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No makeup


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How essential is makeup to representing yourself when singing? I mean if anything it's inconvenient.

I get it if it was a modeling job, and some may say it partially is, but seriously, would anyone even notice?

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Depends what kind of music. Generally speaking, when it comes to any sort of performance art, even men are sporting makeup to some degree.


Acoustic performances.


I can understand huge spectacular shows, but seriously, if you just had a good time at a gig, would you say "oh it was so good, but damn that singer didn't have any make up on!"?

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Yeah and thank you for your replies, it is what I'm looking for after all. I just get frustrated as how sexist people can be about makeup and demanding, as if your life depends on it.


No makeup=you've given up on life


It's frustrating.

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Yeah and thank you for your replies, it is what I'm looking for after all. I just get frustrated as how sexist people can be about makeup and demanding, as if your life depends on it.


No makeup=you've given up on life


It's frustrating.

Well, sexist or not, the more people coming to the concert the better, right?

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Or people don't take you seriously if you don't have makeup on.arrrghhhh

Lol, it's the opposite in daily life or in the corporate environment. People will take you seriously when you don't have a make up on ! Artists belong in another category though....

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If a person comes to see the singer for her looks, something's wrong with the singer. Personally I don't want that kind of audience. So no, more is not always better.


Are you sure that's how it is in the corporate environment? I've heard otherwise. I don't think it has to do with the line of work you're in that much.


There was a thread here recently about makeup and a lot of women talked about how they have to wear makeup to work.

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As I've experienced it so far in life, you're damned if you do wear it and damned if you don't. So I try to do what I want, but some people give me a hard time about it. As if a little mascara will even be visible on stage.

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Thank you Capricorn3! I'm so glad you believe that!


They just think you HAVE to have makeup on if you want to be presentable and considered a woman who takes care of herself(whaaaat?!). Also, for clarification, I'm talking about any kind of makeup, from an eyeliner to foundation.

Some people say "They will say that you weren't wearing any makeup"and I'm like "So?". So apparently, it's their problem to get over, not mine.


I'm at this phase in my life where I don't even want to wear mascara. If they don't like it, it's their problem.

When I say "their" I'm talking about fellow musicians.



Anyways, I still would love more opinions, honest opinions about if you really do care about it, because it got me thinking and I'm like "do people really care that much"?

Pay no attention to my rants, your opinions are very much appreciated!

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Yeah and thank you for your replies, it is what I'm looking for after all. I just get frustrated as how sexist people can be about makeup and demanding, as if your life depends on it.


No makeup=you've given up on life


It's frustrating.

Here's the thing. Performance arts, including acoustic performance, can and quite often do involve some pettiness in the aesthetics department. Yes, you occasionally get your Blues Traveler singer, who looks like he's come out of a coma after binging on a couple hundred Chicken McNuggets and slapped a hat on, but I'd go as far as to say the vast majority are wearing some degree of stage makeup, even if otherwise "natural" appearing and simply meant to conceal the red face and sweating that's normal of most folks doing work in a crowded venue or surrounded by electronic sound equipment.


I'll be the first to admit there are some crappy double standards for women when it comes to appearance. As someone who groans after having to simply run a razor once between my eyebrows to police the unibrow, women have my utmost sympathy for by and large being expected to pluck and maintain both of theirs. But, across both sexes, makeup is almost intrinsically going to be involved when you're up on stage in front of people. Like it or not, watching someone perform is often just as much an allure to paying-- whether with your time, money, or both-- to attend a live performance as listening to it is. Hell, even take performance arts out of the equation. I'm sure you heard in 5th grade history about the classic case of the JFK / Nixon debates, where most agreed Nixon "won" when considering the audio and substance, but JFK decked him with his television appearance due to his makeup being, as kids used to say 5 years ago, "on fleek," whereas Nixon slapped some baby powder on his 5 o'clock shadow and called it a day. I'd be the very last to defend the standard, but people do care about this stuff.


Speaking personally? Honestly couldn't give two ****s. Living in NYC, I know a lot of musicians and actors, and even they personally don't care. But if you're someone hoping to catch your break, not a single one of them would advise foregoing some powder.


I mean, if you're really just here because you want to gripe about makeup, don't let me stop you. But if you're talking an occasional small gig to simply pass the time at a quarter-packed pub venue, or if it's really just a hobby you're not looking to grow beyond getting comped a few drinks on the house for, I don't think a single soul is going to be expecting you to paint yourself up like Adele. And if you're not comfortable with makeup or for any reason don't want to wear it, I think you're going to be your own biggest obstacle in not putting it on.

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Thank you Jiblarta for the vids!! ( I love he tiny desk concerts) It is refreshing to know that even at a such well known youtube channel the performers are wearing little to no makeup!!


j.man, yeah of course you do make sense. Unfortunately, there is a double standard, especially where I live. Men wear NO makeup whatsoever. Ok maybe the extremely famous ones while on tv or something, small chance at live gigs. I could probably do some mascara, but how they tolerate the foundation and stuff is beyond me. I have done it, it gets messy and I do feel like I'm not me. If I ever make a break, I'm gonna make it a purpose to fight that double standard; til then, I'm just gonna go for the mascara/eyeliner maybe.


It may seem like I just want to trash makeup, but I really want to know people's opinion. I'm not against it, meaning, whoever is comfortable of wearing it, great! When I felt comfortable I did, and I may do it again, but right now I'm just not into it and of course the more people insist I should, the more I'm resisting because, well it's a annoying.

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It’s not a deal breaker for me either way. But I get the need for emphasizing features in a stage setting so those in the back don’t see just a facial blob.


I was under the impression that common everyday makeup was more for women by women, competition etc. But then I have always worked with women where makeup was not appropriate with the job.

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