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Should I do that?


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My girlfriend and I decided we're going on trip to Amsterdam this friday, as my birthday present I had previous week. As the date approaches, she starts getting early-homesick, actually pet homesick. She asked me if she can return home earlier, because she would be missing her cats so much. That act takes extra payment which she is okay with, but I dissagree with that. Afterall it's my birthday present and without her those 3 days would be painful. I don't know what to do.. please help me.

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I am lifelong pet-owner and animal-lover. Sure, I miss the animals on a trip but if I know they are in good hands and cared for while I am gone, I would not be cutting my boyfriend's birthday weekend short to go home to them.


There has got to be more context here. How long have you been together? How's your relationship in general? Who is paying for this trip, and does she expect you to stay by yourself in Amsterdam while she goes home?

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We've been together for almost a year and honestly we had some issues and the most chilly topic was immaturaty.. I changed many things and try to put everything in order for healthy relationship. Back to this problem. She payed about 70% of the enitire trip, and our deal were I pay the rest.. yes, she expect exactly the same as you said. I don't know what to do

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If you explain to her how painful it will be to spend 3 of those days, your b-day present, without her and she doesn't care, I would dump her. She's not willing to sacrifice being homesick for her cats for the joy of spending time with you on vacation. You will have to figure out what to do about the vacation. Cancel. Take a guy friend or family member instead. Go with her and try to enjoy your own company when she returns, and then dump her when you get back. She's too immature for a serious relationship.

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If she can't go away for a few days without getting homesick and pet sick....I mean....you kind of have to accept at face value that this is who she is. I wouldn't even make it about yourself. She simply has some serious emotional maturity issues and no matter how much you argue about it, she won't just become a different person because you are arguing over it. Either you can accept this about her or you need to move on to someone else. Forget going on trips with this girl. Not going to happen. So the real question is are you wiling to give up traveling together or even a future ability to move away from her area/family in order to be with her? If you are both completely sedentary, then it's not a problem. However, if life happens and you need to move or wish to travel, it's not going to happen with her.

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