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Is Anyone Else Watching The Royal Wedding?


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Sorry, but this story makes me like him less.


If anyone on this board wrote this, we'd jump on them:

--Blind date shows up 40 minutes late, and he had told his driver to intervene after 10 minutes, just so she could tell her friends she had lunch with a VIP, so he could bail.


We'd call that a jerk. An arrogant one.


Yeah but who's to say that's true?? People write so much these days..... what i heard yesterday is that he already had a crush on her in suits and asked for a meeting which was then set up by a mutual friend..... and it was a great first meeting and they saw each other again the next day....

I don't believe that story where he asked his driver to intervene....

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Sorry, but this story makes me like him less.


If anyone on this board wrote this, we'd jump on them:

--Blind date shows up 40 minutes late, and he had told his driver to intervene after 10 minutes, just so she could tell her friends she had lunch with a VIP, so he could bail.


We'd call that a jerk. An arrogant one.


Yeah he was a bit cocky, BUT you gotta put yourself in his shoes.


He had women falling all over him and he was constantly being "fixed up" by well meaning friends, all disasters, none of them worked out.


So he became rather cynical about it. I don't think he trusted women at that point either, their motives. He wasn't in the best "place" when he met Meghan. He admitted it!


There was a documentary on CNN about both Harry and Meghan, so tend to trust it more than had I read it in a tabloid.


The documentary also said no he didn't know her prior, he had never even heard of Suits (neither had I).


The story about him having a crush on her from Suits came from the Lifetime movie -- a very caddy jealous British women (friend of Kate's) told Meghan that at a party, (among other things) to stir trouble. Even Kate admitted it was BS.


Agree with dias, she isn't the most gorgeous woman he's ever been with, or could be with, but there was (is) just that "something" she has that the others didn't have apparently.


I guess you could say they just "fit."


This is funny, and I just noticed it a couple of days ago, but when you look at their photos (profiles) side by side their noses are virtually identical!


Not perfect noses, you can tell they're natural (no nose jobs lol), I think that is interesting!


It's been said that when people fit, soul mates or whatever we want to call it, they resemble each other in some ways.


Not sure if that's true, but thought it was interesting!

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The only thing that upset me about the wedding was that YouTube set their homepage link in the corner to the stream of it. I'm all for the masses getting their opiate of choice, but don't you dare impede on my weekly catch-up of Philly D.

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Doesn’t really matter about stories and rumours and news reports the only people that really know what’s going on in their relationship is the two people in it . And Harry and William are going to be very guarded seeing what happened to their mother .

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Doesn’t really matter about stories and rumours and news reports the only people that really know what’s going on in their relationship is the two people in it . And Harry and William are going to be very guarded seeing what happened to their mother .




Unfortunately living their life together in peace will be near impossible but wish them the best!

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It'll be interesting to see if they in fact can. The social and (whatever's left of) the formal political influence of the royal family will very likely take an incredible hit once Elizabeth croaks. Perhaps not the UK itself, but I can see a very possible dissolution of the Commonwealth stealing the show. Between that and the residual love for Diana fading with age, I don't think either of young royal couples will retain the social capital we're accustomed to right now.

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She has been queen as long as any of us have been alive .


Exactly. And she was alive and a powerful player through times that I have to read history books about and hear stories about. There's a certain clout that comes with that. She is living history that brings meaning and cohesion.

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It'll be interesting to see if they in fact can. The social and (whatever's left of) the formal political influence of the royal family will very likely take an incredible hit once Elizabeth croaks. Perhaps not the UK itself, but I can see a very possible dissolution of the Commonwealth stealing the show. Between that and the residual love for Diana fading with age, I don't think either of young royal couples will retain the social capital we're accustomed to right now.


William and Kate are on the cover of every magazine at all times it seems. No one is going to forget about them anytime soon. But i do not think Charles is as beloved as the Queen and when he becomes King (if Elizabeth has the longevity of the Queen Mum, you never know...Charles could die before she does...) I don't know if the same love will be there.

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I just read an article that said the Royal wedding cost 32 million dollars. The royal family paid 2 million and the tax payers footed the rest. To me, that's sickening.

Do you know that this past winter UK had one of the worst flu seasons, ever? The ambulances were queued up in the car park of the hospital. People literally died from not being able to get the help they desperately needed in time.

And you know why? Not enough money to have proper amount of doctors, nurses and space for people who were very sick. If anyone had a medical emergency, they were in trouble.

And then the royals have the gall to slap everyone in the face and spend a ridiculous amount of money that the country cannot afford!

I'm sorry if this is a downer for some of you, but a silly wedding dress, and over the top wedding is not feasible anymore in this day and age with people starving and not getting proper health care.

It is irresponsible and just plain wrong.

I'd like to think that royalty in this day and age would care more about the people in that country rather than to over spend and misuse money, but it's not going to happen is it?

It truly is a shame.

Wave flags for a love story, but not a ridiculous misuse of money.

They could have had a beautiful wedding for 2 million and it's much more money than most of us will ever see in this lifetime.

I shake my head again at what this says about our world and what's important to people.

Priorities have gone out the window.

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Interesting observation about their profiles. I've notices over the years the similarities of people who I know are madly in love, and yes, they all seem to look alike somehow. A few years ago, I found out about 2 of my aquantences meeting and dating. They had only gone out twice when I heard about it. I knew right away that it would last because they both have the same hair thickness, hair color/texture, same jawline, same forehead. Six months later, they got married. A lot of ppl were against the wedding and marriage because of how quick it happened. But just seeing them in person at their wedding, it was magical, the love they had for eachother was definitely intense. They've been married 5 years now and still look insanely in love.

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I just read an article that said the Royal wedding cost 32 million dollars. The royal family paid 2 million and the tax payers footed the rest. To me, that's sickening.

Do you know that this past winter UK had one of the worst flu seasons, ever? The ambulances were queued up in the car park of the hospital. People literally died from not being able to get the help they desperately needed in time.

And you know why? Not enough money to have proper amount of doctors, nurses and space for people who were very sick. If anyone had a medical emergency, they were in trouble.

And then the royals have the gall to slap everyone in the face and spend a ridiculous amount of money that the country cannot afford!

I'm sorry if this is a downer for some of you, but a silly wedding dress, and over the top wedding is not feasible anymore in this day and age with people starving and not getting proper health care.

It is irresponsible and just plain wrong.

I'd like to think that royalty in this day and age would care more about the people in that country rather than to over spend and misuse money, but it's not going to happen is it?

It truly is a shame.

Wave flags for a love story, but not a ridiculous misuse of money.

They could have had a beautiful wedding for 2 million and it's much more money than most of us will ever see in this lifetime.

I shake my head again at what this says about our world and what's important to people.

Priorities have gone out the window.


Thank you for putting things in proper perspective Sherry, I wholeheartedly agree with you.


We experience the same inequity in the U.S. too, which I've spoken about many times so won't repeat here only that it pisses me off to no end!


The cost of the wedding, dress, reception, I knew it had to be expensive and agree it's shameful the taxpayers had to foot 30 million of it. Wow!


It was a beautiful and special day and having a friend in England, many agreed, but still, nothing justifies spending that amount of money especially when people are suffering, and dying from lack of resources!


I am actually a bit surprised to hear that as Harry is known for being a great humanitarian; I would think he'd have something to say about the cost of his own wedding ceremony.


I'm a bit disappointed now but perhaps he had no control over it, not familiar with British tradition and protocol.


In the U.S., when John F. Kennedy, Jr. (who was considered American royalty here in the U.S.) got married years ago, he and Carolyn Bissette had a very private ceremony with just a few friends and family.


It was so private, no one even knew about it until after the fact!


Carolyn's dress was lovely but very understated, as was the ceremony; I was so impressed by that, it was consistent with his (and his family's) values and advocates for the under-privileged.


However, I recall reading there were many people who were very disappointed it was so private and complained we didn't get to witness something more grand and elaborate!


So there ya go, yeah people's priorities are messed up, and I'm now actually embarrassed for starting this thread and making such a fuss about it.


I didn't mean to offend anyone and apologies to those I did.

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I just read an article that said the Royal wedding cost 32 million dollars. The royal family paid 2 million and the tax payers footed the rest. To me, that's sickening.

Do you know that this past winter UK had one of the worst flu seasons, ever? The ambulances were queued up in the car park of the hospital. People literally died from not being able to get the help they desperately needed in time.

And you know why? Not enough money to have proper amount of doctors, nurses and space for people who were very sick. If anyone had a medical emergency, they were in trouble.

And then the royals have the gall to slap everyone in the face and spend a ridiculous amount of money that the country cannot afford!

I'm sorry if this is a downer for some of you, but a silly wedding dress, and over the top wedding is not feasible anymore in this day and age with people starving and not getting proper health care.

It is irresponsible and just plain wrong.

I'd like to think that royalty in this day and age would care more about the people in that country rather than to over spend and misuse money, but it's not going to happen is it?

It truly is a shame.

Wave flags for a love story, but not a ridiculous misuse of money.

They could have had a beautiful wedding for 2 million and it's much more money than most of us will ever see in this lifetime.

I shake my head again at what this says about our world and what's important to people.

Priorities have gone out the window.


I actually like you even more for pointing that out.

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If Britain paid 30 million - thats absurd -- but to me, the whole thing was an advertisement for Great Britain - tourism and goodwill.. I saw on tv later the streets were packed with tourists who wanted to be there to catch a glimpse of anyone (and they were interviewed and were definitely not from the UK). I am sure every hotel in London was packed, then that spills over into restaurants and stores selling consumables. Not even counting the wedding vendors, the valets or police paid overtime, the florists and on and on - money that goes to feeding people's kids because they got the work. Its like the superbowl ad for Australia that cost a billion bucks to get people to think about coming to Australia to spend money. If things are grim in England - just like Secretariat winning the Derby while everyone was dreary about gas prices and Viet nam uplifted spirits and gave people things to cheer for -- maybe the wedding just took the focus off of all of that just for a second.


I think even though 30 million was paid, i wouldn't be surprised if a big chunk of that didn't end up right back in small businesses and wages to the "little people".

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^^Good point, and it would be interesting to know the money Britain took in versus what it put out.


Here in the U.S., what you're describing is a sort of "trickle down" and would hope that the "little people" would benefit in some form or fashion.


I suppose any sort of grand event, Super Bowl, Olympics, Royal wedding, etc benefits the overall economy, it's just hard sometimes to wrap your brain around the taxpayers footing the bill, when the Royals could certainly afford to fund it themselves.

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Not so much the expenditure itself that's insulting. As mentioned, money gets dumped into distractions and essentially advertising your country all the time. It's when a family with a net worth of more than half a billion pounds fronts just $2 million of the $32 million that I think it crosses into face-slapping territory. I get that that Britain's monarchy isn't exactly Thai or Saudi royal family rich, but a wedding-- even an extravagant one-- is well within its means. Then again, more money gets dumped into worse things, so I can't say it's something I lost much sleep over.

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It was reported here, in Canada, that the royal family paid for the wedding and the taxpayer paid for the security which was the biggest expense at 30 million pounds. 500 million pounds was brought into their economy as a result. There was also a fair bit of discussion around the fact that Meghan paid for her own dress.

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It was reported here, in Canada, that the royal family paid for the wedding and the taxpayer paid for the security which was the biggest expense at 30 million pounds. 500 million pounds was brought into their economy as a result. There was also a fair bit of discussion around the fact that Meghan paid for her own dress.


its like hosting the olympics i guess. The expense is immense but the amount of booked hotel rooms, admission to nearby tourist sites, food and more spills over tenfold. *

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