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Guest pepe1970

My first thoughts for the two links were the fact that humanity (in particular the youth) is realizing that life is not as the world portrayes it.

There is a lot of disappointments, treachery which make people get hurt caused by someone or something.

Because of that many chose to stay lonely to escape the pain.

That's my two cents.

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I've been doing quite a bit of reading on this topic of late. I think the attempt to link masculinity and loneliness is a huge red herring, it's more to do with where men and women go for emotional support when lonely.


In a large part I think we are lacking random inter-personal interacts as much as we are losing deep personal connections due to technology. We can now be hyper selective as to who we communicate with, often choosing someone who is more like "US" 500 miles away and shunning the person 5 feet away. I don't think we have adapted well to this new dawn of techno-communications. It also makes it so easy to withdraw when hurt to an electronic realm that we don't cope as well.



A good youtube video on this, she has her biases but uses and cites a lot of studies.

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