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Self Employment:Greater Freedom: Freedom 60


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Omg people are nuts about what they want to pay for childcare. You want to pay me less than what I was making in 1983? Let me think about that. 😂


Umm... Right.

Think about that, folks. If you find someone willing to take low pay to do childcare, you are likely hiring someone vastly under qualified for the job. Quite possibly a flawed person that won't look after your child's safety and well being.

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Umm... Right.

Think about that, folks. If you find someone willing to take low pay to do childcare, you are likely hiring someone vastly under qualified for the job. Quite possibly a flawed person that won't look after your child's safety and well being.


Amen. We are backwards. People used to say to me, You give your babyaitter your credit card? Um. I give my babysitter my baby!

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Right? I mean think about it people they are supposedly looking after the most treasured thing in in your life but they are thinking of how to pay you the lowest rate entirely possible and how to scam you over . Oh but treat their child like it’s the most precious piece of glass ever . Whaaaaa? The person pouring their coffee at Starbucks makes more money than the person looking after their child . That makes any sense ???

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Plus to look after children you need first aid and CPR level C , which is $140. You need a criminal background check with vulnerable sector. $35. All your vaccines done . If you don’t have done is $65 each .Your day doesn’t end when the child leaves. There is cleaning ; toy bleaching , menu planning ,activity planning etc..... I have to go out and get the groceries. But they want to pay you less than $3.50 an hour which is what I was making in 1983 working at McDonald’s . Um yeah.... uh NO. You go to your job and make less than 3.50 an hour and see how you feel about it .

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What prompted the outrage was a woman advertising in the childcare site that I use along with thousands of others that she didn’t want to pay anybody $40 a day or more she needs to make money. And the people looking after your children don’t ???? If you can’t pay that price which is rock bottom you can’t afford childcare .

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Not only that if you do home childcare you get no break other than when the children choose to sleep. At what other job do you get no break? I am insituting breaks for my employee and myself.


Your house is incuring wear and tear.


I make hot lunches like roasted chicken etc..

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Not only that if you do home childcare you get no break other than when the children choose to sleep. At what other job do you get no break? I am insituting breaks for my employee and myself.


Your house is incuring wear and tear.


I make hot lunches like roasted chicken etc..


I had a friend that did in home childcare. Her husband was a garbage collector. He used to go home during his lunch just to help her get a break. It was so sweet. He parked his truck out front, and the kids adored him! It was a very popular daycare. But they retired and moved to the coast.

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I had a friend that did in home childcare. Her husband was a garbage collector. He used to go home during his lunch just to help her get a break. It was so sweet. He parked his truck out front, and the kids adored him! It was a very popular daycare. But they retired and moved to the coast.


When my husband gets home they usually all mob him..... lol...


His lunch is at nap time .


I am glad to have my partner though because working 10 hours a day without help would make me crazy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of my mom’s will need occasional care until 8 PM and for me to pick up her other daughter from another daycare and bring her to mine before 5:30. I was really reluctant because I don’t want to encroach on my family’s time in their own home . But mom started to cry . I know she is dramatic and I know she’s entitled . My best friend J,her son-in-law works with mom and apparently mom is spoiled and entitled at work too. And I know she lies about my Daycare’s hours at work because it gets back to me . She should know that we have a community the size of a tadpole pond. I may live to regret it but I relented . I really struggle when I see another mom in need of desperate help .

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I was going to charge her an extra $20 but my husband thinks I’m crazy . He said an extra 30 because you’re feeding both children supper and you’re inconveniencing your own family . But I haven’t discuss price with mom yet . And it will just be me doing care for those times of the day because J will be going home. Most likely it will be through to the end of the summer because her older daughter will be going to before and after school care at another home when she starts school and then I will just have the baby .

Well... I hope you're charging her time and a half for your efforts. ;)
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Do you have the kids bring an extra change of clothes? I still stick a bag in my son's backpack for a just in case (not "accident" just in case he gets wet/too dirty during recess, etc - never really used them at school though).

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Do you have the kids bring an extra change of clothes? I still stick a bag in my son's backpack for a just in case (not "accident" just in case he gets wet/too dirty during recess, etc - never really used them at school though).


Yup. And it all reeks to the high heavens of fish.

.... ...:

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