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me and my ex started talking again

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i have been woth him for 9 months and i do love him hes the only guy i can say i really loved, he got me at my worst, but the two of us needed to end things bec we both didn’t know how to handle each other hes an emotional guy so after moving out of his place i decided to stop the communication bec i got tired of the back and forth , when i did that he was really hurt he will txt me 3am saying how he never gave up on me or how he still love me , after two weeks i decided to talk to him again , we went out for dinner and i was cool , he was the one asking about emotional stuff like do i miss him, and how he thought he was over me but hes not, so we’re talking like everyday but when i ask him do u wanna start hanging out and keep talking he asked me u mean start dating now? he said he doesn’t have an answer for me right now but he wants us to see where it goes and start from there , i know ive hurt him and im more stronger than him emotionally but i dont know if he still wants me , he will always be the first one to reach out , and after he said that i asked him for sex just cause i wanna see what hes gonna say , he said yes then after having sex he txtd me and i just reply short then he replied and i just read it , am i over thinking should i just see where things go , before i asked him for sex and he said no if nothing is gonna come out of it, i just dont know what to do i dont wanna loose him , i know he loves me also i would be the one who will ask him to hang out, but after this im thinking of just giving him space im so anxious.

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Well, you have to figure out what you want. Do you want this whiny, emotional guy or are you looking for something else? You probably should have combined this with your other question about ex sex. I would say that if you don't want him, you're better off just cutting it off so he doesn't get even more clingy towards you and he can start healing. If you continue to meet up with him and occasionally have sex with him, he's going to think there's still hope in making you his girlfriend and he could become a stalker or you won't be able to get rid of him.

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