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Self Employment:Greater Freedom: Freedom 60


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Yesterday when mom told me it was going to be 5:30 every single day for at least the next two weeks and they are late on pick up at least 3 days a week as it is I told her she needed to pay extra. I haven’t charged so far but I thought come on people. Her husband is being paid overtime to work overtime but I’m supposed to work overtime and not get any compensation Ummmmmm, no. She didn’t look impressed about having to pay it but oh well .

Good for you!!!
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Yesterday when mom told me it was going to be 5:30 every single day for at least the next two weeks and they are late on pick up at least 3 days a week as it is I told her she needed to pay extra. I haven’t charged so far but I thought come on people. Her husband is being paid overtime to work overtime but I’m supposed to work overtime and not get any compensation Ummmmmm, no. She didn’t look impressed about having to pay it but oh well .


In this week's camp it's something like a dollar a minute or more for being late for aftercare pick up. We've never ever been late to pick him up - two times when he was in prek we had emergencies and called in advance - one time they actually let us do an extra hour (while after care was in session still) with no $ because it was a medical emergency and the second time - $60 for 60 minutes (and not "late" just an extra hour with advance notice)

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And all I wanted was $5 extra for being late and she looked at me like I had 5 heads.


She can look at you funny all she wants, but you need to enforce something to keep them honest. - Or they will take advantage.

You're strong cookie. You'll figure this out. Come up with a policy in writing.

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She can look at you funny all she wants, but you need to enforce something to keep them honest. - Or they will take advantage.

You're strong cookie. You'll figure this out. Come up with a policy in writing.


For sure . A new contract comes out in Oct after I have been open a year. There will be changes for sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Today there’s an extreme heat warning so all the children need to stay inside usually we spend much of our time outside but not today .


My sister could only let her dogs out for 10 minutes at a time. Hope you get some relief soon. Also, It was so hot in Michigan, that a transformer blew and caused a fire by the street.

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I hear ya. It is ridiculous. We are back above 40 today but they are saying maybe some relief by Monday. But by relief they only mean by maybe 10° .

My sister could only let her dogs out for 10 minutes at a time. Hope you get some relief soon. Also, It was so hot in Michigan, that a transformer blew and caused a fire by the street.
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I think that one of my littles has exposed everyone to 5ths disease. 🙄


I had that when I was a kid! I remember the lacy rash on my arms and legs. There was a rumor it was going around, and then BAM! I had it. I think it was just a little bit itchy.

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I could’ve had it I have no idea . My husband either. We are too old to remember . I know for sure my son hasn’t had it. It has been well documented since the 1700s though . It does have greater consequences for adults . It causes swollen joints and arthritic like pain for months which I really don’t need as I have that every day . I am sure most of us older people have had It. Is just going to be the sick kids and the financial impact to myself .

I had that when I was a kid! I remember the lacy rash on my arms and legs. There was a rumor it was going around, and then BAM! I had it. I think it was just a little bit itchy.
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  • 2 weeks later...
It is a nice slow day today just the babies . Everybody else is on holidays . And one pre schooler for two days this week . It is going to be a nice quiet calm day . 😁


Just don't let one of the babies put popcorn up their nose ;-)......

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I knew it would come eventually....... I sent out the invoices as it is month end and I get a message back from a mom. Can I pay you Friday? I get paid Friday. My response...: No, the contract states 15th of the month and end of the month. Your husband got paid today. I also pay my bills today . She pays me and then sends me a screen shoot of her bank account in the red. Passive aggressive much?


It also sets a precedent for her to do it over and over.


I also asked her about holidays and she says oh yeah... I was going to tell you Friday we are on holidays next week. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 and we are picking him up early Friday because we are going away for the weekend.


Inconsiderate boob. 🙄😳

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I knew it would come eventually....... I sent out the invoices as it is month end and I get a message back from a mom. Can I pay you Friday? I get paid Friday. My response...: No, the contract states 15th of the month and end of the month. Your husband got paid today. I also pay my bills today . She pays me and then sends me a screen shoot of her bank account in the red. Passive aggressive much?


It also sets a precedent for her to do it over and over.


I also asked her about holidays and she says oh yeah... I was going to tell you Friday we are on holidays next week. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 and we are picking him up early Friday because we are going away for the weekend.


Inconsiderate boob. 🙄😳


Sounds a little like the issue I had with my cleaning person who wanted to change the financial terms of our arrangement because she was hurting financially. It's not your concern when people get paid - they know what the contract says and it is the client's responsibility to organize her financial life to make sure she pays you on time. I agree with you.

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Well, that’s the thing they just played for plane tickets across the country for three people and they’re going away for the long weekend and you can’t afford to pay me ??? Yeah, right, no. I’m not waiting till Friday. Even though I had the money to cover my own bills I’m still not waiting till Friday . And that’s the problem with this community it’s so small and everybody thinks they’re your buddy once they know you for 10 minutes because hey everybody knows everybody for 10 minutes in the military community. Once people think they know you they think they can pull a fast one now and again. Yeah, no. If she didn’t pay me her son would not have been showing up tomorrow . I follow my contract to the letter even when is detrimental to myself. So I don’t appreciate people trying to screw me .


A few weeks ago I called her because her child had a fever of 103 and it took her a few hours to pick him up . Her excuse is that she has to get a hold of her husband and get a car seat or try and get out of work I feel like saying I don’t give a frog’s fat butt what your excuse is pick your kid up before he infects everybody. She always pulls this crap on me when he’s sick . She also knows he has to be fever free without medication for 24 hours before coming back to daycare and last time she lied to me about that . I talked to her on the Sunday night to find out how he was she said he was all better and great. Tuesday I find out from her best friend that he was still sick Sunday. So she tries to pull a lot of fast ones . She is also the same woman that called me on a Sunday morning at 7 AM about a friggin sippy cup. And then a month ago she tried to say I lost one of his hats and three weeks later I see a picture of him on Facebook wearing it . Do I get a “ sorry” , no.


So yeah, not cutting her any favours .

Sounds a little like the issue I had with my cleaning person who wanted to change the financial terms of our arrangement because she was hurting financially. It's not your concern when people get paid - they know what the contract says and it is the client's responsibility to organize her financial life to make sure she pays you on time. I agree with you.
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Oh I see -would she send that screenshot to her doctor's office? Her plumber? Her credit card company? I don't get this casual approach to paying for a service in a timely way. Maybe I should send that to my lyft driver from this morning LOL.

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Right? Me either.

Oh I see -would she send that screenshot to her doctor's office? Her plumber? Her credit card company? I don't get this casual approach to paying for a service in a timely way. Maybe I should send that to my lyft driver from this morning LOL.
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