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Back in contact with LTR Ex-Girlfriend, need advice on what to do next.


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I know if I go NC again, it basically means I’m giving up on her forever.




By going no contact you give yourself time to continue improving... and move on sooner. If she really has no intention to reconcile, you lose nothing, and gain a lot of self respect, among other things.


Coincidentally, it may be that she'll miss you. By getting over her, you might (emphasise might) even re-attract her. One of nature's paradoxes.


Either way you get something positive. But only she can decide to come back to you.


She has you in the friend-zone right now, and the sooner you haul yourself out of it the better, or you are kissing any faint chance of reconciliation goodbye.


Stop being her male girlfriend (who she won't meet in person) and ignore her. Do not initiate contact, or be in any hurry to reply to hers.


When she asks why, tell - her - I have enough friends, and don't need you as one. If you ever reconsider, contact me, otherwise, leave me alone.

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RayRay63 is right.

You need to do NC.

I know it is very difficult to do but it is the only way. I am doing it myself.


Don't be afraid to moving on. Moving on does not mean that you love her less.

Moving on means that you accept that the relationship you had with her was over. And it DOES NOT mean in the future you would not have a chance with her. If you do have a chance with her again in the future, it will be a NEW relationship.


Your focus now during NC is to fix yourself. Think of what you did wrong during the relationship and try to fix it. Go work out. Buy new clothes.

If you keep contacting her, she won't be able to have time to heal. And as the result, the chance of you getting back with her would be slimmer. The fact that you are "on her face" is a constant reminder of the hurt and that's the last thing she needs right now to heal.

Also do not take her words literally. When she said, "Years down the line..," it reflects the situation that she is now - the situation where you are "pestering" her and drive her against the wall. But if you do NC, situation would change.


Unfollow her on FB, Insta, etc. That's what I did. Disappear from her life completely.

She won't forget about you. She would eventually move on and I know you don't want that. But that's the only way for her to forgive you and that's the only way you could get a chance with her again in the future. Once you become the new you. A better version of current you.

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