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24/M Interested In 32/F???


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There’s this guy I’m interested in, but I don’t entirely know if he feels the same way. We work at the same school, but he’s only there once a week, while I’m there Monday through Friday. He is near me a lot, there are many times where we’ll just stare at each other, there are short conversations here and there, but never anything concrete that let’s each other know it’s okay to make a move. But I decided to by asking if he was going to the same thing I was going to that weekend, and he said no but asked if I was going (he had work), then I asked if he was going to the same thing I was going to the next day, and he got a big smile and said he might. I thought for sure he knew I liked him then. Then maybe a month later I “liked” a comment he made on a mutual Facebook friends post, I then replied to the mutual friend’s post, which in return the guy “liked” what I had written. Then 3 days later he added me as a friend on Facebook. A few days later he was sick from work, and so I sent him a Facebook message saying “word around school is you’re recovering from a cold - get well soon! :-)”. He saw the message a couple days later (about 6 hours ago), but hasn’t replied. Any thoughts???

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This isn't the guy who was smelling your hair and staring at your body parts, is he? I hope it's someone different. It sounds like your school is a hotbed of passion.


In any event, if you're interested in him and since you're the older one, you should ask him out for coffee or something. Life's too short to wait for some young, scared guy to get up the courage to ask you out. And keep in that you being a mom might scare him off. When I was 24, I don't know if I would have dated an older woman with a child. But certainly asking him out will force him to make a decision whether he's interested or not. And if he decides he's not interested, then maybe he'll stop staring at you.

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I agree. I think you should just ask him out for coffee or something...as long as it won't make your work environment awkward if he rejects you. Oh...and you had better check that there is no policy against dating a co-worker. Make sure you're upfront about having kids, too. Even if I was him and not interested in dating someone with a child, I would still appreciate the honesty and respect you for it. Good luck! I hope things work out for you! :)

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What does he do there once a week? Unfortunately he doesn't sound interested. You have made all the overtures, chasing him and he is sidestepping it to be polite. Have you joined any dating apps or sought dates socially outside of work?

We work at the same school, but he’s only there once a week, while I’m there Monday through Friday.

He is near me a lot, there are many times where we’ll just stare at each other

Then maybe a month later I “liked” a comment he made on a mutual Facebook friends post

A few days later he was sick from work, and so I sent him a Facebook message saying “word around school is you’re recovering from a cold - get well soon! :-)”. He saw the message a couple days later , but hasn’t replied.

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