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Why is it so hard to find Love now a days


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OK this is my dilema I been in love with this guy for 3yrs but he got ,married and i decided to move on and start dating around and meet new people .............


SO finally I meet someone who is very attractive and seem like anice guy..just a couple of days ago i bumped into him and saw a ring in his hand but i don't remember what hand left or right so i fugured he was married he had also gaven me his number but after i deleted his number from my phone and that's it ...


Then i saw him tonight and while we weretalking he grabbed his beer isawit i again so i decided to ask him "oh nice ring where did u get it?" he told me that he got 3years ago when he got married! so i said "oh so your married?" and than he said "i am a widow" so i asked him wat hapeen and he explained that his wife died 1 year ago in a car accident,, so i also asked "so for how long are you going to be a widow for? and he just shrugged his shoulder as i don't know.....


HE has told me if anything i should call his phone to talked too and blah blah....


So my dilema is should i still talk to him or give him space...I have deleted his# from my cell phone and i don't want to ask for it again i only have his work # but iam not going to call his work to bugg him...


I do want to get to know him and stuff but i just don't want to disturb his beliefs either ..MAybe he isn't interested in me and he uses that as an excuse...I want to get over my ex and it's been 3 years i have been in love with him but iam also having a hard time to meet my




THis beyond crazy ......

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hum this is a very hard thing to approach. I guess you should become his friend at first, theres nothing wrong morally or contradictory interfering with his beliefs. Than all you can do is take it from there, learn things about each other. Maybe some good things will come form both of your rough pasts.Good luck

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ok I wrote this at 3am and i was drunk.... sorry for the grammar and spellling


But i do hope some how u understood what i was trying to explain


I also fixed it up abit so maybe nowyou guys can undestand it better

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it's true it's ok to approach,but i guess iam very shy and scared so i do need a little bit more security that he is into me if he does show me than maybe i will open up a bit and do my part..


The only problem is that he seen me abit drunk and he even noticed he

said "ur drunk " but i wasn't drunk to the point that i don't remember wat i said or didn't know what to say that night was a big night for me, i was promoting for that night the grand opening but he was very sweet and kept talking tome saying"ok if anything call me u have my work# and my cell phone..blahblah.."just hope he doesn't judge me or anything well i do hope he passes by again in the club i don't drink all the time it was just a big day...so maybe he can give me another chance

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