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No Contact unsuccessful?


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What I am really asking is have you gone no contact with your ex and he/she hasn't reached out. If they haven't reached out does that mean that they are really done for good or they are just waiting for you to reach out. Any suggestions as to if I should reach out or just remain in no contact. I know some people went no contact and their ex reached out to them and some just went no contact and their ex never reached out to them

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What I am really asking is have you gone no contact with your ex and he/she hasn't reached out. If they haven't reached out does that mean that they are really done for good or they are just waiting for you to reach out. Any suggestions as to if I should reach out or just remain in no contact. I know some people went no contact and their ex reached out to them and some just went no contact and their ex never reached out to them


Yes, twice.


Both times I was serious about not remaining in each other's lives, and both times they heeded that. The break-ups were the last time I spoke to either of these two people.


If you truly want to move on, you won't contact them. (And they won't contact you, if they also want to move on.) But this varies from break-up to break-up. Why did you relationship end, OP?

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Are you using NC in hopes that the ex will miss you and thus try to contact you? NC is not really a means to manipulate people to contact you, it's meant as a means to help you get over that person and move on. Perhaps you should try doing that.

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Did anyone go through no contact and ex didnt try to contact them also?


Yes! a total of 6 weeks NC and he never not once reached out. Anyways, I think the best method is to stop counting the days or weeks of No contact and just start focusing on your future. Start with pulling out your calendar and start setting up plans. Start with this week and make plans for friday, sat and Sunday. This way, instead of looking back at the time you have spent doing No contact, you will instead be looking forward to new experiences.

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Trust me, when they contact you its pretty painful, just when you thnk you moved on you will get that text that makes you relive everything about the relationship. This happened to me yesterday almost close to 8 weeks of NC, my birthday was yesterday and I got a happy bday text from the ex. And all the memories of the relationship has started to flood my brain, this is after weeks of nothing thinking about her. Its like a pain like no other you know. Wishing you strength.

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Trust me, when they contact you its pretty painful, just when you thnk you moved on you will get that text that makes you relive everything about the relationship. This happened to me yesterday almost close to 8 weeks of NC, my birthday was yesterday and I got a happy bday text from the ex. And all the memories of the relationship has started to flood my brain, this is after weeks of nothing thinking about her. Its like a pain like no other you know. Wishing you strength.


^^^^^^^ truth

Opens a floodgate of emotions and honestly it might help temporarily , but so many setbacks occur, it's an emotional roller coaster until you get off it. A big part when it happens is to keep the mindset that most couples will not get back together, and if they do, it most often ends again. So if contact occurs, and you reply, know that it might be a temporary thing until they fade out again. Expect nothing, then there's no disappointment. I still have contact 3 months later all initiated by him, but I expect the fade, so I'm emotionally quite detached. I care for him, but I'm not looking for anything nor do I have any hope of anything. I still think if contact occurs by the ex everyone should really think hard before responding. If you're not healed I think it's a bad idea . I wish I had waited because even though I'm fine now, it did set me back a couple of times.

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