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Sexual attraction...


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Hi everyone!


I just read a post,the writer said he has been with his gf for 3 yrs,and he loves her sooo much,she is his everthing,but just dosen't have sexual desire for her anymore!It's such a tragedy...I know it happens,we can get tired of anything!...But here comes a question a man loose his sexual desire for his gf or wife if she is very attractive?Or how long does your sexual desire last for a attractive partner?Or maybe it's a stupid qustion,guys want differents right?

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You could be in a loving relationship with the most beautiful, sexy woman ever and then, bam! You lose the attraction for them. Could be any number of reasons. Often, it is you are so used to them, maybe things have got stale in the bedroom department or you or the person changes over time. This is were the dating guru's and agony aunt's tell you to "rekindle" your relationship, do things differently, talk more, remember how you both got together, bring back a bit of romance and all that stuff.



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If this happens, it is not because of how she looks in most cases. It is all about how he feels, and it could be because of a number of reasons.


The axiom we want what we cannot have could have soemthing to do with it. Since he know he can have it, he may not want it.


Her attitude may quash his desire for sex. My woman at times has said "I want you to make love to me", and it turns me off.


The Madonna-Wh_re symdrome may have something to do with it too. Him seeing his woman as a good woman, mother, i.e. a "madonna" in the traditional sense. And the wanton women stirs up thoughts of fantasy in his mind.


If it happens to your man, then you need to figure out why and address his feelings.

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Her attitude may quash his desire for sex.

My woman at times has said "I want you to make love to me", and it turns me off.


It's non of my business I know, but I thought that that would totally get a guy off, how come it turns you off if You don't mind me asking.

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I think it is partly because of the way she says it, often a bit whiny. When ever she shows me she wants to, and/or begins to make love to me, then I really enjoy it. When she is passive aggresive in this way, instant turn off. On the other hand, once she was naked and open and said this is for you to ____, she got it pretty fast. Aggression is great in this reagrd, passive aggression terrible.

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The important thing to remember is that at first his attractions could be strong- especially for someone attractive- but I have seen drop dead gorgeous make me drool guys but their attitude made them ugly. Personality has a lot to do with it- and also how much the girl keeps the attention. A guy can't do it all on his own.

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I dont believe that sexual attraction has to be based on physical attractiveness. It has to do with sex becoming boring or any other issue that makes sex not worth having. I have a saying that I tell my friends whenever they claim that a girl is (extremely attractive, hot, etc.)


"You can show me the most beautiful girl that you have ever seen and I will show you a man who is tired of having sex with her"


Its all about perspective and nothing to do with attractiveness, if she becomes pointless to a person then it wont matter how good she looks or how good other people thinks she looks that particular guy wont want to have sex with her. Of course other guys will want to have sex with her, but if the guy is tired of it then he is tired of it.

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It is rare I say this, but I agree 110% with what DayWalker said.


I mean, the thing is if a guy who lost total sexual attraction/interest in his partner he might see someone almost precisely the same and be attracted...so it has a lot to do with their perception/attitude towards their partner rather than that partner's appearance in cases where the appearance is the same.


It can be the partner has low self confidence, has something in her character unattractive, it could be the couple is not communicating well, having problems emotionally, or it could be the fact that they have let things go intimacy wise and are failing to see one another as sexual beings, or taking steps to light the fire. Or sometimes the one person does not see their partner in the same light anymore...they are no longer the person they really want to be with.


Each person is different.

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