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Should I stay or go


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My boyfriend refuse to post me on his social media. We have been struggling with his infidelity issues and I found out that he has been cheating on me throughout our relationship with different women. Some he had sex with and other were online. I realized that his social media has no signs of him being in a relationship....my issue with this is he shares other areas of his life on social media and being that we live together I find it weird that to others it seems I don’t exist....it’s the principle of it. I asked him why and he stated he doesn’t want to look bad due to all the cheating he has done online (the women follow his social media) he told me that he wants to give us a real shot by not cheating anymore and giving 100% but I find that hard to believe if he can’t even post me....am I wrong for feeling this way? Please help me I’m super confused. He is 28 and I’m 20 we have been together for 16 months

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I am sorry to have to say this but this guy is not posting you because he still wants to cheat. He is a player and he knows he can't pick up new girls if they look him up and there you are. Also, if you are posted anywhere in his page or feed, the other women will more than likely try to contact you under the pretense of letting you know what a dog he is but really so that you will break up with him.

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How long have you been in a relationship? Why did you move in with him? What are you running away from? Do you work? Where did you live before? Parents, roommates? Move out. Move back there.He will never stop cheating, because you condone/allow it by staying and keep forgiving him.

I found out that he has been cheating on me throughout our relationship with different women.He is 28 and I’m 20 we have been together for 16 months
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You need to wake up and smell the coffee. He's cheating on you and you put up with it. Why??? He won't include you in social media because he wants to keep cheating. Smarten up, tell him to leave, take time for yourself, and dont fall into this type of crap again.

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I had no clue he was cheating the whole time. I thought our relationship was great. I know we have disagreements but that’s all. I thought he was faithful. Until recently one of the women reached out to me and I asked him to tell me everything and he did tell me but only after he knew I already knew everything and he couldn’t really lie.

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He will not change. He is a cheater and cheaters lie and lie some more. Anything he tells you is to placate you and give you a reason to give him another chance so he has a home base to cheat from. In-between banging other women he has you to keep him company, do things for him and be his fall back option.


There is no struggle here, kick him out today!!!


This will only get worse, he will not change, he does not love you or even care about your feelings in the slightest. Rid yourself of this so you can begin to heal and recover from his betrayal.



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Social media is the least of your problems. You are involved with a cheating, lying, manipulative loser who is feeding some pretty incredible bs to get you to keep turning a blind eye to his cheating. Time to get rid of this filth. Agree with others - kick him out. There is literally nothing to discuss. Save your sanity, dignity and self respect - tell him it's over and he needs to get his sh$t and get out today. In the future, don't let a guy move in with you so fast. Take more time and care getting to know just who you are dealing with. This one is an appalling loser.

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You've taught him that you'll continue to stand by him without any consequences, despite his choice to cheat. Sadly, the more chances you give him, the less respect he has for you.


You need to kick him to the curb, and work on rebuilding your self-esteem.

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He will not change. He is a cheater and cheaters lie and lie some more. Anything he tells you is to placate you and give you a reason to give him another chance so he has a home base to cheat from. In-between banging other women he has you to keep him company, do things for him and be his fall back option.


There is no struggle here, kick him out today!!!


This will only get worse, he will not change, he does not love you or even care about your feelings in the slightest. Rid yourself of this so you can begin to heal and recover from his betrayal.




I hope OP you red this very carefully and pay attention. Truer words were never written.

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"Should I stay or go"?


You're asking a question in which you already know the answer. Typical case of an older person controlling and manipulating a much younger person. It's not a matter of "if", but a matter of how to get out of this mess.


You have to get him out of the apartment. One way might be to use the "lease". You entered a legal agreement with the landlord to rent the place. He's not supposed to be there. If he does any damage to that place, then you are responsible. Legally, he has to go (use the landlord as the reason). That would be the first step.

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Excellent. That's where he belongs and he won't have as much game telling all these women he's living in a storage unit.:upset: He's manipulating you, of course. He can get a room, roommates, a motel, or go to a homeless shelter or live in the next woman's dog house out back, who cares?.

He told me he has no where to go and his dad told him he cannot move back in with him. Now he is saying he will live in a storage unit.
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He told me he has no where to go and his dad told him he cannot move back in with him. Now he is saying he will live in a storage unit....this is so stressful for me.


LOL....don't be so naive. He truly has found a complete sucker. Sweetie he is manipulating you and your kindness. Don't be such a fool - kick him out pronto and never ever look back. Block him from every form of contact the moment you get rid of this parasite and make no mistake about this, he isn't a boyfriend, he is a human parasite, and move on. Raise your standards, figure out why you got involved with such a loser and date only after you've got your head screwed on straight again. Sh$t happens to the best of us, but don't repeat the same mistakes going forward in your life.

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