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WHat did I do?!?


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okay, I've been going out with my boyfriend for about 9 mnths. and I really do love him to death and would never hurt him intentionally, but yesterday while I was in class my friend john asked me to go to the bathroom to hook-up or whatever and I thought about it for like 5 min. and finally agreed and went well we ended up making out for like 15 min. in the men's bathroom , now dont get me wrong im not like that usually in fact I've never done anything like that before i guess my hormones just got the best of me yesterday. He too, ( John) has a g/f of 2 years and he's known to have such a reputation with cheating on his g/f I, however, do not.....I really wasnt even thinking when it happened but 20 min. later I had realized what I had really done and I started thinking about chris ( my b/f) and almost started crying because I felt so horrible..

Later that night I told him what happened except I sugar-coated it alot basically what I said was that my friend came onto me and I didnt stop him but I didnt kiss back either..obviously I lied to him and now I feel really horrible I just dont want him to think that I dont love him because I do, I want to spend the rest of my life with him but at that time yesterday It felt nice to be in someone elses arms for awhile...I know I probley do the exact right thing but should I tell him what really happened and run a high risk of losing him and/or hurting him or should I just let it go and not let it happen again? All comments are appriciated ..Thanx

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Hey, fellas, it looks like that old line "Hey, baby, wanna get lucky?" really works...


I gotta go try this. Lemme talk to my secretary


Seriously, though: in school, with a dude who only offered you the men's room? I'd just break up with the b/f and date around till you know what you are looking for.

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Sounds to me like you're not ready to stick with one person for the rest of your life. You're young. Yes, our hormones can definitely make us crazy, but for some of us, that doesn't mean we are going to go and do something that we normally wouldn't do just because of them. I don't really think it was your hormones that got the better of you. Like you said, it felt good to be in someone elses arms.


If there is even the slight possibility that you might want to fool around again out of curiosity or whatever, don't keep your poor boyfriend around while you figure out what you want. It's not fair to him, and it would be a selfish thing for you to hold onto him and not be honest.

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Put yourself in your boyfriend's situation--what would you do if he told you he made out with another girl while dating you? That it was not even a spontaneous hook-up, but he spent some time considering it and thinking about the consequences, and still cheated? And to add insult to injury, it was someone else's girlfriend?


Hormones are a lousy excuse--you can control what you do, and even if you have no control over your feelings, you decide whether to act on them or not. For those who have no control over their actions, there are plenty of mental institutions and prisons around the world.


Frankly, if I was in your boyfriend's place, I'd dump you.

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Hmm... makes me wonder how sugar-coated the story my gf told me is...


Where she ended up making out for a few minutes with this friend of hers who had a crush on her. They had both been drinking, and he came onto her... they made out for a few minutes then she pushed him away and started crying.


You probably shouldn't have told him about it.


BTW... what was his reaction?

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After thinking about it for 5 minutes you still agreed, knowing it'd be cheating and that it's wrong? Are you sure you love your boyfriend, because you don't do something like that to someone you love.


It might have been best to never tell him. What people dont know won't hurt them the saying goes. But seeing how you did tell him, why lie about it? Either way it'll probably hurt him, except now if you tell him the truth it'll hurt him more.


I'd have to agree with other posts on here...maybe you should break up with him and find out what you're looking for?



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All I can really say is.. Wow!

I just want to say a few things.. I think it's not as worse as it could be, seeing how you didn't keep it from him, and had the courage to tell your boyfriend the "truth".

But on the other hand, 5 minutes of thinking, classroom, random situation, mens bathroom, making out for 15 minutes with another taken man. I don't think there is any comparison, just put yourself in his position, he has probably put so many nerve racking moments into your relationship, and then one day you tell him that you cheated on him with a guy in the bathroom? MAJOR blow to his confidence. If I for some reason did what you did.. I would tell my girlfriend the total truth, and say " I am not even going to make an excuse, I f**ked up badly, and all I can say is I love you, and if you love me, we can work this out". And see how things go from there. The decision lies in his hands now, and there isn't much left you can do about it. Good luck.

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that is messed up you didnt love him at all did you. you will probly ruin his relationships in the furter


1 tell him the truth

2 break up with him

3 "tell johns gf what happened'

4 hope it never happens agin

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