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poem I wrote. (not titled yet)


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You've finally spoken the last of words

That I really needed to hear

To confirm my deepest wonderings

To manifest my truest fear


So now with a silent and sad confession

I'm making only to myself (so that you cannot hear)

I store up all of these old feelings (away on a shelf)

As you are holding to me near


It's now that I have come to admit

You don't quite understand

How when I intertwine my fingers with yours

It's more than just to hold your hand


And you'll say you get it

But it's out of your grasp to comprehend

It's just not real to you

Though I know it's not just pretend


And someday

Just maybe

When you're older, you know?

You'll get the whole picture

It won't be some show

To you

Do you,

Know what I mean?

From what I've seen

You don't

Will you change soon?

From what I gather

You won't


Not yet


Don't change who you are for me

I'll let you be

You're young

You have to make mistakes

Though I hate to watch you skin and scrape, your knees


Don't touch the flame

But in the same, breathe

You're burnt

Another lesson learned

The hard way

What difference would it make to stay?


Though I'm here if you need me

Behind the girl with golden hair

I'm maybe fourth in line

Keep trying

You're getting there


I swear


I'll be here when you get tired

Kissing all of your wounds

Your scars

Praying you find your place

Somewhere amidst the stars

If that is what you wish

But I can't kiss, your lips

They're your only true imperfection

The original deception

Running loose with lies and promises to be broken

You lie with lips but your eyes have spoken

Truths you have yet to know you've told

Maybe I'm just too old


At heart


And maybe,

I just think too much

And maybe

I dreamed you into something you are not

I'm a pessimistic optimist

A walking contradiction again

You, my friend

Will probably take this wrong

I think perhaps we both were confusing

Each other and ourselves all along


I hold you now

And I feel used once more

And though

I realize you will perhaps never know

Why or what I do this for

It's okay


I'll be here to hold you anyway

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