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Not interested in the news?


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Hey everyone!


I was discussing with my boyfriend when he suddenly asked me in a sarcastic way if I know what’s going on in the world because he knows that normally I’m not interested in hearing the news (specifically politics) or in other words I don’t check them out. Of course sometimes I hear people talk or someone tells me about something or the news just randomly pop on my phone screen. So when he asked me that I said I don’t care about the news and I told you this many times, but recently I’ve heard this and that. Then he started saying that I’m selfish and just think of myself!!! Then he talked about the chemical attack that is happening in Syria. And he said that I don’t have a heart. I cannot understand how me being not interested in the news means that I don’t care about people’s lives or that I only think of myself? I fid not say that I don’t care about people dying snd stuff. I just meant the news in general and specially politics! I told him what have you done other than hearing those poor people’s news? What makes you more human than me? Did you change their life or situation? Why he talks like he did something big or presented a big help to them by just hearing or reading their news! At the same time, those people are coming and staying as refugees in his country, but he was saying that they are making my country sh*t blah blah. If you assume that you feel them then why are saying that you don’t want them in your country.


Please I would love to hear your comments because I’m really pissed off!


Thanks in advance...

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Of course this isn't about the news. It's about beating you up about "being selfish" , "being heartless"and "knowing what's going on". Is this a LDR? Is he usually this argumentative or verbally abusive? Is he annoyed that you are in a better country?

he started saying that I’m selfish and just think of myself!!! And he said that I don’t have a heart. staying as refugees in his country
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Of course this isn't about the news. It's about beating you up about "being selfish" , "being heartless"and "knowing what's going on". Is this a LDR? Is he usually this argumentative or verbally abusive? Is he annoyed that you are in a better country?


Yes, we have a LDR for 4 years now. I don’t really understand what his problem is. He is argumentative and verbally abusive sometimes. Usually whenever we argue about something. He is judgmental too. I don’t get why he always wants to make me look like the bad person in the end of every discussion or argument. I mean I’m just not interested in the news and to me it’s just a matter of preference, what does this have to do with having a heart? Or not caring about the dying people or children around the world. Who on earth would not care or get touched by those news. I just don’t have to check every day or read what happens on a regular basis.

I live in Europe, he doesn’t. We thought of him moving to my place to escape from the military service and to be together at the same time, but it’s a very demanding process so we thought if I could move to his home country where he lives. It was a a very bad fight and now we don’t even talk. We planned for a vacation in June, but I don’t even know how things will be fixed now.

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How did you meet? How often do you see each other in person? 4 yrs is very very long time for a LDR that can't be resolved, particularly when it's just arguing and resentment. He hates you because you are in Europe and he can't escape his horrible place. Why are you allowing him to verbally abuse you? It may be best to cut your losses and date local men.

Yes, we have a LDR for 4 years now.I live in Europe, he doesn’t. We thought of him moving to my place to escape from the military service and to be together at the same time, but it’s a very demanding process so we thought if I could move to his home country where he lives. It was a a very bad fight and now we don’t even talk.
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Hey everyone!


I was discussing with my boyfriend when he suddenly asked me in a sarcastic way if I know what’s going on in the world because he knows that normally I’m not interested in hearing the news (specifically politics) or in other words I don’t check them out. Of course sometimes I hear people talk or someone tells me about something or the news just randomly pop on my phone screen. So when he asked me that I said I don’t care about the news and I told you this many times, but recently I’ve heard this and that. Then he started saying that I’m selfish and just think of myself!!! Then he talked about the chemical attack that is happening in Syria. And he said that I don’t have a heart. I cannot understand how me being not interested in the news means that I don’t care about people’s lives or that I only think of myself? I fid not say that I don’t care about people dying snd stuff. I just meant the news in general and specially politics! I told him what have you done other than hearing those poor people’s news? What makes you more human than me? Did you change their life or situation? Why he talks like he did something big or presented a big help to them by just hearing or reading their news! At the same time, those people are coming and staying as refugees in his country, but he was saying that they are making my country sh*t blah blah. If you assume that you feel them then why are saying that you don’t want them in your country.


Please I would love to hear your comments because I’m really pissed off!


Thanks in advance...

Oh goodness, you don't have to carry the world on your shoulders. Plus most of the news is political propaganda catering to one side. He's just looking for something to be mad about. There is nothing you can do about those attacks except vote, and there is no one on the ballot (at least I think - not sure about where you live) of significance in foreign policy determination for a while.
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How did you meet? How often do you see each other in person? 4 yrs is very very long time for a LDR that can't be resolved, particularly when it's just arguing and resentment. He hates you because you are in Europe and he can't escape his horrible place. Why are you allowing him to verbally abuse you? It may be best to cut your losses and date local men.


For once I actually agree that you should consider cutting your loses and dating closer to home. He is being verbally abusive and attacking the very essence of who you are as a person just because he wants to. He has no basis for his claims and accusations. Why do you want to be with someone who thinks that you are heartless and inhumane just because you said that you don't bother with following the news - it's just nonsense and he is just using that as an excuse to be nasty to you. Please understand that even if you start following the news from now on religiously, he'll just find other reasons to attack you over. His behavior is highly problematic and unacceptable. I would definitely not even consider moving to his country if I were - you will be putting yourself in a very bad situation with a man who isn't being good to you even through the distance. How much worse he might become to you once he has you in his country/culture and close to where he can control you.....I don't even want to think about that.


Time for you to get out of this and move on. You can do better OP. Just because you've wasted 4 years on this, doesn't mean you should waste so much as another week. Cut your loses and quite likely save yourself from some serious trouble.

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