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Do I go this evening?


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So a few months ago I dated a guy. He was great. We ended things because of different goals for the next few years. He wanted to move to a different country for work for a bit and I want to stay here and settle down.


So we’ve been texting lots since we ‘broke up’. I can’t stop thinking about him. Today is his birthday and he’s invited me on his birthday night out tonight and for a walk tomorrow. Do I go? Why has he invited me if we’re over?


When we text it’s sometimes flirty but he doesn’t give the impression that he wants to give it another go with me.

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I would reply “I’d love to see you if you’re now interested in pursuing a relationship with me”. Yes I’d be that formal because if he is the formality will be if not a turn on a clear signal that you’re on the same page. If it’s not what he’s thinking he likely won’t reply. Which is good.

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his intentions are quite questionable but if you like the guy.....


have one drink and then say you have other plans and leave.


you have to be really strong. if it turns into a booty call, its your own fault, as your intuition is telling you something. so there's that.


but if you don't go, how you gonna know for sure. i mean if you want the guy, you gotta play the little game. do not sleep with this guy. do not take him back, easily. even if he professes his love...


1. believe nothing said when drunk. they mean it but while they're drink.


2. getting back together, and allowing him to be in your romantic life, should require some effort and demonstration of consistency. and that can't happen in one night.

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