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For a girl i know but don't understand


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why fret about your body,

and quite what clothes you wear,

the sound of your voice,

the colour of your hair,

you wouldnt change the starlight,

so why in these put care?


The wind blows in the green grass,

clouds swim through the sky,

flowers pale as you pass,

blinding to my eye.


why worry of the future,

the present and the past,

what will be will be,

what has been will last.


To you the sun is frozen,

fire fills the sea,

i'll be there for you always,

wherever you may be.

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i really liked your poem, it seems like nothing on the surface matters to you when it comes to her, its about the depth and what she has to offer from the inside which i like. the poem shows that you arent necessarily materialistic and thats a great trait. i think its beautiful. id be really flattered to have someone vaguely say something that represented that.



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i wish i could be less materialisitc, everyone thinks im not but i can be prejudiced based on looks despite my best tries- the funny thing is this girl is obsessed with thinking shes fat, even though she is verging on too thin, and i know many girls and even guys who seem to think the same- i mean honestly what is "good looking"? the definition changes all the time! i just wish i could have remembered this at points of my life where i have made wrong decisions, and im glad you like my poem thanks for being kind

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Oh my gosh... That is the most beautiful poem I have heard in years. I am a big fan of poetry, and I have even had invitations to speak infront of 3,000 pro poets, and I have had poems published in books, but I have not heard, nor written, anything as beautiful as this. It made me cry, for you see... I am not one to look at. thereforeeee, this poem ment alot to me. yet I am

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wow seeing as this was the first poem i had tried writing for years im so happy at the response! obviously it hit a nerve! nice to see everyone has sympathy with some of my views, but keep in mind that it really is hard to be "ugly", and i define it by the way people act, because if you think about it what is beauty? ideas change, a century ago it fas fatness that was ADMIRED, while now everyone seems to want to be thin enough to damage theyre health, or just eat out of depression at not being thin! its a crazy world and perceptions of beauty can and will change all the time, as does the way people look over time, so really i guess the only true sign of beauty is a good person- by all means everyone shouldnt completeley let themselves go, its a good thing to stay healthy, but beyond that really what is important in a person? in my experience the people who comply with this weeks "good looking" are mainly very nasty people, guys and girls alike, and i feel that by ignoring this you make your and everyone elses life alot better!

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