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First Car Accident :(


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I had my first car accident today. I was driving home, I was only a few blocks away, and I was driving down a 2-way street that had 3 huge pot holes together that each had A-frame traffic barricades INSIDE of them. While driving to the right to avoid them, I accidentally knocked off my passenger-side mirror on the back of a construction truck that was parked right there (That was there for a house, not to fix the pot holes). The truck was ok, I talked to the guy whose truck it was, he said it wasn't a big deal. I took some photos but the main damage is really my side mirror. It's hanging off, but did not come off all the way.


Is this something that I should report to my insurance, or is it better to just get it fixed and pay for it out of pocket?



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The cost of fixing the mirror is likely less. I don't know where you live and your policy agreement, but they can raise your rates when you have a claim.


If the cost of repair is less than the deductible, then I would just pay out of pocket to have it fixed.


IF you are up for a battle, you can fight city hall about the pothole that cause the whole thing to happen to begin with. But again, you need to be ready to battle.


If the other party contacts his insurance for a claim (didn't sound like he cared) then you'll have to reconsider.

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Yeah, I think I'd rather just pay up than fight the city. I mean, the potholes are so large that the barricades are sitting inside of them. I don't want my insurance to go up, my rates are already high as a new driver (6 months).

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Guest pepe1970

Well Annie, I'm glad you're ok.

My wife does those things all the time to her car. Mirrows, bumpers , dents and scratches and I fixed em all.

If you have a friend who knows how to fix it, it will be way cheaper than involving the insurance because they will deduct it one way or another.

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You had me scared there at first Annie!

I would probably just fix it out of pocket myself, like the rest have said. I will still insist you get a Haynes manual for your car, just so you know what they are doing.


You have some options:

Pay the garage for the parts and repair.

Buy the Mirror and have a shop or friend repair it.


The latter is the best option, it may not match paint wise; but function should be your biggest concern.

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I chose the expensive option today and went to my dealership and had them replace it and put it on. So, yeah, I didn't need that $340 for anything else but whatever. It's fixed now. Next time, I will have to do that. I will look up that Manual.


I have some scratches now on my black car. I need to look into the best option of fixing that. No huge rush, but I do want to have it look nice again.


I am on a community facebook message board. Apparently those ditches have been there for over a week, someone else said he damaged his car as a result too. Not sure when the city will deal with it? He said he was half tempted to go fill it in himself with some liquid concrete!!

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