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Hi purplepaisley, thanks for your reply. I felt I should reply to your questions but am still getting used to this site so forgive me if I've not gone about it the best way. First off, I've only had a few relationships, not a lot. My first kiss was at 26 with a 50 something year old off the net who felt sorry for me. She never wanted to see me after that. My longest relationship was a girl who needed a de facto to get her into the country. I also ended up paying for her studies because I (thought I) loved her and wanted her to stay here. She got her visa, dumped me, got a new boyfriend and won't return my money. I certainly don't aim high, though I will say I'd prefer a younger girlfriend than older, but a lot of that is because of my limited experience and thus confidence levels. I can go into more detail if you want, I don't want to bore you but you took the time to reply and I appreciate that.

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Hi Jibralta, thank you for replying. Women use me for a range of things...but definitely not sex, will be clear on that! It's been money, visas, helping them get a place to live, all manner of work and study related stuff, lifts, anything and everything really!

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Hi smackie9, thank for replying. You know, I've thought about this a few times...taking George Costanza's lead and doing the exact opposite to everything that would come naturally to me. I've found it extremely hard to maintain, if it's possible at all. I will give it more of a go though, particularly if I meet someone new, it'll be a challenge. Certainly couldn't make things any worse. Thanks again!

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Hi katrina1980, thank you for your reply. You're spot on with the white knight reference, it comes so naturally to me to try to help people and seeing a girl with some kind of problem I can help with really feels like I'm in my element. It's like I'm saying well I can't offer you looks, money, or anything else to impress you but you're going to like me because I'll do anything to help you while the others will just sit around looking all handsome or rich. It's like the niceness is the only way I can stand a chance of competing. Thanks for your message, I'll definitely take it on board.

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None of us really know your personality from just one post. I do get a sense of anger or upsetness. I would say try some therapy. I think you'll get to the root of a lot. Do you have health insurance for it? . Nothing wrong with therapy by the way. It is way attractive to be with someone who knows themselves.

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BobbyJones before you say working out isn’t an option I suggest you look up YouTube videos on Adaptive Athletics and the Paralympics. It’s ALWAYS an option to take care of your health and wellbeing.


And I too thought about George Costanza lol but I think it’s more than that... you need to tell those bullies in your head that fill you with lies about how you aren’t worthy to STOP... That what they say isn’t true. You ARE worthy. And it is really hard! It takes a lot of hard work to change that thinking. Take my word for it as someone who has had to deal with those thoughts herself and to learn to change that way of thinking.


Change is possible, but you have to really want it and be prepared to invest time and energy into making it happen. I tell you this... you will never regret working on yourself and investing in your own happiness and wellbeing.

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