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Why do women frequently check me out? (I am a straight female)


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Just curious. It's kind of annoying, especially when I am talking to another woman and she is constantly looking me up and down etc. I don't think these women are gay (they have male partners or are single and looking for men to date).


I don't wear revealing clothing or anything weird. It's kind of sad that women check me out way more than men do :(

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Why did you put this in dating advice? :)


Maybe they like your style. Maybe they are being catty. Maybe they are jealous. You can tell by the look on their face if you're good at reading expressions. Or, just ask! Why let it bother you? Everyone has this done to them every so often. I notice if I'm dressed nice it happens a lot. They will usually compliment though. Are these women saying nothing at all? If I'm just casual it doesn't. Just brush it aside and go about your day. It only matters what you think of you.

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When I check a woman, mostly while traveling in public transportation it's because I like her style and it's giving me ideas for my next shopping trip. I am a straight woman but I can still appreciate the view of a pretty woman well put together. It can be her clothes, shoes or make-up and hair I appreciate. If she has the same body shape as me I will be even more interested in the way she was able to pull a certain look together.


There is no need for you to draw a negative conclusion out of this.

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Truth be told, as a straight female, if I'm glancing (or perhaps glaring) at a woman up and down then I am assessing her outfit for sure. I try to determine how they pull it off or don't. Perhaps I try to see if I can pull it off or would I look better or not in it. I try not to be obvious, but don't really know if that's the case or not.


Unfortunately, it's a vanity thing. Could be good or bad. Good as in you look attractive and bad as in an unflattering piece I need to visualize on myself to not wear something similar ever again. I look at body type too. For example, is yours similar to mine or is yours better or worse, regarding specific features.


I wouldn't take it personal. Women size each other up all the time, whether you're friends or strangers. I would consider it taking a reality check.

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I know exactly what you mean OP. There are 2 women at my office that do that every single time we speak. First they will look at my eyes, shoes, clothes and then finally eyes again. I avoid these 2 women when possible as I don't appreciate it. They are both very stylish women and look like they spend a lot of time putting their outfits together whereas I am pretty simple in my dress sense. So the looks are definitely not admiring glances.

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I know exactly what you mean OP. There are 2 women at my office that do that every single time we speak. First they will look at my eyes, shoes, clothes and then finally eyes again. I avoid these 2 women when possible as I don't appreciate it. They are both very stylish women and look like they spend a lot of time putting their outfits together whereas I am pretty simple in my dress sense. So the looks are definitely not admiring glances.


Yes that's exactly it! It's at work and it's during having a normal conversation. While I am talking, they seem to be evaluating my clothes, shoes, figure, make-up, hair etc. I almost feel violeted.

I don't care what they are wearing and can't even remember any of their outfits. How hard it is to just listen while I am talking !

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Maybe no one is good at making constant eye contact. Not everyone thinks you are hot. I am a woman and i have problems maintaining constant eye contact. If you have a flashy bracelet on, you bet i am going to look at it, or maybe even glance at the floor occasionally to break the eye contact up - not even realizing it.

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Just curious. It's kind of annoying, especially when I am talking to another woman and she is constantly looking me up and down etc. I don't think these women are gay (they have male partners or are single and looking for men to date).


I don't wear revealing clothing or anything weird. It's kind of sad that women check me out way more than men do :(

I don't know. Maybe they like your style. Maybe your interesting looking. Who knows. I know myself, I look at people all the time. Dudes included. I do hair and find myself looking at peoples hair styles all the time. I like clothes, so if a guy is wearing something cool, it will get my attention. I've bought several boots and shoes that way. I'm a straight guy, but I always look at people. I'm a visual person. Maybe this is what is happening with you too? Or maybe they're gay and think you're hot. I wouldn't let it annoy you though. Take it as a compliment.
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When I check a woman, mostly while traveling in public transportation it's because I like her style and it's giving me ideas for my next shopping trip. I am a straight woman but I can still appreciate the view of a pretty woman well put together. It can be her clothes, shoes or make-up and hair I appreciate. If she has the same body shape as me I will be even more interested in the way she was able to pull a certain look together.


There is no need for you to draw a negative conclusion out of this.


I agree and same for me!


Women check me out too and I assume the same thing; some even approach telling me they love my outfit or asking where I bought something, like my shoes, braclet or necklace.


I'm always flattered, it's a positive experience. :D

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Maybe no one is good at making constant eye contact. Not everyone thinks you are hot. I am a woman and i have problems maintaining constant eye contact. If you have a flashy bracelet on, you bet i am going to look at it, or maybe even glance at the floor occasionally to break the eye contact up - not even realizing it.


Oh no, I would rather shoot myself than maintain constant eye contact. But I tend to glance at my surroundings, not examine the person I am talking to in microscopic detail. There are 3 women that do it regularly and seem to have a glaring/hostile expression rather than a friendly one.

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There are 3 women that do it regularly and seem to have a glaring/hostile expression rather than a friendly one.

Maybe you're giving off a certain "don't come near me" vibe? After reading some of your previous threads, one in particular, you talk a lot about your "awesomeness" and how amazing you are. Almost everyone in that thread picked up on "your airs of superiority". Maybe they pick up on that "superiority" vibe too - hence the glaring/hostile stares. Just a thought.

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Perhaps you could take courses/classes in communication? Learn to be friendly/cordial and polite. Because this is considered rude in many settings:

I would rather shoot myself than maintain constant eye contact. But I tend to glance at my surroundings
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^ what a great idea !

Besides coming across rude in many situations, avoiding eye contact can come across as low confidence and as someone has something to hide.


I once took an assertiveness training course and it was so interesting. So helpful to get input as well on how my body language was coming across to others. Sometimes it's difficult to see ones own self objectively.

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I would rather shoot myself than maintain constant eye contact. But I tend to glance at my surroundings


If i am talking with someone and they keep looking at the floor, looking over my head, looking to the side, *I* am going to look to see what they are looking at. If that makes me look like i am looking at your shoes, than that's what it is. So basically "i don't make good eye contact and don't look people in the eye, yet I expect them to look me in the eye - but they can't because my eyes are elsewhere".

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