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j.man... the next biggest thing to happen to the internet??


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Working on my clickbait game, and here's why...


So I just finished my last job of the season last week, which means I've got a solid four months or so of perhaps some odd jobs but little else otherwise. Traditionally, this means more cleaning, cooking, video games, pickup soccer and football games ... all generally with some early afternoon sipping whisky or tequila involved.


What I've decided to try to do so long as I'm doing these things anyway is to capture some footage and see if I can't edit it and market it to at least a few people out there on the internet with similarly unrefined senses of humor. Getting married in August and obviously starting to make some subsequent family plans, if I were to get so lucky, it'd be nice to be able to break in a bit and make a few bucks while being the stay-at-home. At the very least, if it doesn't work out, it'll have been a good way to build on my technical knowledge. But I digress... I was mapping out how I'd do it for cooking and video games each when I asked myself why not try with the advice I recreationally give here. It's quite a trifecta but I figure as long as I've got the time and we're not hurting for money, I can give them all a shot and see if any or none of them stick.


Obviously I can't and wouldn't take posts from these forums and appropriate them, but just as much as it's for them having the right to pass their information as they see fit, it's because a lot of the posts are difficult to tailor and extrapolate into a broader context in order to make decent multi-minute content with, which is where I come to you for some help and ideas. Whether out of a general and personal interest / issue of yours or something you think, by having read my posts, I'd have a particularly interesting take on, what would you (potentially) like to hear me (or anyone) talk about for 5ish minutes?


Again, apologies if this breaks into promotional territory. Not looking to use these forums as a plug when / if I get a few productions out there, so hoping it's all good.

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After 9,117 post methinks you've earned your right to plug away....lol....


My only suggestion is do one thing at a time, get into it, get creative, learn how to market it, let it loose on the world and see how it goes. Don't try to do three different things at once or you'll risk doing none of them well. Basically, if what you choose to do isn't catching on, you've got two other ideas in the wings.

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Start with the basics: How to get back my ex?! (Basically how to go NC and move on, because you don't really want them back) and ghosting. Then you really want your followers to start asking you questions, but you already know that.

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Congratulation, Jman! Many women will cry over you being off the dating circuit.


Have you ever considered a Youtube channel? Make money as well as give life lessons from day to day life as you see it. Just a thought.


I think whatever you have to give wisdom on it will be interesting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Congrats on the marriage, man. Seen you on these boards for years and hope to see you stick around for more. I know a thing or two about this subject working in the web business, so I can maybe offer advice. I've been thinking about starting something similar as well. I'm also a "Renaissance man" as you; cooking, video games, working on cars, etc. and doing my programming as my job. I've been thinking about doing a series with teaching coding. I'm full of ideas, but don't know where I want to start (yet). I think about it almost every day.


Your best bet would be YouTube with this idea. It is simply the biggest avenue for videos out there, and, over time, you have the opportunity to monetize it as well. If you're going to do it, you have to commit, and you have to realize that the process is very, very, VERY slow in the beginning. It takes a long time, sometimes years, to get subscribers and fans onto your channel. And it takes equally as long to turn any money out of it. In fact, I should tell you now. If you want to do something like this, the money should be a secondary objective. Because people that are in it only for the money... your viewers will sniff it out fast and quit following you really fast. Apart from monetization with YouTube, you should also allow people to donate through patreon or something.


I can tell you now, starting a website is hard. The web is my main business, and it's probably (worse) than trying on YouTube. I would recommend starting the YouTube first, and THEN setting up some super cheap/free website after where you can post the videos you make from YouTube (let them host it for you!) and you can do a little follow/write-up on the website. Starting a website, it's just hard for people to find you. And advertising isn't what it once was with Google.


Second to committing, you need to deliver quality content! How or why do people want to hear you give advice on stuff? That sound like your main shtick, talking about life/relationship advice similar to this forum. There just, there has to be some kind of catch to it. A reason people come around. The best content is stuff that goes viral. Apart from day-to-day advice to normal people, maybe target celebrities as well. Maybe like, Kim Kardashian is in a fight with Kanye over something. You can make some "my thoughts on the kim kanye" fight thing. The celebrity names attach will boost it a bit. You can also make countdowns/top-5's. They are slightly click-baity, but they work. Like "top 5 reasons you don't need a girlfriend" or something. Stuff like that always grows organically, people like watching stupid lists like that.


Third and last thing; if you do more than advice, consider more than one YouTube channel. If you did cooking for example, make a channel dedicated to cooking. Video games, do a gaming commentary one or something. Sometimes combining everything on one channel isn't good, especially for monetization. Like, if you did a dating advice video and some young girl liked. She subscribes to you. Next week, you are uploaded videos of you playing some dumb video game. She sees that an unfollows you, forgetting you were the guy that had the advice channel. Mixing content can confuse subscribers and the audience. Some people can get away with it once they are huge/established. but, getting started, I would have a clear goal/objective for the channel.

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I think I would start with what makes popular youtube channels?


I'm sure you don't have a face for radio, so it's all about marketing yourself and coming through with a unique angle and packaging it all together for an experience that people can't get elsewhere.

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