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Self Employment:Greater Freedom: Freedom 60


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Thanks. I am doing a lot better but two parents contacted me at 6 to say their kiddos were sick with fevers and sniffles. Poor little mites ! We did have cold go around for the past eight days . Me and my partner didn’t catch it but all the little caught it. So it will be a light day for me . Two full day kiddos and a before and after kiddo .

Great! I was going to check in -glad to hear!!
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Thanks. I am doing a lot better but two parents contacted me at 6 to say their kiddos were sick with fevers and sniffles. Poor little mites ! We did have cold go around for the past eight days . Me and my partner didn’t catch it but all the little caught it. So it will be a light day for me . Two full day kiddos and a before and after kiddo .


So that works out well all told -I'm sure you can use a lighter day!

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All the kids have had another round of colds. And then this past week had the pukes as stomach flu is going around town again. The five year old everything I buy she doesn’t like because I refuse to buy sugar filled stuff or chocolate coated or chocolate chipped. Nope nope nope. Her sister has learned to eat what I provide. Miss Snooty will this summer too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had to close on Friday because I had the worst stomach flu !!!! Both my son and I started puking Thursday evening . It came out with such force it came out my nose as well and decorated my entire bathroom. It was god awful. I puked from 7 PM till about 1:30 AM . And then Friday morning it was coming out the other end . So I sent out text messages and put a statement on our Facebook page that we were closed Friday. I sent that out about 8 o’clock Thursday night .

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And I was in the hospital being rehydrated yesterday. What I learned from this experience is though that everybody’s going to do exactly what is good for THEM and I’m going to as well. People are not going to like it but tough shyte. Go work somewhere else or go take your kids somewhere else . Period. I am done bending backwards for people .... any people

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I am starting to ! Thanks! This was a nasty virus. I lost 12 pounds since Thursday ! I got a 2 litre fill up and Zofran and Gravol. After my vital signs improved after several hours they let me out .

I hope you're feeling better!
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Well, let’s hope we have a week where no one is sick . We had three with colds last week . Let’s hope they are done with the cold and that’s that. Everything was bleached again yesterday . It is a really short week for me yesterday was a holiday . And Thursday I am off because we have our intake appointment with our new doctor . So I only work three days this week .

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  • 2 weeks later...

The balance of power between my cats was upset when my daycare started and my older cat retreated to one room after being tackled by the younger two and injured. FINALLY seven months later I have lured him out and he is no longer afraid of the younger two family life might return to normal. ❤️


It took a week of drawing the old man out with wet food and spraying the younger one with water if he stalked the older one. Now the older one has his confidence back and will smack back the younger one .

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  • 2 weeks later...

J and I are pretty exhausted and I am glad after today she has 4 working days and I have 5. One of our little friends posts back to the US after this week. So in September we need a knew little friend. I am only taking two or above .

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The robins that built a nest on my porch light, well ,all their babies fledged last night. The last one hopped off into the blue yonder this morning . Through my fence and into the neighbour’s yard . Today we quickly took down the nest so that mommy and daddy don’t make more by next week . So tomorrow at daycare we have a nature lesson and we can explore the nest!

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Yesterday was a sad day. One of my little clients moved on. Yesterday was his last day. He was a little sweet boy who is a non verbal Autistic. I had looked after him since he was 7 months old. He is almost 4 now. J started her holidays on Thursday and I sent my casual employee home he was the last to be picked up. I sobbed just watching him play in the sandbox. My son came out to say goodbye because they had formed a bond and they hugged . When my son headed into the house you heard a soft “ bye bye “ from our little friend. He says almost no worse but is very profound when he has them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, work started again on Monday. Other than the occasional long weekend now no extended time off until Christmas . I think next year we are going to take two weeks off .


The family who is perpetually late on the pick up yesterday it finally popped out of my mouth I asked them for a late fee .

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Well, work started again on Monday. Other than the occasional long weekend now no extended time off until Christmas . I think next year we are going to take two weeks off .


The family who is perpetually late on the pick up yesterday it finally popped out of my mouth I asked them for a late fee .


Good for you!!!

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