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Why would my ex girlfriend reach out after going no contact, acts great and friendly, make plans to meet up for ice cream at our old house, and then cancels a few hours before and say she is dating someone and proceeds to get mad when i say that was messed up, after which I found out she lied again about dating someone because she created a dating profile today on a dating site im also on. She then proceeds to get upset and say im accusing her of lying, which she did?


So confused. I know it sounds crazy but i want to reconcile. We had almost 4 years together. I truly do so any advice that could possibly lead to a chance to reconcile so anything that can help toward that I would love to do


Why would she do this?

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She contacted u and dangled a carrot for an ego boost. She got defensive because no-one likes to be called out. If I were you, I'd block her and never speak to her again. She doesn't care about you, you're just validation and amusement, that is all.

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She contacted u and dangled a carrot for an ego boost. She got defensive because no-one likes to be called out. If I were you, I'd block her and never speak to her again. She doesn't care about you, you're just validation and amusement, that is all.
And that sucks too. Almost 4 years and a couple months from proposing before we split now at this point. This hurts
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Sorry to hear this. It sounds like she wants you around in the friendzone as a backup plan or comfort food when the online dating world rears it's ugly head to her. Do not jump at the chance to be her friend.


Instead, stay strict no contact and be clear that you are not interested in anything but a reconciliation. You're on a dating site? Just keep pursuing that and have fun and ignore the breadcrumbs.

cancels a few hours before and say she is dating someone
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