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So my ex texted me last night after hangout ng in a mutual group. " I still want you". Then after 30 mins of no response he said I'm sorry sweetheart. Y'all I don't need to respond I need to just ignore him. I don't want to cut him because I don't want him to know that it bothers me at all and we are in the same friend group and I'll respond to something that is associated with our friends but. I don't want to respond. Help me say something to make me strong.

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Block and delete him. This will keep you strong. And, no more hangouts with mutual friends.
You are right! I thought he was working. I know his shift so I went where just one of my friends were but then he and some of our other friends showed up. It wasnt usual for them to be at this place on this night!
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When and why did you break up?


Shamefacedly I tell you that he wanted me to be okay with hanging out with other girls he was sleeping with. He lied about sleeping with them. He would tell me they were just friends hanging out with our group and make me feel crazy for being jealous. This didn't happen right off the bat. It happened gradually. The first time he brought a random girl ,new friend, to hang out with us, I ended it but he said she was just a tag along person the group as a whole had invited. He brought her again three months later but texted to ask my permission... I said sure cuz I knew right then that a random girl that is younger than his children by the way, was more important than me. I ended it and have been no contact for going on three weeks until last night. He had texted a question about group things once and I responded politely yet concise and that has been it...

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He cheated on you and brings this girl to your group hangouts. Are you seriously asking what to do???

Do not reply to those meaningless texts. Unless you want false hope and like game playing.


Yes, that is the hard part. Knowing this and knowing for sure I'm not crazy now but still hurt more than any thing. Not asking what to do, just for strength and really, Sweet girl, just to get my butt kicked like you did. Thanks.. it's so simple logically but so difficult with the emotions.

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