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confused by ex n hurt

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I just need anothers view b4 i go ahead n allow myself to get too upset about this.......


my bf of 9 months broke up with me out of nowhere 2 months ago...he cried, i cried, i said i wanted whatever he did, that i cared enuff to accept it n hugged him etc we held each other n said goodbye........he emailed 2 days later to further xplain sayin he hated how hes bad sharing emotions n that he isnt ready for serious rship, in which it definetly was gettin......he is the most amazing person who gave me so much in the rship that i adore him so much, the syain is true if u love them u can set them free, because he never once treated me bad broke my trust nuttin, we were like best friends.......


anyways we didnt talk for about a month, i never demanded reasns or begged him to come back but simply wanted what he did.........he called me 2 days after that to catch up, i was at a friends place and oculdnt talk long but i sent him a txt a week later thankin him for callin and apologising for not bein to talk too long.....


he know show important it is to me to be friends n he said we owuld keep in touch........


the hting is i havent talked to him since he called, like 3 weeks ago. today it was my bday........i didnt even get a happy bday txt, no email nuttin.......


that kills me. I mean i can deal with him breakin it off, i can give him space n be so understanding never even got cut with him just wnated what he did and then i get this????????? i dont even get acknolwedgement on my bday!!!!!!!!!


am i being silly being beyond upset bout this?


its like i can deal with us not bein bf gf but not being friends or him to not showing me same support i do him......


do u think im overreacting?


he has no way of being able to forget my bday as its a public holiday n he would have been reminded all day long it was today and all week in fact

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Your not being silly atall, he didnt call you on a special day and its a hurtful thing, even if you arent going out anymore, you still have perfect reason to be upset.

The reason he didnt text maybe because he knows it was a special day for you and that you would be out busy with friends and enjoying yourself. No time to text anyone, i know thats silly but he maybe felt sad that he couldnt be a part of your day and wanted to keep himself busy so that it didnt remind him of it. He contacted you because he stills wants you in his life and thats a good sign. If you are ok with being friends then why dont you give him a call? He was brave enough to call you so it wouldnt be so bad if you did the same thing? Maybe meet up and ask him why he didnt text you on your birthday. It'll put your mind more to ease.

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Given that you are broken up and fairly recently it is not a surprise that he didn't contact you on your birthday.


Much as we'd like to be friends with the ex sometimes, when the breakup is still recent, the emotions are raw and painful, and keeping in contact can be very hard to do. truly being friends after a breakup is very difficult and usually takes time, time for the romantic feelings to die away, which is the only way the friendship can survivie without someone being hurt.


Knowing that you are still having feelings for him, he may still also have some feelings for you, and there is no doubt he was thinking of you on your special day, but maybe it was just too hard to contact you, or he didn't want to get your hopes up and give you the wrong idea by calling you.


I think you have to let this go, you were not silly to be upset that he he didn't contact you, it hurts because you still care for him. BUT, you can't expect him to contact you, after all, you are broken up and he has a right to move on with his life just as you do.

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