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A bad breakup and trying to move on...

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So I broke up with my boyfriend of a year a little while ago. He was my everything, but it was a lot of abuse during the entire relationship. I got with another person and I thought that I was healing and finally being happy. I still have a lot of feelings for this other guy but he wants nothing to do with me. Also, at work, I have a guy and one of my bosses constantly harassing me and telling me I’m no good at my job. I’ve thought some pretty bad things throughout all this and I want help. Thank you

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Trust me on this....find a new job. It's not very professional to tell you that you are terrible at your job. They should be asking you if you are having any personal problems or if you need time off or encourage you to improve your work skills or tell you where you need to improve. I'm not sure if you can go to a supervisor, HR or a boss higher than the one that is harassing you to report the harassment. You do have rights as a worker to be able to work in a comfortable and safe environment. In some countries they have a government labor office that takes on harassment case or investigates poor treatment of employees. Maybe look into that if you want to stay at your job. If not quit, live a home for awhile and find something better.

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It's best not to get back together with your ex. Move forward, not backwards. Are you missing the abuse? That's emotional dependency not love. For your job, Smackie is probably correct. Can you go to one of the other bosses or the owner? If you're doing such a bad job then ask for be fired (so you can get unemployment benefits). Make them fire you, don't quit. There's a slight chance that the guy is actually trying to make you work better by criticizing you. Take up the challenge. What have you got to lose.?

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