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My ex wants me back

Miss Y

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So last week my ex texted me and said he wanted to get back. I told him is he sure about it and he said yes. I explained to him that im scared that i will hurt again and he’s gonna leave me. He said he wont because he still loves me. So i said okay because i still love him. But few days afterwards, he started to ignore me. Like when i texted him, he is going to reply me short. So i was kinda pissed off so i told him why is he like that. I asked him if he still loves or not honestly. He said yes. Then i said i love him too. And he still the same. Then i sent him a text and i told him if his heart is filled with love for me like before and when he is ready to make me his gf again, let me know. He didnt reply. After one day i sent him a text again. I said i didnt hear anything from him so i assumed he didnt want me anymore. He still didnt reply. I saw him online on instagram but he didnt want to come to messenger and replied me. Why is he doing this to me? Why? Im going crazy. Im too hurt this time.

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Why do i still hope for him to come back?

Hi. It has been a month since me and bf broke up. Well it has been hard for me since he was the one who left me. We had few fights before this huge break up. He said he wanted to be done. Then we got back again few days later. Then he ignored me after we got back which lead to this huge break up. Yeah i did the NC rule but there was Like two or three times i texted him or he texted first. After one week of starting the NC again, i broke the rule again tonight. I texted him and asked him why he hates me so much. He didnt reply me. This caused dissatisfaction on my side and few hours after that i texted him and asked him again why he hates me. Finally he responded. He told me to not send him any texts cause he doesnt know me anymore. Did he really hate me this much? I didnt know what i did to him. To make him hate me this much. Im so broken. Really bad this time. 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


Miss Y, this ^^^^^^^^^^^^ is your post from a previous thread.

It's a pattern with him, and you instigate contact quite a bit and get on him about the same thing over and over.

Why are you so hung up on him? He's playing with you and your emotions, and you're getting obsessed with it.

Find a guy that knows what he wants. Delete him already.

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Why do i still hope for him to come back?

Hi. It has been a month since me and bf broke up. Well it has been hard for me since he was the one who left me. We had few fights before this huge break up. He said he wanted to be done. Then we got back again few days later. Then he ignored me after we got back which lead to this huge break up. Yeah i did the NC rule but there was Like two or three times i texted him or he texted first. After one week of starting the NC again, i broke the rule again tonight. I texted him and asked him why he hates me so much. He didnt reply me. This caused dissatisfaction on my side and few hours after that i texted him and asked him again why he hates me. Finally he responded. He told me to not send him any texts cause he doesnt know me anymore. Did he really hate me this much? I didnt know what i did to him. To make him hate me this much. Im so broken. Really bad this time. 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


Miss Y, this ^^^^^^^^^^^^ is your post from a previous thread.

It's a pattern with him, and you instigate contact quite a bit and get on him about the same thing over and over.

Why are you so hung up on him? He's playing with you and your emotions, and you're getting obsessed with it.

Find a guy that knows what he wants. Delete him already.


I guess i was blinded by love

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He's doing this to you because he doesn't love you, OP.


You need to just be done with him for good. He hasn't changed and he isn't committed.


I see it now. He is just playing with my feelings cause he knows no matter how bad he treated me i will still accept him

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I believe that if a man really wants to make things work with you, he won't leave you hanging or wondering. Men are all about action, if he really wanted to get back together he wouldn't be doing this crap. I think he's just leaving you hanging so you can boost his ego. The back and forth texting with an ex will lead nowhere, I know this feeling of relief when he texts you but is it really worth it when the guy isn't even reassuring you through action that he wants you back.

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I believe that if a man really wants to make things work with you, he won't leave you hanging or wondering. Men are all about action, if he really wanted to get back together he wouldn't be doing this crap. I think he's just leaving you hanging so you can boost his ego. The back and forth texting with an ex will lead nowhere, I know this feeling of relief when he texts you but is it really worth it when the guy isn't even reassuring you through action that he wants you back.


Yes a thousand times yes! Guys who play games only do it as an ego boost and it feels good to have you chase them. A serious person (man or woman) will not play games w/you, they will be w/you if they want. My bf and I got into a serious relationship, we both got hurt in the past, but we wanted each other and didn't play any games.

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Yes a thousand times yes! Guys who play games only do it as an ego boost and it feels good to have you chase them. A serious person (man or woman) will not play games w/you, they will be w/you if they want. My bf and I got into a serious relationship, we both got hurt in the past, but we wanted each other and didn't play any games.


You know what makes him text me and wants me back in the first place? Because i posted a video after i saw a guy at a cafe and i said that guy was so handsome. And one week later he came back. I dont understand if he doesnt want me just let me go. Dont leave me hanging. I just want him to answer my question which he hasnt. He doesnt even want to read my texts cause it is not marked as seen yet eventhough he was online.

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I believe that if a man really wants to make things work with you, he won't leave you hanging or wondering. Men are all about action, if he really wanted to get back together he wouldn't be doing this crap. I think he's just leaving you hanging so you can boost his ego. The back and forth texting with an ex will lead nowhere, I know this feeling of relief when he texts you but is it really worth it when the guy isn't even reassuring you through action that he wants you back.


Maybe he feels great right? Knowing that no matter how bad he screwed me up i will still want to be with him. He was wrong.

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It would be best to finally go strict no contact and delete and block him from all social media and messaging platforms. You won't get him back playing games.In fact you could have already been dating someone more worthwhile by now instead of wasting your time going back and forth with him.

03-03-2018: after he broke up with me i was so pissed off that one day i texted him and i actually said im getting married and he should come to my wedding. But this was like last december.
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This is your problem - you have zero self-respect.


Why is that?


Cause i grew up with a feeling that everyone around me hates me and i feel like nobody is ever going to love me. Everytime i liked someone and we were close, he will end up leave me for someone else. I hated that. Cause i’ve been through it a couple of times.

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It would be best to finally go strict no contact and delete and block him from all social media and messaging platforms. You won't get him back playing games.In fact you could have already been dating someone more worthwhile by now instead of wasting your time going back and forth with him.

Yeah im doing it now. I’ve made up my mind.

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Cause i grew up with a feeling that everyone around me hates me and i feel like nobody is ever going to love me. Everytime i liked someone and we were close, he will end up leave me for someone else. I hated that. Cause i’ve been through it a couple of times.


You have to stop sticking your hand in the fire here.


Part of the issue is that you're searching for love in the wrong places. Rather than turning away when someone mistreats you, you run closer and sacrifice your self-worth hoping it will give you some temporary validation. As you can see, that doesn't work.


You have to learn yourself first and foremost. Until you can do that, you will likely keep finding yourself engaged in unhealthy relationships.

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I was in the same situation and let me tell you something : this is called «benching»

He just wants you to sit and wait for him while he tries to find another girl , let him go and ignore him completely... he will comeback again after realizing he lost you , but it will be too late ..

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I was in the same situation and let me tell you something : this is called «benching»

He just wants you to sit and wait for him while he tries to find another girl , let him go and ignore him completely... he will comeback again after realizing he lost you , but it will be too late ..


I texted him because i want explaination to why he is doing this to me. He is a coward cause he never replied me.

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I texted him because i want explaination to why he is doing this to me. He is a coward cause he never replied me.


What explanation could he really give that you would satisfy your inquiry, though?


It's not as though he's going to tell you he treats you poorly because he's a selfish jackarse who will play around with you until the next shiny object rolls into view.

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