roost if I keep him from mainstream school another year? Do you think it would be cruel of me and setting him up for a fall? Do you think I will struggle too much dividing my attention? Or do you think it wouldn’t harm? 

I also have his two sisters to look after, youngest being only 1, middle one turning 3 soon, so the thought of homeschooling dues seem daunting  -can I fit this in and give him that quiet time one on one? I fear falling short. So torn Seraphim! 

He is lovely and imaginative but so boisterous, full of energy, just wants to wrestle. Heavy handed sometimes. Wants to know exactly how everything works, takes it all apart via destruction then re-build! Adores reading but can’t actually read yet which, I know he is only 4 but I do think is he behind in that aspect? He has a real sensitive side as well, but at the mo going through a defiant and pushing me stage! I was thinking school might calm this it will it make it worse? 


Anyway! Sorry 🥴🤤🤤🤣🤣


This is a long question isn’t it!!!!!


I just know you daycare and teach smaller children and you see them settling in and how they are without parents around! I know you have the experience! 

At the end of the day, I have three kids under 5 but I am only 4 years into parenting. Just 4 years experience. In any kind of job, that isn’t that long, And boy, have I had to learn on the job Seraphim! 



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14 hours ago, mylolita said:



Can I ask you a question about starting school and generally a bit of advice to do with behaviour?


My son is 4 and has never ever been to nursery not a day in his life. He has never even slept out at Grandparents or been away from me more than I would say, 5 hours. And for that stretch of time he is always with my husband. 

It’s just a question regarding whether I should start him up at pre school in a few months or whether it would be okay to have him hang back and start at 5 next year? I am so so torn. I know he would have no problem being “released” into a new environment but I have reservations about the school and what they will be teaching him. Behaviour wise he is generally great and a sweet kid, extremely articulate I would also say, he has that compliment given to him all the time. He’s bright he knows what he should know at his age plus more. But, he is struggling to share, badly, with his sister. They fight quite a lot. He torments her, then she torments him back a few hours later. He has hardly socialised with any other kids from being about 3. We have now moved so much, I have hated putting it upon him, but I almost feel like with all the moving and unsettled-ness it might be too much to just get him into our new house next month and then a week or two later say there you go into school full time!


Something just feels wrong about it and badly timed! Then again, I know he doesn’t know it but he’s desperate for friends, especially other boys. Two sisters at home gets a bit much for him. I would love play dates but no one is hardly about, everyone working and their own kids in childcare or school leaves us kicking the bucket around so to speak for friends. 

The idea of homeschooling him comes up every week between me and my husband. I would love to do this but at the same time - I worry about his social. And maybe him not mixing will foster this way he has of easily dominating his sister sometimes well, in real life with other kids it wouldn’t be like that. Sometimes I think he needs that reality check? He always shared and played great with other kids apart from the very last play date I had a few months back with another boy he gets on with - he got impatient (they were playing with his big wooden railway set) the boy wasn’t “going fast enough” and he rammed his train off the track with his train. I was pretty mortified he is normally unbelievably gracious to other kids. I made him apologise but even more embarrassing he was kicking up a fuss and not wanting to apologise and was making excuses like well, he should have been quicker! I was embarrassed! I told him his friend was younger and didn’t have the experience like he did, and was our guest, and you should be kind and nice or he wont want to come play! 

Moving and what not, we haven’t had any other play dates since that last one two or three months back, apart from when we go to the park and beach mostly everyday, when there are children there they are following him like pied pipers and he’s making the games and leading everyone. This is why I don’t think he would have any problem at school. My friend who also is a nursery teacher once said to me when he was 2 - “I think he’s going to be really popular at school”. And, popularity at school isn’t everything at all. But not to jinx it but, he does have all the hallmarks of “the popular kid”. I don’t know. Maybe he would shrink and become shy and unsure of himself! At the moment he is very confident. Sometimes I wonder if that is because he hasn’t even experienced any negative social outcomes, so it is a false confidence! Although he was at a soft play a few months back and I asked him about four boys who came up to his area (similar age and some a few years older) and he said one of the boys tried to push him out the way and told him he didn’t like him. I said well that’s so mean what a poopie head (Y’know just to make him laugh) and he shrugged his shoulders and said “Well I would have pushed him out of the way next time I will Mammy but he was smaller than me” HA I thought, excellent! Merciful strength 🤣🕺 I think he came out of it unaffected. But still, I was there down in the seating area at the end of the day. Who knows.

Anyway, I’m sorry to go on! I have gone and asked your advice anyway! Argh! Haha! What I am trying to say is, do you think I will create a tyke who can’t socialise nicely and thinks he rules the roost if I keep him from mainstream school another year? Do you think it would be cruel of me and setting him up for a fall? Do you think I will struggle too much dividing my attention? Or do you think it wouldn’t harm? 

I also have his two sisters to look after, youngest being only 1, middle one turning 3 soon, so the thought of homeschooling dues seem daunting  -can I fit this in and give him that quiet time one on one? I fear falling short. So torn Seraphim! 

He is lovely and imaginative but so boisterous, full of energy, just wants to wrestle. Heavy handed sometimes. Wants to know exactly how everything works, takes it all apart via destruction then re-build! Adores reading but can’t actually read yet which, I know he is only 4 but I do think is he behind in that aspect? He has a real sensitive side as well, but at the mo going through a defiant and pushing me stage! I was thinking school might calm this it will it make it worse? 


Anyway! Sorry 🥴🤤🤤🤣🤣


This is a long question isn’t it!!!!!


I just know you daycare and teach smaller children and you see them settling in and how they are without parents around! I know you have the experience! 

At the end of the day, I have three kids under 5 but I am only 4 years into parenting. Just 4 years experience. In any kind of job, that isn’t that long, And boy, have I had to learn on the job Seraphim! 



I would send him to school honestly . I think kids have been so held back due to Covid. Here kids start kindergarten at 3/4. My son is a near end of year baby so he was 3 and 4 soon after he started school. I think there is a lot to being with other kids their age and learning to navigate society and conflict . They also learn a lot from their peers. I think it is important but you can always pull him and home school if you feel he isn’t blossoming there.  

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5 hours ago, Seraphim said:

It will be ok. I know how scary it is to send the first little one to school. 💕

It really is Seraphim! I didn’t realise it would be this hard! 

I still haven’t made up my mind! So torn! I disliked his teacher as well. He was male, young (about 30-35) and openly gay and over the top with it. Something inside me just doesn’t want to send him off into his class. This is going to be his main male influence, apart from my husband weekends and mornings unless he’s working away. As soon as me and my husband met him our stomachs sank. I know that sounds bad, but we didn’t warm to him not one bit.



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I think what matters is the kindness of the teacher . My son always surrounded by sportsley men men his entire life. My son not interested in sports whatsoever laid on the field and cried couldn’t care less. Almost 25 still couldn’t care less. It made no influence on him whatsoever. I would be more worried about the kindness than anything. 

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13 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

I think what matters is the kindness of the teacher . My son always surrounded by sportsley men men his entire life. My son not interested in sports whatsoever laid on the field and cried couldn’t care less. Almost 25 still couldn’t care less. It made no influence on him whatsoever. I would be more worried about the kindness than anything. 

That’s a good point Seraphim!


There we’re a few factors. He made jokes about how he could have gone to any school but he came to this one and then started making comments on what the children should wear and went off n a tangent about if they come in designers wellies and about different designer brands of clothing. It just seemed like, not what I would want for a pre-school teacher. 

I don’t really know what I expected Seraphim but not what we got! I suppose I was expecting a youngish woman in a long float skirt with a soft smile and a caring motherly vibe, a tender voice! My son turned to me and said, “When is he going to stop talking Mammy?” Which I know is so rude! I told him he can’t say that, it’s rude, we have to listen. But I was thinking the exact same thing! Just irrelevant tangents! I would have excused it if he was a bag of nerves but he was the opposite and brimming with confidence.


Whether I thought he seemed kind or not? Not particularly! I couldn’t imagine my son being able to turn to him if he was upset and had scraped his knee. 

Maybe I am overreacting Seraphim! I can be quite judgemental in first impressions and maybe should cut him some slack. It’s such an important decision for us that the scrutiny from myself is I know, probably unfairly high! 

You make some very good points! I really appreciate your experience with this!


I’ll stop gabbing on anyway! 

Food for thought! Thank you x

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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Seraphim said:

We haven’t been able to go outside for a while because of the incredible humidity and heat. Today it has all broken for a day and it will be outside people !  

We are in another mini heat wave Seraphim! But nowhere near as high as July. About 27-28C up until it rains Monday! My pale pale heart! 🤪 I don’t know how you guys do it all summer long!



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