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i need some advice, and how me and my boyfriend can be more happier in our relationship..


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I hope someone will give me some helpful advices


Me and my boyfriend has been together since november. We are happy together, but I have some negative thougths, which I feel like are worse for every day / week. I interpret almost everything he say or does.. I have been in a relationship 2 years ago, where my ex cheated on me throughout the relationship and which I first found out AFTER he broke up with me. Therefore now, I interpret almost every word my current boyfriend is saying. I am so scared of that he does not want to be with me, even if it is always him asking me to be together. I am scared of he will cheat on me, like my ex did. I am scared of that he will find someone else someone better, because I am this way.. We fought first time one week ago, because he just could not take this anymore, which I understand! I will tell how it happened;


He got a new PC and that day he played with his friends. I was a bit angry and sad, because he use to sleep about 12 am, but that day he stayed up longer because he was playing PC. Inusop could not understand, how he could sit there for 6 hours, and then he told me that he long time ago used to sit 24h. We discussed a bit about it, and then next day in school, it was fine everything. We have math together, and that day in math class I began thinking about this again. I could not even stay in school, so I chose to go and I cried a bit. He came running after me, and I told him I didn't want to talk to him. He didn't understand why.. I came back after half an hour where we talked, but it only resulted in a fight (our first fight).. He just could not take my behaviour anymore. He feels like I put everything over on him, which is not my opinion.. I told something I didn't mean.. I told him that he always make me sad. I didn't mean this, I am happy for him. But I just dont know how to behave in a relationship anymore, I dont know! I then threw my bag after him, I was so mad and crying. I could see how mad he was!! It was first time seeing him really mad, and he said "I dont want to be with you anymore". I cried and hugged him and said that I want him to wait because I anyway was going to see a therapist (He also said before that he thinks for my own sake, that I need to see a therapist). But yeah, then he hugged me and said it Wasn't his opinion saying that.


I think negative about many words he is saying. A couple of times, I went out of his appartment, because thought that some words always was implying to me. I dont ask so much to be with him, I always wait for him asking me, which he does. And because of all of this, HE got those feelings that I am not so interested in him and in Reality doesent want to be with him. I tried to explain this to him so many times, because I love him so much and I want to be with him! He say he knows it, he is really calm when I am this way, that day in math class he just could not take it anymore. And now I am scared of loosing him. I asked him if I make him happy, he said yes. I just dont know, I feel like I want to make him even more happier, I just dont know how.. Yesterday in school I asked him If it was okay if we didn't chat thoughout the day in school because I wanted a bit space because I was again thinking about what he said that day we fought, that he dosen't want to be with me. Yesterday after school we were together, I felt like he was sad over that I didn't wanted to chat with him. I asked him what he was thinking about, and he said that it really maybe is his words that are hurting me and not me thinking negative, and therefore it made him sad he said. I then mentioned that day we fought, and I asked if he really meant this "i dont want to be with you anymore". He said that he didn't mean it for real, but he just meant it that moment because he was so angry over me always put everying on him.. I asked why he stayed with me, and he said because he loves me and then took my hand. I am now just so scared of that I again will be cold to him because of small unimportant things, I am scared of that this won't work out between us. It is like we always talk about why it is like this, and I just can't explain, and he was always disappointed that I didn't want to open up and talk with him. It is like I just can't communicate properly and elaborate what I am meaning and feeling. We also for most times stay at his appartment, and especially in the beginning he was ALWAYS asking me if I wanted Oratio something out, or go with him and meet his family, or cinema. You know, do stuff together.. Its just those thoughts and I have also always been stuffy before.. I am open with him, but not completely!


I dont know if I has explained this in a good and understandable way, but I hope someone will give some advice!! Or tell about your own experience!

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I think you explained it well enough. You weren't healed from your previous relationship and you have brought all this baggage with you to this relationship. You were emotionally abused, and your self-esteem was destroyed. However, you've going to destroy your current relationship. This is all on you. If you want to save the relationship, you need to get help. If I were you, I would explain to your boyfriend that you're not yourself, that you were abused and you need his help and support to get through this. And you have to fight these thoughts until you can get some therapy or some meds to even yourself out. Don't lose your boyfriend.

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Sorry to hear this. How old are both of you? You've only been dating a few months and sometimes people disagree or get in spats. However you do need to get a checkup from a doctor and counselling because your anger/temper is out of control throwing things at some guy you are dating because he didn't do what you wanted. Stop blaming your ex and start getting help and taking responsibility for your tantrums. Also you don't throw things at people and expect them to stick around for more of your abuse.

Me and my boyfriend has been together since november. I then threw my bag after him, I was so mad and crying. It was first time seeing him really mad, and he said "I dont want to be with you anymore". I cried and hugged him and said that I want him to wait because I anyway was going to see a therapist
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