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My new friends won't invite me out?


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Okay so I moved school this September, joined this group of girls, this group are very close and have been a group for years, all nice and sensible girls. There was a few issues at the start where they would leave me behind but them issues have been resolved because now if I was taking long to pack my bag, they would wait for me and they include me a lot in convos and I get along well with them. They haven't asked me to do anything with them and they have been out, I don't know if I should invite them to do something because I don't want to look weird and too keen but at the same time I really want to do something with them, should I ask them or should they invite me?i have had depression for a year and sometimes during school I have cried due to missing the good times with all my old friends and they know that, there has been no arguments tho, what should I do?

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Maybe you should ask one of the girls in the group privately about this. I would say that the girls haven't accepted you fully into the group if they don't invite you along to what they're doing. And then this girl might be able to work on your behalf to get you an invite. Talk to the girl you're closest to. You may still be the "new girl" to them.

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I think you could invite one of the other girls to do something and get to know her more .


However, since they have known each other for so long, you will not likely be included in everything.


You might try to get to know some other people - there are likely others out there that need some new friends like you

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I wouldn't bother w/them, if they respected you as a friend, they would invite you out as well. I went through the same thing w/a group of what I thought were my friends, I was always the one who was ditched and would find pics of them all having an amazing time. This made me feel pretty bad about myself. Forget them and find things that make you happy.

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It sounds like you are homesick and miss your friends. Yes, definitely you have to make an effort to fit in and reach out. Try to be friends with a lot of different kids rather than latching on to one clique. Smile, say hi to everyone, talk to kids in your classes and other school activities and events. Join some after school activities, sports, groups, interests, clubs, etc.

Okay so I moved school this September, joined this group of girls, this group are very close and have been a group for years, all nice and sensible girls.
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How ironic. You are worried they haven't invited you to anything, but you also haven't either. Go on and ask them out to do something fun! If you don't initiate, then expect others to not do the same either. Sometimes the ice needs to be broken by you.

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It's hard to break in with a new group of girls, and they probably have a friendship rhythm going that you just haven't infiltrated yet. They probably have their own group text, and they just don't think about inviting you, as you're still an outsider to them.


Here's the thing though: Don't cry to them about missing your friends. Like, literally, never shed another tear in front of them, until you know them much, much better. They could see you as a downer that they just don't want around. That's unfortunately the very harsh truth, so you could be being left out because of that.


In female friendship groups, you have to come in slowly. Hang out, be pleasant, ask about the other person, let them talk, and let them slowly get to know you. Laugh, have fun, let them enjoy their private jokes, and just become a person that others want to be around.


If you cry, tell them how much you miss your other friends, make it about you......then what's in it for them to include you?

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