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Ex reached out after a month NC

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So I haven't spoken to the ex in about a month and get a text from him yesterday night asking if we could meet up and apologizing for how he initiated the breakup, claiming he was under a lot of pressure from work and when he saw my message (me telling him that if he didn't have time for the relationship then just let me know so he doesn't waste my time or his), he just 'cracked'. I haven't replied to his messages.


I'm not interested in getting back with him at this point (if that's his intention of reaching out) because I think I still need to work on myself (mainly self esteem issues) and that's my main focus right now.


Any advice?

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Is that your intent for right now, or forever?


If you don't ever want to be with him again, politely decline and tell him you wish him well.

If you would like to reconcile down the road, provided he wants the same, then just be honest and tell him you need more time to work on your issues. He may just be wanting to get closure and alleviate his own guilt though, so be careful.

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Sounds like a booty call. If you're over him, you should block him so he can't interfere with your recovery. He was terrible to you and he took advantage of your warm and loving nature. Block him so you don't have to waste even a second of thinking about him.

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