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Broke up by text after long distance long relationship.


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My boyfriend of one and a half years broke up with me via, text message. We have been in a long distance relationship for over a year. Everything seemed so ok, no issues that I knew of. He was very caring, loving and considerate. Now out of no where he broke up with me 3 weeks ago by text when I was at work. He said he was sorry, that I was a very good women, but he couldn't handle the 2 day relationship we had anymore. He lives an hour away only, he is a commercial truck driver and only home a couple nights a week, and home on weekends so that's when we would meet up. I'm so heartbroken. I had no idea this was coming, and by text no less. Why would a boyfriend be so cruel as to do this. I'm left with no closure and doubting our whole relationship too. He also was never a very sexual person and he knows that I am, and said that he couldn't make me happy in that way. After he broke up, he blocked me on all social media, and my phone. Any advice, I sure could use some.

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A break up like this usually means he's met another girl, whether he admits it to you or not. Also, being an hour away is not a long-distance relationship. In Boston, it takes you an hour to go anywhere! It sounds like he never made much of an effort anyways. Block him and move on. If there's a cute guy you know, go for him.

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It's only cruel when you get the crappy end of the stick in the breakup. IMO he's done you a favor. You deserve better than two nights a week. TBH that isn't much of a relationship. You may miss him now, but in about a few weeks you will feel a little better and ready to start a new improved chapter in your life. You need a man that is by your side, willing to be a part of your life. You will see when you meet him.

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It's very abrupt and I'm sorry for the way that he handled it. He definitely should have used more care and obviously didn't want to discuss. It doesn't sound like he had enough to offer on several levels. So, although it's hurtful... It's going to best for you once you get past the way he handled it. Thank goodness at least he didn't "ghost" you. There's definitely a better relationship out there for you.

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The way he broke up with you indicates several things about his character. The main thing is that you lost nobody special. This was an immature selfish coward and life is hard as it is to be spending it with an immature selfish coward. This was a person who has very poor communication skills, cannot handle conflict and puts his own comfort above trying not to inflict more pain than needed while breaking up. Out of the blue = lack of communication and conflict resolution skills. I am very sorry that this happened to you. As hard as it is, try not to be distracted by the crappy way he broke up and focus on the main issues. This was a person with whom you were incompatible on a communication and a sexual level, plus it turned out that he is a selfish immature coward. The relationship was real while it lasted but this person had poor communication skills and a break up style that you could not have foreseen. Chances are that he has pulled similar stunts to previous exes. Consider yourself lucky that you are no longer with such a selfish coward. Seeing his true colors is your closure. Regardless the crappy way he broke up with you, closure has to come from within and it is about seeing and accepting that the break up per se was due to incompatibility. It might take some time to be able to see things objectively but you will get there. You can be sure that you lost nobody special. Good luck with your healing.

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Sorry to hear this. 1 hr isn't exactly long distance and you did see each other every weekend. Who moved away a year ago? Thankfully he did a lot of the work for you by blocking you on everything, so you can start no contact and begin healing, moving forward. What were the arguments about and what did he mean he couldn't please you sexually? Does he have ED? Did he meet someone locally?

My boyfriend of one and a half years broke up with me via, text message. We have been in a long distance relationship for over a year. he couldn't handle the 2 day relationship we had anymore. home on weekends so that's when we would meet up.and said that he couldn't make me happy in that way.
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