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Lost and in pieces

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I have been with my s.o. for over 3 years now and he is someone who is very friendly to everyone but has alot of female friends that I have never had to worry about boundaries. Recently he has become friends with someone who has a lot of feelings for him and have made them clear to everyone along with her intentions. He claims to have told her he is with me and has no interest in her other than friendship. We have had some issues in the past with a similar situation and I had seen messages on his phone and confronted him about it from hanging out with her secretly when he was supposed to be doing stuff for us (dealing with mortgage co...) when confronted he went on about how crazy I am to go through his phone and acuse him. Also he has gone out to clubs with some friends and had a close friend make a move on him and he neglected to tell me. I found out through messages as well. Still do not know what all happened to this day. Most recently (last night) he was supposed to be off work at a specific time. I texted him 30 mins after to see if he was on his way home. His phone syncs up with the car to send a dnd message when driving which I received. 45 mins later he's still not home (work is 10 mins away) so I call him and he says he's just now getting off work and it starts a big fight and he says things like this is why it make it so easy for him to leave and not want anything to do with me. Am I overreacting? How should I handle this

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Well, having an argument with your boyfriend about cheating before you have any evidence that he has cheated is overreacting. What it can do is drive him to cheat because since you're already accusing him of cheating, what's the consequence of actually cheating? It also destroys trust and relationships. So let's calm down here. Control your jealousy. Let your boyfriend have a little bit of space. You don't want to be the kind of girlfriend where your boyfriend has to sneak around because he know you'll go ballistic on him.

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Danzee... He was only accused of cheating when the said female was going around the office sharing with everyone the wonderful night they had together and the flowers that he surprised her with along with the very descriptive note included in those flowers and proof of what happened. At that point is when he was confronted and began with all his way of how things happened.. the most recent situation about being late he made of some ridiculous thing about his phone being connected to the car Bluetooth and sending a text saying he was driving even though the car was off and he was still in the building at work no where near the car... your phone physically cannot connect to a Bluetooth system if that system is not powered on.

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Sorry to hear this. Do you love together? Unfortunately, it sounds like he's cheating. Of course starting fights changes the subject of his evasiveness to "your problem", to get you off the trail.

hanging out with her secretly when he was supposed to be doing stuff for us (dealing with mortgage co...)
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