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So I recently had a huge episode with my ex. Right after we broke up we found out he had stage 3 colon cancer. He had planned a trip to visit me but during that time I met someone else and I told him not to come here. He was obviously very uspet and heartbroken but my instinct was to get back with him and help him still. I was still angry with him so we literally spent 7 months going back and forth with him begging me to take him back. Ultimately on New Year Eve, he tried to kill himself because I wouldn’t get back with him.



During that time he threatened me with a lawsuit, tried to manipulate everything to make it seem i was the reason for why we were in this situation, and maybe he is right.


I’m realizing I think I made a mistake so I reached out to him recently and asked if he still wanted to try again. He was seeing someone, she tried to steal a lot if his money but he caught her.


My birthday was earlier in the month and he reached out to me and told me they broke up and he should have “went with his instinct”. I asked him again if he wanted to start over and he said “of course, I would need some time especially since I’m still recovering”.


I asked him last week if he still loved me and he said “I do, but I still think about all the arguments and all the pain we went through and I’m just so confused on what I want to do. I still love you but I just need some time”. I’m still seeing the other guy I’m with but I told my ex that I would talk to him when he felt he wanted to start agaim with me.


I don’t know, I know he still really loves me, but we’ve been through a lot obviously. Think its best to leave him alone and wait for him to come around?

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Oh god no, this guy is a total mess! He threatened you with suicide and a lawsuit!!!! Why do you want to go back to this guy?! He's nuts!!!!


Yes, it's unfortunate with his health, although this is no excuse for the gross manipulation he inflicted upon you. Do not entertain this guy. He is trouble and I can forsee him making your life hell if you continue the relationship.


Nothing is your fault. It's called life - people break up all the time and it gets messy, but it's certainly legal. He's making empty threats to essentially blackmail you back into a relationship again.

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Leave the poor guy alone and let him recover from cancer. Get out of his life with your anger and games and nonsense. Stop stringing along the current guy or the cancer guy. It's unconscionable that you are doing this to a guy fighting for his life.

Right after we broke up we found out he had stage 3 colon cancer. I was still angry with him so we literally spent 7 months going back and forth.I’m still seeing the other guy I’m with but I told my ex that I would talk to him
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Leave the poor guy alone and let him recover from cancer. Get out of his life with your anger and games and nonsense. Stop stringing along the current guy or the cancer guy. It's unconscionable that you are doing this to a guy fighting for his life.


...she would have if he didn't manipulate her with suicide and a lawsuit after trying to coerce her back. Really, how can you even blame her after such distress inflicted by him? He's the one playing games here, even did the same thing and found someone else. Cancer doesn't excuse being a douche, although I agree it is best to leave him alone.

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