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I took the new girl down to the shore last night

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So last night I took the new girl down to the shore it was great little cold but we talked and all looked at the beach etc. the only problem? It’s the same shore I use to live at with the ex so I had emotions running like crazy I didn’t let it ruin my fun with the new girl but I was realizing going was a bad idea, seeing all the places I use to go with her made me kinda miss the past with the ex and going down with our friends every weekend and partying it was a bit bittersweet mostly because I know the past is past and life has changed a lot since this girl loves the shore to but taking her opened a can of worms :/

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Sounds like you aren't over your ex enough to be dating. It's kinda unfair to the person you are dating. How would you feel if you went out with someone and found out that they spent their time with you having crazy emotions about their ex?

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New girl, new opportunities. Try out places you haven't been and make new memories until you can find you can return to those places and not have the emotions stirred up. I've had that happen many times, but as time passes, you'll find you'll be able to go back with others and it won't hurt anymore.

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