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I feel absolutely destroyed after getting back into contact with an exboyfriend. We were together 2 years, and broke up due to infidelity on his part. I changed my number and refrained from contact with him for 6 months. During those 6 months he would text my sister asking about my son (who he'd grown attached too, and tell her about his accomplishments, even sent an xmas present to my son, and sent a happy B day text to ny old phone). Even though I told him to just stay away...I decided to reach out to him to apologize for how things ended (very badly) he never once apologized for hurting me. He wanted to be FWB, but didnt want a relationship and kept saying how he didn't want me to end up hurt.


He was honest about how he was seeing other people after we broke up while I haven't seen anyone. He seems soo excited about meeting other women, but mentioned how he'd always have a "soft spot" for me. Im upset he came back only because I was only good enough for a FWB situation while he's excited to take these other women out to dinner, etc. I told him I dont wish to be in contact with him anymore as I still have feelings, and he apparently doesn't. I told him the honest truth that I still love him, he responded with "I dont know how to respond"


He got angry at me that I texted him my feelings and how hurt I am after telling him I want to end contact. He said "I told you I wont text you anymore, please quit!"...Im just soo devastated, and hes soo happy and care free...he doesn't care how he hurt me. The pain I have in my heart is just awful..how can I get through this? I just want the pain to end.

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I'm sorry, OP. This man is truly selfish.


Block him again, and tell your sister to do the same. There is zero need for her to give him access to you or your son like this. He doesn't get to prance in and out of your or your child's life.


I think your healing hasn't truly begun because he's still had indirect contact with you. Cut that right off now and let your real recovery begin.

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If he's dating other women why does he need you as a fwb? And you wouldn't even be that if it was just meet ups for sex and no going out in public doing things together, like dinner that the other women get. Pfffftttttttt I was feeling that same thing, like no I'm not gonna be your f buddy while you date. I mean honestly these men ! What? Do they need sex with multiple women? Many guys I talk to , these women are giving it up one to three dates in, so why does an ex come back wanting sex? Go date and go f your new interest, right? It's not a hard concept.


You hurt his ego, bottom line. Too bad so sad for him. He's a user, inconsiderate of you and your feelings, and should not be in your life. Delete all contacts with him, tell everyone not to mention his mane to you ever, and find yourself a real man who will treat you and your son with the respect and love that you are deserving of.

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I asked my sister to cut all contact with him. She said she hasnt heard from him since he sent the present in December. He told me he checks on my son all the time, and gives her updates on his new job promotion and that my sister doesnt mind chatting with him. He actually asked me if my sister told me about his great new career...He supposedly has one of my sons sippy cups he holds onto since he misses him soo much and thought of him as a son..So that is all really odd...he said he has an open relationship with the other women and he would tell them if we agreed to be FWB and they'd be ok with it...gross...also he said they didn't mind if he continued to check in on my son and I because he's not comitted with them. He said I broke his trust and hurt him so he doesnt trust me. He said he'd always have a soft spot for me (eyeroll). When I was in my feelings (lets all laugh together haha) I asked if he'd ever get back with me...he said not to get my hopes up as he doesnt want to hurt me, but he doesnt know what the future holds so he can't say we'd never be together again . I have since blocked him ! I feel he has some type of personality disorder/character flaw? Something is off and he thinks he will "hear from me" eventually...


**Im in my last semester of nursing(LPN) So thatll keep me distracted during my healing. Its just difficult having emotional trauma, and such a high load of work. Excited to get through this! Thank you all! xx

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He has a weird sort of almost pedophile feel to him. Stop talking to him and ask your family to block him, as you should also..

.He supposedly has one of my sons sippy cups he holds onto since he misses him soo much and thought of him as a son..So that is all really odd.
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Girl please! This guy has narcissistic traits and you put him out forever!!


Have one last contact with him if you see him. Be like "hey, check out my new heels, aren't they sexy? Now watch me walk away ! Take a good look , you can kiss my ass but never are you gonna tap it again! Buh-bye! " Pfffftttttttttt oh my Jesus Christ I'm telling you I swear I read your last post and was blown away. My Italian street side is strong right now!! Lol


Manipulation tactics. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Tell him stay away from your son. That's creepy.


Plus, double ewwwwwwwwwwwww I mean wth makes him think he's so great that you'd be willing to be in an open relationship with him ?? Tell him go on Craigslist personals and gather all the women he wants. You're not into swapping bodily fluids with strangers . Even use your nursing training as your smarts! Be like "ummm no sweetheart I've seen AIDS patients and active herpes outbreaks I'm not interested in being a possible patient because you choose to be reckless with yourself. Keep me out of it." Let him know you are not a playtoy that needs his emotionless sex. Tell him he's not the only man left on earth with a penis and even if he were there's dildos to replace that. I'm a nurse too (congrats to you!i wish you much success we can be tough on one another, I hope you get a good coworkers! Missing narcotics, wrong setting on IV, fingers get pointed! Lol)


Be strong! Good luck to you. This guy is a loser. You can do better.

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Assign him less power over your perceptions and outlook. Consider making a private goal of surprising everyone, including yourself, with your resilience and ability to bounce back from this.


Advice from grandma: "The problem is not that snakes will cross your path, they will. The problem comes when you're so blind to your own value that you're willing to pick up the snake to play with it."


Skip the snake and focus on building a fantastic future for yourself that you can be proud of. Invest in your SELF.


Head high.

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I asked my sister to cut all contact with him. She said she hasnt heard from him since he sent the present in December. He told me he checks on my son all the time, and gives her updates on his new job promotion and that my sister doesnt mind chatting with him. He actually asked me if my sister told me about his great new career...He supposedly has one of my sons sippy cups he holds onto since he misses him soo much and thought of him as a son..So that is all really odd...he said he has an open relationship with the other women and he would tell them if we agreed to be FWB and they'd be ok with it...gross...also he said they didn't mind if he continued to check in on my son and I because he's not comitted with them. He said I broke his trust and hurt him so he doesnt trust me. He said he'd always have a soft spot for me (eyeroll). When I was in my feelings (lets all laugh together haha) I asked if he'd ever get back with me...he said not to get my hopes up as he doesnt want to hurt me, but he doesnt know what the future holds so he can't say we'd never be together again . I have since blocked him ! I feel he has some type of personality disorder/character flaw? Something is off and he thinks he will "hear from me" eventually...


**Im in my last semester of nursing(LPN) So thatll keep me distracted during my healing. Its just difficult having emotional trauma, and such a high load of work. Excited to get through this! Thank you all! xx


Oh good grief....this isn't cute or caring this is sooooooooo creepy I'm almost speechless. Please OP, don't drink this cool aid, cut him out, tell your sister to never mention him again. If he EVER sends anything to your child again, send it back and by that I mean "return to sender" and don't even waste your own money on that. If you see him loitering anywhere near where you or your child are, seek a restraining order. This is a disordered, dysfunctional creep and you KNOW and I know that you know you deserve so much better. There is nothing to miss here.

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