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The new boyfriend... Help me guys thanks 😢


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So we just started dating and it's been a few weeks and we had a argument. So today we didn't get to talk much because I was busy and he was as well but I still made time to call him and I was the last person to text him and also I snapped him. So I thought he was pretty busy cuz tomorrow he's got a wedding to attend to a place far away with his friends and I figured he'd be busy. So I didn't contact him until he did. Later at night he texts me and says that I deliberately didn't text him and got real mad at me. I feel he's got some ego problem. I told him that I thought he was busy packing for tomorrow but he just says he's tired and goes to me, shutting me out. I feel so upset. What do I do. How do I deal with this dude. I love him but I feel this is pretty immature of him to get mad at me for a silly reason. I asked him what's wrong with him and he leaves me on read (on WhatsApp).. Please help me ya'll thanks šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­

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If you have an argument with someone - yes, if you don't text them like you normally would, it does sound like you were avoiding them on purpose. I don't think you should label him as having an "ego problem". I just think you should decide if you really want to date someone you already had an argument with in the first few weeks of dating. I'd bail.

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Sorry to hear this. What were the arguments about? It sounds like he's seeing girls he knows or hopes to at the wedding so wants to start a fight and force your hand to break up. He's playing head games and you know it, you just don't know why. It would be best to break up if there is this much trouble after dating just a little while.

we just started dating and we had a argument. Later at night he texts me and says that I deliberately didn't text him and got real mad at me. I love him
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Dating just a few weeks and already this? End things and move on. Also, don't say you love someone you barely know - you are just learning how he handles any kind of conflict - not well. So early on in dating is your time to observe who the person is and when they show you their colors, especially so early on, be grateful it's still easy to walk away quickly and walk away. A few weeks in things should still be on cloud nine when two people are truly compatible. There should be nothing to argue about, let alone have things blow up to this extent. This is basically your giant clue that you two aren't a match.

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It's a bit early in things for this level of sniping to be going on.


Loving who/what you think this guy is and loving him are two completely different things. You've only known him long enough for the former to apply--the latter doesn't because you don't know him well enough to know who/what exactly you're loving--clearly, if this incident came up and surprised you, then you don't know him. You know what his "first-6-weeks-of-a-new-relationship-representative" has let you know about him. The real him is emerging as someone who is vindictive and argumentative.


Is that who you want to squander your youth behind?

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I was busy and he was as well but I still made time to call him and I was the last person to text him and also I snapped him. So I thought he was pretty busy cuz tomorrow he's got a wedding to attend to a place far away with his friends and I figured he'd be busy. So I didn't contact him until he did. Later at night he texts me and says that I deliberately didn't text him and got real mad at me. I feel he's got some ego problem. I told him that I thought he was busy packing for tomorrow but he just says he's tired and goes to me, shutting me out.

If I were you, I wouldnā€™t put up with this crap after a few weeks of dating. Heā€™d be gone with all this contention in less than a month.


You are better off letting him go.

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So we just started dating and it's been a few weeks and we had a argument. So today we didn't get to talk much because I was busy and he was as well but I still made time to call him and I was the last person to text him and also I snapped him. So I thought he was pretty busy cuz tomorrow he's got a wedding to attend to a place far away with his friends and I figured he'd be busy. So I didn't contact him until he did. Later at night he texts me and says that I deliberately didn't text him and got real mad at me. I feel he's got some ego problem. I told him that I thought he was busy packing for tomorrow but he just says he's tired and goes to me, shutting me out. I feel so upset. What do I do. How do I deal with this dude. I love him but I feel this is pretty immature of him to get mad at me for a silly reason. I asked him what's wrong with him and he leaves me on read (on WhatsApp).. Please help me ya'll thanks šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­
It's not ego. It's insecurity. If he's doing this at the beginning of the relationship, I'd run. He seems like he might be needy. And needy guys will drain you. And act nutty when they don't get attention when they need it.


Also, you can't love someone this early. As you're seeing, you don't really know him that well.

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So you didn't text him, he blamed you for doing it on purpose and got mad. Did you find yourself apologising and bringing yourself to a lower level so he can forgive you? Did you feel you have to do everything to make up because you're afraid of loosing him? Or did you stick to your guns and actually stood up for yourself?


Some horrible people try to control others this way. Make them think and act about nothing else but them, until they are over you and will just move on like nothing happened. This morning's message makes it even worse. You asked him what's wrong, he ignored you and just texted a lovey dovey goodmorning. This probably gave you relief that everything is fine, so you want to ignore the whole thing and continue loving the person you think he is, while stepping on yourself to do so. Next time you'll try to text him "on time" just like he'd want you to. He will then apply this to other aspects of your relationship. You might think this is just a little misunderstanding but the only thing you will get is more of it down the road.


If you decided that what I'm talking about is too far fetched, go ahead, but please consider all of us telling you that it's way too soon form him to be acting like this and for you to love him.

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Okay guys, this morning he texted me 'good morning babe šŸ˜˜' like nothing happened . So should I ask him about last or just let the matter go? ( also I forgot to mention our age I'm 21 and he's 24)

Nope! Move on.


This guy fights with you... through text messaging. Childish for a 24 year old who canā€™t dial and actually talk to you. And he still texts you. No apology to the conflict he stirred.


His communication style sucks, and you will continue to have problems with him because of this. And how he is showing to handle conflict IS manipulative and a red flag.


Why do you want to stay with a guy who starts DRAMA this early in the relationship??? His true colors are screaming here.

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