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He's confusing me!!!


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We were dating for 2 year, he broke up with me in early Feb. I told him to stop contacting me after a while because I could not move on.

We slept together like a month ago but then I felt really used and cut all contact with him. 2 weeks ago we starting talking again and became "good" again , we have been sleeping together a lot lately and texting everyday , I've sensed a bit of jealousy from him and when we greet each other its with a kiss, theres a lot of flirting going on too ams after sex we just started cuddling again so im my mind I pressumed we working towards getting back together but he has brought up the fact that we are not.

Im very confused because I can't just be a booty call if he's concerned about if im seeing other people , he constantly wants to keep our conversations going.


Please help im so confused.

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Yes, of course you can just be a booty call even though he's concerned about you seeing other people. It's known as him being a selfish ****.


He's made it clear that he's not building up to another relationship with you, but he'll be happy to use you for sex and an ego boost for as long as you let him. Of course he'd be annoyed if you started seeing someone else, as that would interfere with his current cosy arrangement - where he gets the FWB at your emotional expense, whilst being free to see other people.


He will continue to do this unless YOU put a stop to it. It will mess with your mind if he sets the terms of the arrangement; all you need to know is that he doesn't want a relationship with you. That really is all you need to know.


So don't tell him not to contact you, and hope that he'll go along with that. ENSURE he can't. Let him know that you will be blocking him, not accepting his calls - all that - because you've realised that he doesn't want the relationship and you need to move on. Don't wait for his consent - just do it!

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Unfortunately, you can definitely be a booty call even if he’s being concerned over you being with other men. I had a very similar experience a couple years ago and always held onto the fact that he was getting jealous over me. It’s usually either a part of the game (as women like that type of attention in general) or he’s just being a selfish .


I’d say get out of the situation immediately and let time do it’s magic and heal you... good luck and all the best!

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Yes, you absolutely can be a booty call even with him asking if you're seeing other men. He's asking because he wants to know if he's going to lose his convenient source of sex. If he thinks there's another guy on the scene, his ego will be bruised but he will look for sex elsewhere.


There is no confusion when he clarified you two are not working toward getting back together. What that means is that you are sleeping with each other until one of you meets someone else. My guess is he will be the first to do so.


Don't do this to yourself, girl.

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Im very confused because I can't just be a booty call if he's concerned about if im seeing other people , he constantly wants to keep our conversations going.


One way to judge if he wants to keep the "conversations going" is to stop sleeping with him. I'm sure that it won't take very long to get your answer.

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